Bucareli's expediente regarding complaint of mistreatment of pisones by fray Estrada at Hoyos mission.

Serial Number
Herrera, Juan Fernando de
Bucareli y Usua, Antonio Maria (Virrey)
and others
End date
Mexico, aquisimon, San Carlos. December 15, 1772-September 30, 1773. 106 p. Letters, autos, instancia. Originals, signed, copies.
Complaint by Pizones of mistreatment by fray Estrada of Hoyos mission Indians. Indians were to give labor and land to mission for 4 years in exchange for half of the production and their needs taken care of. For the last 2 weeks rations have not been supplied; missionary not meeting needs. Estrada requested to treat Indians well and return their lands as laws prohibit mistreatment of Indians. Description of mission church at Hoyos. Count of oxen, horses and mules of mission; Indians contest that there were more cattle and that they were more Mature. Request that Ramirez be responsible for management of cattle, previously mismanaged. Estrada has had harvests collected and has spent money all over; sale of almost all mission cattle by Blanco. Discussion of Indians attendance of mass, absence of idolatry. Ordovas to make journey to mission to investigate but complains of illness, distance, and dangerous Mecos which has delayed trip; told he must go despite these excuses. Puga to investigate and return land to Indians. Indians having to travel in search of food. 3 Pizones and a Pame went to Mexico City to testify that a year has passed without rations and land taken by Estrada. Descriptions of vegetable and Milpa crops grown. Testimonies of mission apames and Pizones indicate that Estrada gave corn rations the first two years and describe bloody beating by Alcaldes but directed by Estrada, and Indians given other land of lesser quality. (L. L. Woodward, September 1988)
Estrada, Joseph de (Fray)
Herrera, Juan Fernando (Procurador)
Cordova, Miguel de (Capitan)
Puga, Antonio (Capitan de las Minas)(Indio)
Ramirez de Arellano, Juan Maria (Licenciado)
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey)
Ordovas, Joseph de (Capitan)(Corregidor)
Ramirez, Antonio (Teniente)
Gonzales de Santianes, Vezente (Gobernador)
Baragar, Joseph de
Zaraquin (Teniente)
Cruz, Baltazar de la
Billa Juarez, Francisco
Aro, Pablo Antonio de
Lopes de Lara, Josef
Ventura, Joseph (Pizon)
Vidal y Figueroa, Manuel (Fray)
Panola, Juan
Blanco (Padre)
Guerrero (Padre)
Gorraez, Joseph de
Cordova Samalloa, Diego Antonio (Licenciado)
Torres, Joseph Luis
Gomes, Joseph Mariano
Peramas, Melchor de
Puente, Francisco
Quitano, Antonio de
Francisco Xavier (Pizon)
Pedrasa, Joseph Antonio
Josef Martin (Pame)
Tinagero, Nicolas
Maria Josef (India)
Soto, Juan Sebastian
Ximenez, Juan
Nava, Juan Cristobal
Diego Martin (Pame)
Juan Santiago (Pame)
Asevedo, Maria (Pame)
Reyes, Juan Melchor de los (Pame)
Castillo, Juana Maria (Pame)
Juan Christoval (Pame)
Peruche, Pedro (Pame)
Brito, Santiago
Jolla de Luna
Orcasitas, Altamina
Pameria (Pueblo)
Nueva Santander
Hoyos, Nuesta Senora de la Soledad de (Mision)
Santa Barvara (Villa)
Aguayo (Villa)
Valles, Santiago de los (Villa)
San Carlos (Villa)
Cordova, San Miguel de
Ethnic Groups
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 140 ff. 001-053 exp. 1
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 140 ff. 001-053 exp. 1
Letter incomplete/out of order
Reference Number
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