Letters between Bucareli y Ursua and Vidal de Lorca concerning his employment first in this series begins with Resuelto sobre los diversos.

Serial Number
Vidal de Lorca, Melchor (Gobernador)
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria
End date
Monterrey. March 3, 1779 - September 24, 1779. 22p. Approx Letters, military service records. Originals.
A Series of letters primarily between Vidal de Lorca and Bucareli y Ursua that discuss the role of Verridi in supervising Vidal de Lorca's duties as gobernador and a request for his cooperation, contributions that are made by the Hacendados towards the protection of this area from hostile forces, answer to a letter by Vidal de Lorca in which he expresses doubts about the royal fifth as it pertains to gold leaving the churches and Bucareli tells him that the churches are not exempt and that in the future questions such as these should be addressed to the royal advisor, a guarantor (Diez de Sollano) for the house that Vidal de Lorca was using in his role of governor, Galvez making duplicates of a representation of a royal audience, Vidal de Lorca's situation of being relieved as governor without pay and his request for the intercession of Mayorga (the new virrey) in this matter, and Vidal de Lorca's military service record up until his last post of gobernador del Nuevo Reyno de Leon. (O. Velez, January 1989)
Verridi, Antonio (Regidor)
Vidal de Lorca, Melchor
Diez de Sollano, Francisco
Sanchez Casahonda, Juan (Fiscal)
Galvez, Jose de
Vidal de Lorca, Francisco
Villena, Maria Theresa
Fereiro, Fransisco (Capitan)
Sexto, Fernando
Coria (Villa)
Lebrisa (Villa)
Nicaragua (Provincia)
Nuevo Reyno de Leon
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 117 ff. 201-212 exp. 1
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 117 ff. 201-212 exp. 1
Folio unnumbered. First in this series begins with phrase found above in title.
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