Letters concerning different military matters regarding one of Cuellar's expeditions against Indians, also series of testimonies concerning auction of sheep in Chihuahua.

Serial Number
Cuellar, Lope de
Virrey (?)
Gonzales de novoa, Domingo Antonio
Beginning date
End date
Dolores. November 16, 1768 to April 25, 1769. 120p. Transcriptions.
Documents discussing contributions given by various people to cazique summa for tools and oxen for the land of San Lorenzo, mention of tools and beasts given by Cuellar. Notarized documents concerning management of public funds by capitulares of Cavildo and deputies of commerce and mines of Chihuahua funds to be used as ordered by Cuellar while he is absent in expedition against Indians. Tunon appointed as temporary governor on Cuellar's absence. Documents stating man-power of Cuellar's troops for expedition and his plans to examine land on frontiers of Nueva Vizcaya. Testimonies giving detailed description of auction of sheep, of bidders, prizes and money gained - will be used for extraction of water, also mention of scarcity of cattle meat. Cuellar expresses doubts about effectiveness of such action. (M. Vasquez, July 1988)
Cuellar, Lope de (Capitan)
Croix, Marques de (Virrey)
Fernandez de, San Salvador
Blas, Joachin (Escribano)
Ibarra, Juan Antonio
Urquidi, Manuel de
Arechavala, Severino
Guruzeaga, Sebastian
Barrio, Pedro del (Capitan)
Bezerril, Diego
Tunon, Pedro (Gobernador)
Campo, Francisco Manuel del
Queipo de Llano, Pedro Antonio
Martinez, Juan Antonio
Borvolla, Joseph de la
Gonzales de Novoa, Domingo Antonio (Regidor)
Barrandequi, Juan Joseph
Frijoles (Capitan)
Gutierrez Castillo, Antonio (Corregidor)
Marinelarena, Martin (Alcalde)
Fuente y Rivero, Pedro Joseph de la (Capitan)
Fernandez de Zea, Francisco
Garcia, Manuel
Castillo, Francisco del
Torre, Chrisanto de la
Ruano, Manuel
Canuela, Miguel
Gradilla Orejon, Diego
Sanchez de Bustamante, Joachin
Cadrecha, Pedro Antonio
Galvez, Bernardo
Duro, Francisco
Dolores (Hacienda)
Chiguagua, San Phelipe del Real de (Villa)
San Lorenzo del Real
Passo del Rio del Norte (Presidio)
Tarahumara Alta
Tarahumara Baja
Rio Grande
Guadalupe (Sierras)
Santa Eulalia
Durango (Ciudad)
Ethnic Groups
Military Groups
Nueba Espana, Regimiento de la Corona de
First Location
Vol. 098 pp. 488-551
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vil. 098 Pp. 488-551
Ff. 489-490 out of order. Ff. 490, 498, 522 repeated twice. Document on ff, 502 continues on ff. 505. Document on ff. 510 continues on ff. 551. Appears in indice del ramo as exp. 1
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