Diarios de comision and letter from Borica discussing matters in missions as they relate to the Indians. First in this series begins with the phrase paso a manos...12 del corriente.
Serial Number
Borica, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
End date
Chihuahua, Mexico. May 27, 1791 - July 7, 1791. 8pp. Approximate. Letters, diarios de comision. Originals, copies.
Travel diary from may 12, 1791 thru may 26, 1791, Indian from Geronimo informs Borica that he was asked to pay 14 pesos for marriage service by minister and how that practice is not sanctioned; marquez proclaims a piece of land Indians in area manifest opposition, Borica delegates matter to subdelegado in order to adjudicate matter, Indians seeking money from fondo de temporalidades so they can participate in an auction of livestock belonging to Benecomo. Teniente general of San Geronimo goes to Borica to seek rights to celebrate burials, marriages, and baptisms in his Pueblo. Removes servitude of Indians in missions of Taraumara run by colegio Guadalupe de Zacatecas of having to give two days work to religious institutions. Seeks information on status of reduction in Sierra Madre; follows instructions to prepare list of prisoners in each jurisdiction, mentions information to be recorded during used, name of Pueblo, goods owned, harvest for 1791, condition of land, servitude if any, if ovenciones were paid, if there exists community property, information on synods, what peoples are allowed into pueblos; letter that discusses letter written by Rouset to Barry asking clarification of rule of not making Indians work without pay; this rule does not exempt Indians from being required to work on churches, houses for ministers, land, and community property with understanding that this work will not occupy more than two days of work a week, with respect to practice of having missionaries administer the community properties (improperly called the temporalidades) they are to distribute evenly the products derived from this property, if Indians resist practice of contributing two days work royal judges can become involved. (O. Velez, March 1989)
Borica, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de
Marquez, Antonio (Capitan)
Benecomo, (Capitan)
Barry, Phelipe (Governador)
Rouset, Fransisco (Fray)
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo
Gomez, Fransisco (Fray)(Escribano)
Cienega de los Olibos
San Geronimo (Curato)
Papigochy (Pueblo)
Santo Tomas (Pueblo)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 162 ff. 191-195 (Approx) exp. 6
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 162 ff. 191-195 (Appro
Folios unnumbered.. First in this series begins with the phrase found above in title
Reference Number
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