Correspondence between Fueros, viceroy, and others regarding placeres at Cieneguilla.

Serial Number
Fueros, Pedro
and others
Beginning date
End date
Cieneguilla, Terrenate. January 10, 1774 - May 24, 1775. 216p. Letters, originals, drafts. Signed, unsigned.
Documents dealing with mining production and worker's situation in placeres. others deal with formation of compania de comercio para el trabajo de las Labores de oro. discussion of finances and labor supply needs. Discussion of Apaches troubling the region; raiding Mule trains, missionaries, and people. Discussion of mining techniques and equipment, and Weather and terrain problems. Fueros discusses need to change production levels and efforts to inspire laborers who are not suited for work. Insufficient amounts of gold for royal fifth at times. Discussion of finances of church construction and refusals to contribute by some people. Discussion of laborer's movements from Placeres to their homes for vacations for planting and harvesting. Discovery of new mines, and water needs in some mines. Discusses various fiscal matters and salaries. (S. Fiederlein, June 1987)
Fueros, Pedro (Capitan)
Bucarely y Ursua, Antonio (Virrey)
Crespo, Francisco Antonio (Gobernador)
Rodriguez, Josef
Rosillo, Sevastian Aparicio (Arriero Conductor)
Aguirre, Juan Antonio (Arriero Conductor)
Borbolla, Joachin (Padre)
Hijoso, Francisco (Tesorero)
Paramas, Melchor de
Moreno, Josef Pedro
Elizondo, Domingo (Brigadier)
Anza, Juan Bautista de (Capitan)
Urrea, Bernardo (Capitan)
Bustamente, Manuel (Comerciante)
Solohaga, Mariano Atanasio
Alvarado, Andres
Lenez, Juan Josef
Verenguer, Francisco
Espinosa, Josef Maria
Sanchez, Pascual
Luviano, Laurencio
Serrano, Josef Antonio
Veltman, Josef Manuel
Crespo, Miguel
Fuente, Pedro de la
Garcia Manso, Antonio (Arriero Conductor)
Yribarren, Ramon de (Comerciante)
Algorri, Francisco
Azuela, Manuel de la (Teniente)
Croix, Marquez de
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente)
Terrenate (Presidio)
San Miguel (Presidio)
Sinaloa (Villa)
Monte Rey
Altar (Presidio)
Horcasitas, San Miguel de (Villa)
Culiacan (Villa)
Chinipa (Pueblo)
Alamos (Real)
San Marcial (Paraje)
Pimeria Alta
Sariqui (Pueblo)
Tubutama (Pueblo)
Huerta, San Antonio de la (Real)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 090 ff. 168-275
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 090 ff. 168-275
Reference Number
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