Various letters to and from viceroy about legal and political issues and appointments in 1774.

Serial Number
Perez de Santiago y Oropesa, Matias
and others.
End date
Durango. April 7, 1774. 28p. Letters. Informes. Peticiones. Signed
Strange letter to viceroy from Oropesa requesting help. Letter from viceroy to mayor of Durango about process governor has against Chamorro for problems with Irigoyen inventory; advising mayor to respect governor by word or deed or suffer consequences. Decision made by junta de guerra y hacienda to pay members of expedition to Chiguagua and Indian auxiliaries with silver contributed by mines of Chiguagua and Santa Eulalia. Letter from viceroy to administrator Rusi about culpability of Azcarate with mail diversion and Azcarate self- incrimination by running away; orders issued to find Azcarate's whereabouts and punish him. Questions about roles of elected diputados personeros del comun. Orders issued from viceroy for officials to read existing instructions and follow them. Letter from Marinetarena about quantity of grain he contributed to expedition of Chiguagua. (A. Dell'acqua, December 1987)
Perez de Santiago y Oropesa, Matias
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio (Virrey)
Sanchez Manzanero, Antonio (Capellan)
Diaz Alcantara, Jose (Capellan)
Cantador, Felipe (Capellan)
Chamorro, Buenaventura
Irigoyen, Antonio de (Juez)
Campo y Pinedo, Tomas de (Alcalde de Primer Voto)
Barcena, Joseph de (Licenciado)
Santa Marina y Soto (Alcalde de Primer Voto)
Croix, Marquez de (Virrey)
Campo, Francisco Xavier del (Diputado Personero)
Uranga, Salvador de (Diputado Personero)
Marinetarena, Martin de
Rusi, Pedro (Contador de Alcavalas)
Durango (Villa)
Chiguagua (Real)
Paramos, Melchor de
Nueva Vizcaya (Provincia)
Santa Eulalia (Real)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 049 ff. 290-308
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 049 ff. 290-308
Reference Number
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