Browse by name

Person Last Name Title Date
Salcedo y Salcedo, Soler Cayetano Circulation of royal order establishing a port at Bahia San Bernardo in Texas. 02-11-1806
Salcedo y Salcedo, Soler Cayetano Circulation of royal order establishing a port at Bahia San Bernardo in Texas. 02-11-1806
Salcedo Report of canon, rifles and gunpowder supplies at Santa Fe and Zuni. 08-31-1808
Flores Mogollon, Estrada Anttillon y Austuria Castellano, Gomez Davila, Ortiz, Moreno, Gilthomey, Acosta, Sandoval Martinez, Pineda, Loca, Torres, Texada, Aguilar, Lopez Antonio Ruibal, Tarames, Bueno de Bohorques y Concuera, Arias de Quiroz, Montes, Montes Vexil, Hoyo, Cabrera, Rivera Residencia of administration of Juan Ignacio Flores Mogollon (gobernador). 05-21-1721
Cedallos y Rabal, Montoia, Unanue, Baca, Romero, Bejil, Sisneros, Martin, Armijo, Lobato, Romo de Vera Joseph, Beitia, Bustamante, Garcia, Sanz de Garvizu, Zevallos, Ribera, Garduno, Uilbarri, Thenorio, Ortiz, Baca, Guerrero, Garcia de Noriega, Rendon Testimony by various citizens and Indians charging conspiracy against nine Indians of various pueblos for secret meetings with enemy Indians. 04-30-1748
Cedallos y Rabal, Montoia, Unanue, Baca, Romero, Bejil, Sisneros, Martin, Armijo, Lobato, Romo de Vera Joseph, Beitia, Bustamante, Garcia, Sanz de Garvizu, Zevallos, Ribera, Garduno, Uilbarri, Thenorio, Ortiz, Baca, Guerrero, Garcia de Noriega, Rendon Testimony by various citizens and Indians charging conspiracy against nine Indians of various pueblos for secret meetings with enemy Indians. 04-30-1748
Serra, Montes, Dominguez, Gongara, Ruiz, Rodriguez, Rodriguez Cubero, Patino de las Casas Proceedings of settlement of claims by soldiers of Santa Fe presidio against governor Pedro Rodriguez de Cubero. 07-00-1713
Gilthomey, Florez Mogollon, Hurtado, Sanchez, Rodriquez, Tapia, Roque Gutierrez, Montoya, Zapata, Medina, Vargas, Pacheco, Silva Registration of land grants before Cabildo of Santa Fe. 07-21-1713
Gilthomey, Florez Mogollon, Hurtado, Sanchez, Rodriquez, Tapia, Roque Gutierrez, Montoya, Zapata, Medina, Vargas, Pacheco, Silva Registration of land grants before Cabildo of Santa Fe. 07-21-1713
Salcedo Viceregal bando warning on admittance of French and others disposed to promote the ideas of Napolean. 04-18-1809
Salcedo Bando prohibiting cruel punishments. 08-08-1809
Salcedo Bando on annual fair of european goods in valle de San Bartolome. 12-18-1805
Salcedo Economic development of New Mexico. 10-20-1803
Sanches Pereyra, Anza Bando on cultivation on flax and sugar cane. 43-0A-1780
Sanches Pereyra Official instructions to commissioners of the direccion general de Alcabalas y pulque. 04-23-1783
Melgares, Arce, Rey, Ordas, Caballero, Garcia Conde, Griego, Saranases Melgares, Facundo. Report on officers dropped and added to the Santa Fee presidio company. 12-31-1821
Melgares, Alario, Bernal, Baca, Sanches, Salaices, Garcia, Armijo, Tapia, Ortiz, Silva, Baca, Tajolla, Baca, Torre Melgares, Facundo. Summary of the service records of non-commissioned officers and carabineros. 12-31-1821
Melgares, Alario, Bernal, Baca, Sanches, Salaices, Garcia, Armijo, Tapia, Ortiz, Silva, Baca, Tajolla, Baca, Torre Melgares, Facundo. Summary of the service records of non-commissioned officers and carabineros. 12-31-1821
Melgares, Alario, Bernal, Baca, Sanches, Salaices, Garcia, Armijo, Tapia, Ortiz, Silva, Baca, Tajolla, Baca, Torre Melgares, Facundo. Summary of the service records of non-commissioned officers and carabineros. 12-31-1821
Melgares, Caballero, Sarananes, Griego, Granados, Chabes, Offallen Melgares, Facundo. Service records of officers. 12-21-1821
Holdes, Negrete, Barrera, Iturbide, Lopez, Castro, Enguero, Menchoca, Navarro, Granado, Beramendi, Flores, Salina, Sancedo, Lasagai, Garcia, Guillen, Castano . December 4, 1821 copy of the gaceta imperial del Mexico with news of political and economic interest. Several reports from various locations published, including one from Bejar in Texas dealing with Indian relations. 12-04-1821
Holdes, Negrete, Barrera, Iturbide, Lopez, Castro, Enguero, Menchoca, Navarro, Granado, Beramendi, Flores, Salina, Sancedo, Lasagai, Garcia, Guillen, Castano . December 4, 1821 copy of the gaceta imperial del Mexico with news of political and economic interest. Several reports from various locations published, including one from Bejar in Texas dealing with Indian relations. 12-04-1821
Saabedra, Melgares, Romero, Garcia Saabedra, Francisco to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting on sale of shoes in his alcaldia that had been sent to purchase grain. 11-28-1821
Ruis, Melgares, Lovato, Salaises Ruis, Antonio to Melgares, Facundo. Acknowledging receipt of shoes, and reporting on their distribution. 11-27-1821
Xaramillo, Sanches, Melgares Xaramillo, Jose to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting on Miguel Sanches' failure to report for campaign duty. 10-24-1821
Antonio, Espinosa de los Monteros, Suarez Pereda Junta provisional gubernativa. Printed manifiesto announcing independence. 10-13-1821
Domingues, Antonio, Espinosa de los Monteros, Suares Pereda, Yturbide, Barcena, Yanes, Velasques de Leon, Garcia Conde, Negrete, Velasco Dominguez, Jose. Transmitting decree of imperial regency calling for three days of prayer to gain divine support for the nation. 10-07-1821
Antonio, Espinosa de Monteros, Suarez Pereda, Iturbide, Barcena, Velasquez de Leon, Herrera Imperial regency. Decree ordering verification of proclamation of independence, and the oath of allegiance to the empire. 10-06-1821
Dominguez, Antonio, Espinosa de los Monteros, Suares Pereda, Yturbide, Barcena, Yanes, Velasquez de Leon, Negrete, Garcia Conde, Velasco Dominguez, Jose. Circular from imperial regency confirming all officials in their positions. 10-05-1821
Bellido, Alonso, Riega, Jiron, Salas, Chabes, Aragon, Sanches Bellido, Manuel to ayuntamiento. Request for certification of religious services performed at Santo Domingo, Pina Blanca and la Baxada. Certification of September 29, 1821 appended. 09-26-1821
Bellido, Alonso, Riega, Jiron, Salas, Chabes, Aragon, Sanches Bellido, Manuel to ayuntamiento. Request for certification of religious services performed at Santo Domingo, Pina Blanca and la Baxada. Certification of September 29, 1821 appended. 09-26-1821
Romero, Melgares, Sabedra, Torres Romero, Vicente. Complaining of contribution of four reales extracted by alcalde to support secretary and common fund. 08-30-1821
Melgares, Chaves, Pena, Salasar Melgares, Facundo to ayuntamiento. Transmitting copies of a statement by Francisco Xavier Chaves and others and reporting on size of force participating in navajo campaign. 08-27-1821
Melgares, Pino, Chaves, Ravi de Celis, Sanches, Beita, Iraise, Pena Ayuntamiento to Melgares, Facundo. Acknowledging receipt of Pino's proclamation and concerning campaign against the navajo. 08-27-1821
Salasar, Valdes, Melgares Salasar, Jose Manuel to Melgares, Facundo. Acknowledging receipt of Pino's proclamation, and concerning a campaign. 08-26-1821
Savedra, Melgares, Pino Savedra, Francisco to Melgares, Facundo. Acknowledging receipt of Pinos proclamation and Melgares' letter. 08-22-1821
Melgares, Bernal, Baca, Sanches, Salaices, Garcia, Armijo, Tapia, Ortis Melgares, Facundo. Summary of the service records of sergeants and corporals. 06-30-1821
Melgares, Bernal, Baca, Sanches, Salaices, Garcia, Armijo, Tapia, Ortis Melgares, Facundo. Summary of the service records of sergeants and corporals. 06-30-1821
Cavallero, Riucle, Gallego, Gallego, Gallego, Rivera, Lopes, Romo, Venavides, Roybal, Telles, Sandoval, Abrego, Salaises, Lusero, Sandoval Cavallero, Jose. List of soldiers named to an expedition (partido). 04-26-1821
Cavallero, Riucle, Gallego, Gallego, Gallego, Rivera, Lopes, Romo, Venavides, Roybal, Telles, Sandoval, Abrego, Salaises, Lusero, Sandoval Cavallero, Jose. List of soldiers named to an expedition (partido). 04-26-1821
Cavallero, Riucle, Gallego, Gallego, Gallego, Rivera, Lopes, Romo, Venavides, Roybal, Telles, Sandoval, Abrego, Salaises, Lusero, Sandoval Cavallero, Jose. List of soldiers named to an expedition (partido). 04-26-1821
Melgares, Sanches Vergara, Armijo, Cabesa de Baca, Baca, Pino Melgares, Facundo to junta de provincia. Report on removal of constitutional alcalde of Xemes and overcharging Xemes Indians for contribution to send deputy to Cortes. 04-18-1821
Duran, Melgares, Alexandro, Muniz, Saabedra Duran, Manuel to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting on absence of elector Alexandro and settlement of a law suit. Reply appended. 02-19-1821
Melgares, Carlos, Sandoval, Gutierres Melgares, Facundo to alcalde of Alameda. 02-17-1821
Salasar, Melgares Salasar, Jose Manuel to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting on the publication of decrees. Reply appended. 02-02-1821
Soquie, Melgares, Sanches Bergara, Lopes, Montoya, Sandoval, Armenta, Truxillo, Baca, Balberde, Montoya, Montoya, Montoya Soquie, Antonio. 02-07-1821
Soquie, Melgares, Sanches Bergara, Lopes, Montoya, Sandoval, Armenta, Truxillo, Baca, Balberde, Montoya, Montoya, Montoya Soquie, Antonio. 02-07-1821
Soquie, Melgares, Sanches Bergara, Lopes, Montoya, Sandoval, Armenta, Truxillo, Baca, Balberde, Montoya, Montoya, Montoya Soquie, Antonio. 02-07-1821
Melgares, Ordas, Caballero, Griego, Sarananez, Alario Melgares, Facundo. Summary of the service records of the officers of the Santa Fee presidio company. 01-01-1821
Melgares, Garcia, Gallego, Benavides, Armenta, Aragon, Benavides, Dominguez, Armijo, Telles, Aragon, Campos, Baca, Baca, Salaises, Pacheco, Arce Melgares, Facundo. Report on soldiers eligible for service premiums. 01-01-1821