Browse by name

Person Last Name Title Date
Martines, Vigil, Pena, Padinja, Otero, Trugillo, Pereyro, Allande, Torres, Ortis, Truxillo, Gonsales, Lusero, Sandoval, Sanches, Salazar, Achuleta, Sanches, Cortes, Gonsales, Vigil, Ygar Severino Martines. 09-24-1816
Martines, Vigil, Pena, Padinja, Otero, Trugillo, Pereyro, Allande, Torres, Ortis, Truxillo, Gonsales, Lusero, Sandoval, Sanches, Salazar, Achuleta, Sanches, Cortes, Gonsales, Vigil, Ygar Severino Martines. 09-24-1816
Martines, Vigil, Pena, Padinja, Otero, Trugillo, Pereyro, Allande, Torres, Ortis, Truxillo, Gonsales, Lusero, Sandoval, Sanches, Salazar, Achuleta, Sanches, Cortes, Gonsales, Vigil, Ygar Severino Martines. 09-24-1816
Sanchez Vergara, Allande Sanchez Vergara, Ygnacio Maria to Allande, Pedro Maria de. Sanchez Vergara informs Allande he has paid the Indians from Zia; asks extension on other debt due to poor health and economic hardship. 09-27-1816
Sanchez Vergara, Allande Sanchez Vergara, Ygnacio Maria to Allande, Pedro Maria de. Concerns compensation for injuries caused by a stampede. 09-12-1816
Sandoval, Sanchez Vergara, Borrego . Damages due to stampede. 09-14-1816
Sandoval, Sanchez Vergara, Borrego . Damages due to stampede. 09-14-1816
Sanchez Vergara, Allande Sanchez Vegara, Ygnacio Maria. Navajos charge Spaniards with complicity in comanche attacks on their village. 08-21-1816
Sanchez Vergara, Allende, Alvarez, Balberde Sanchez Vergara, Ygnacio Maria (alcalde mayor). Letter and copies of oaths sent to governor swearing that the main citizens of Xemes have not aided or cooperated with the rebellion. 06-21-1816
Sanchez Vergara, Ortiz, Sandoval, Allande, Montoya, Ruiz, Gallardo, Mestas, Sanchez, Baldez, Sandoval Sanchez Vergara, Ygnacio. Testimony in the suit brought by Tomas Sandoval against Sanchez Vergara. 08-01-1816
Sanchez Vergara, Ortiz, Sandoval, Allande, Montoya, Ruiz, Gallardo, Mestas, Sanchez, Baldez, Sandoval Sanchez Vergara, Ygnacio. Testimony in the suit brought by Tomas Sandoval against Sanchez Vergara. 08-01-1816
Sanchez Vergara, Ortiz, Sandoval, Allande, Montoya, Ruiz, Gallardo, Mestas, Sanchez, Baldez, Sandoval Sanchez Vergara, Ygnacio. Testimony in the suit brought by Tomas Sandoval against Sanchez Vergara. 08-01-1816
Sanchez Vergara, Ortiz, Sandoval, Allande, Montoya, Ruiz, Gallardo, Mestas, Sanchez, Baldez, Sandoval Sanchez Vergara, Ygnacio. Testimony in the suit brought by Tomas Sandoval against Sanchez Vergara. 08-01-1816
Sanchez Vergara, Allende Sanchez Vergara, Ygnacio Maria to Allande, Pedro de. note to teniente coronel Allende stating has received request to Gypsum but thus far no cooperation from zia Indians in order to transport the supply. 05-05-1816
Montes, Bonavia, Fernando VII, Sotero, Ponse de Leon, Rascon, Bernal, Ponce Montes, Rafael. Report of ceremony proclaiming fidelity to king Ferdinand VII. 10-15-1815
Chaves, Chaves, Pino, Maynez, Pino, Olona, Bustamante, Baca, Arteaga, Sanchez Chaves, Maria Ursula to Pino, Pedro Bautista. Suit to recover debt. 08-15-1815
Bonavia y Zapata, Ponce de Leon, Sotero Bonavia y Zapata, Bernardo (comandante general). Proclamation of comandante general denouncing rebel representatives to so called national congress and ordering their arrest. 07-26-1815
Salazar Salazar, Francisco. Roster of the cavalry. 07-29-1815
Salazar, Martin, Martin, Quintana, Trugillo, Lopes, Garcia, Vigil, Gallego, Montoya Salazar, Francisco. Administrative documents. 06-13-1815
Ortiz, Maynez, Sandoval Ortiz, Matias (alcalde mayor). Parade permit for group of penitentes to March and declare loyalty and devotion to king. 04-15-1815
Ruiz, Sandoval, Chaves, Chaves, Chaves, Garzia, Zedillo, Maynez Ruiz, Manuel to Maynez, Alberto. Letters discussing appointment of mail carrier and about the debt owed by Antonio Sandoval and attempts to collect it. 04-15-1815
Salasar, Martin, Garcia, Zisneros Salazar, Francisco. Service records of officers and sergeants of the militia of la Canada. 11-31-1814
Baca, Elias Gonzalez, Arregui, Sotelo, Ortiz, Bazan, Arce . Copy book of drafts of eight letters to comandante general informing him of lack of paper for schools in Santa Fe: notice of sighting of Apache rancheria near Sabinal;momorial on accounts of soldiers of Santa Fe company... 11-00-1814
Sanchez Vergara, Montoya, Sandoval, Gonzoles, Truxillo Sanchez Vergara, Ygnacio to Sandoval, Tomas. Banishment of Jose Estanislao Truxillo, vezino of Xemez for disturbing the peace. 08-01-1814
Sanchez Vergara, Montoya, Sandoval, Gonzoles, Truxillo Sanchez Vergara, Ygnacio to Sandoval, Tomas. Banishment of Jose Estanislao Truxillo, vezino of Xemez for disturbing the peace. 08-01-1814
Gonzales, Cordero, Ortiz, Chacon, Bizente, Manrrique, Pino, Larranaga, Truxillo, Baca, Romero, Quegue, Salazar, Romero, Angel, Rubi, Chaves, Sanches, Torres, Maese, Manuel, Griego, Valencia, Montoya, Baca, Romero, Majada, Motoya, Aragon, Romero, Bonavia Gonzales, Josef Manuel/Cordero, Juan Domingo to Manrrique, animals from the comanches. 06-08-1814
Gonzales, Cordero, Ortiz, Chacon, Bizente, Manrrique, Pino, Larranaga, Truxillo, Baca, Romero, Quegue, Salazar, Romero, Angel, Rubi, Chaves, Sanches, Torres, Maese, Manuel, Griego, Valencia, Montoya, Baca, Romero, Majada, Motoya, Aragon, Romero, Bonavia Gonzales, Josef Manuel/Cordero, Juan Domingo to Manrrique, animals from the comanches. 06-08-1814
Ruis, Itteita, Zuni, Ansana, Abeita, Abeita, Chaves, Chaves Baca, Chaves, Yturnieta, Chaves, Chaves, Padilla, Montoya, PadillaBorego, Maese, Padilla, Padilla, Sanchez, Chaves, Apodaca, Padilla, Padilla, Padilla, Sarrasino, Gist, Pena Ruis (?), Manuel. Records of contributions to the navajos. 06-30-1814
Ruis, Itteita, Zuni, Ansana, Abeita, Abeita, Chaves, Chaves Baca, Chaves, Yturnieta, Chaves, Chaves, Padilla, Montoya, PadillaBorego, Maese, Padilla, Padilla, Sanchez, Chaves, Apodaca, Padilla, Padilla, Padilla, Sarrasino, Gist, Pena Ruis (?), Manuel. Records of contributions to the navajos. 06-30-1814
Lao, Delgado, Ortiz, Sarracino, Tenorio, Manrrique, Abreu, Aconta, Galindo, Angulo, Moya, Moreno, Baca, Ortiz, Caballero Ferdon, Martin, Delgado, Fernandez, Tafoya Lao, Soledad de. Suit for recovery of debt. 03-21-1814
Sanchez Vergara Sanchez Vergara, Ygnacio. Descriptive plan of the cathedral of Santa Fe, its construction building materials, size and furnishings. 03-12-1814
Montes, Jauregui, Ochoa, Ortiz, Sanchez Alvarez, Chavez . Report on the election of deputies to the Cortes from Nuevo Mexico and Nueva Vizcayas. 03-13-1814
Bonavia y Zapata, Fernando Septimo, Castillo, Ruiz, Goyanes, Borbon, Agar, Siscar, Albares Guerra, Velares Bonavia, Bernardo. Royal order on disposition of lands and products. 02-28-1814
Calleja del Rey, Fernando VII, Sombiela, Goyanes, Clemente, Borbon, Agar, Ciscar, Alvarez Guerra, Negreyros y Soria Calleja del Rey, Felix Maria. Order on reduction of taxes by the Cortes. 03-04-1814
Chirinos, Chaves, Sangre, Apodaca, Rosa, Ruiz, Olguin, Cachilla, Pena, Ruiz, Manrrique Chirinos, Juan Pedro. Re: dispute over inherited property. 03-07-1814
Bonavia, Fernando Septimo, Sombiela, Goyanes, Clemente, Borbon, Agar, Ciscar, Donojir Bonavia, Bernardo. Royal order re: premiums to troops. 01-28-1814
Sais, Ortiz, Esquivel, Barela, Pacheco, Manrrique Sais, Josef Maria. Accusation of theft. 11-02-1813
Manrrique, Perea, Gonzalez, Miera, Elias Gonzalez, Sanchez Vergara, Sandobal, Riega, Tafoya, Garcia, Alarid, Gurule, Armijo, Catarina, Garcia, Archiveque Manrrique, Jose to Elias Gonzalez, Ygnacio. Re: abuses inflicted on Indians by residents and the appointment of a defender and protector of the Indians. 09-06-1813
Manrrique, Perea, Gonzalez, Miera, Elias Gonzalez, Sanchez Vergara, Sandobal, Riega, Tafoya, Garcia, Alarid, Gurule, Armijo, Catarina, Garcia, Archiveque Manrrique, Jose to Elias Gonzalez, Ygnacio. Re: abuses inflicted on Indians by residents and the appointment of a defender and protector of the Indians. 09-06-1813
Calleja del Rey, Sombiela, Goyanes, Clemente, Negreyros y Soria Calleja del Rey, Felix Maria. Royal decree on nullity in criminal cases. 07-17-1813
Calleja del Rey, Sombiela, Goyanes, Clemente Calleja del Rey, Felix Maria. Royal decree abolishing certain priviliges previously granted. 07-19-1813
Sanchez Vergara, Cavallero, Cavallero, Sanchez Vergara, Montoya, Mestas, Josef, Narvaes, Ermeregildo, Wainas, Simon, Lopez Sanchez Vergara, Ygnacio to Manrrique, Josef. Proceedings in trial for theft. 06-30-1813
Sanchez Vergara, Cavallero, Cavallero, Sanchez Vergara, Montoya, Mestas, Josef, Narvaes, Ermeregildo, Wainas, Simon, Lopez Sanchez Vergara, Ygnacio to Manrrique, Josef. Proceedings in trial for theft. 06-30-1813
Sanchez Vergara, Cavallero, Cavallero, Sanchez Vergara, Montoya, Mestas, Josef, Narvaes, Ermeregildo, Wainas, Simon, Lopez Sanchez Vergara, Ygnacio to Manrrique, Josef. Proceedings in trial for theft. 06-30-1813
Mestas, Ortiz, Armenta, Sanchez Vergara, Armenta, Armenta, Gutierrez, Manrrique, Sandoval, Ruiz Mestas, Antonio Josef to Armenta, Antonio. Suit pertinent to work on an acequia. 07-07-1813
Mestas, Ortiz, Armenta, Sanchez Vergara, Armenta, Armenta, Gutierrez, Manrrique, Sandoval, Ruiz Mestas, Antonio Josef to Armenta, Antonio. Suit pertinent to work on an acequia. 07-07-1813
Ortiz, Pena, Martines, Elisarre, Gurule, Ortega, Pino de la Almeda, Griego, Guerrero, Munis, Chaves, Arias, Valencia, Griego, Montoya, Munis, Gallego, Sais, Brito, Sais, Apodaca, Aragon, Damian, Martin, Aragon, Mora, Sais, Romero, Garcia, Montano, Montano, Samora, Samora, Manrrique . Petition for new road. 07-12-1813
Ortiz, Pena, Martines, Elisarre, Gurule, Ortega, Pino de la Almeda, Griego, Guerrero, Munis, Chaves, Arias, Valencia, Griego, Montoya, Munis, Gallego, Sais, Brito, Sais, Apodaca, Aragon, Damian, Martin, Aragon, Mora, Sais, Romero, Garcia, Montano, Montano, Samora, Samora, Manrrique . Petition for new road. 07-12-1813
Ortiz, Pena, Martines, Elisarre, Gurule, Ortega, Pino de la Almeda, Griego, Guerrero, Munis, Chaves, Arias, Valencia, Griego, Montoya, Munis, Gallego, Sais, Brito, Sais, Apodaca, Aragon, Damian, Martin, Aragon, Mora, Sais, Romero, Garcia, Montano, Montano, Samora, Samora, Manrrique . Petition for new road. 07-12-1813
Ortiz, Pena, Martines, Elisarre, Gurule, Ortega, Pino de la Almeda, Griego, Guerrero, Munis, Chaves, Arias, Valencia, Griego, Montoya, Munis, Gallego, Sais, Brito, Sais, Apodaca, Aragon, Damian, Martin, Aragon, Mora, Sais, Romero, Garcia, Montano, Montano, Samora, Samora, Manrrique . Petition for new road. 07-12-1813