Feliz, Valdez, Granados, Heros, Castillo, Romero, Garcia de las Prietas, Estrada, Valenzuela, Valenzuela, Gonzalez, Blanco, Salgado, Canzio, Croix, Aragon, Galvez, Peiran, Fueros, Gutierrez, Lopez de la Paliza, Grimarest, Garcia, Rocha, Gutierrez del Mazo, Bringas de Mamaneda, Nava, Guemes y Horcasitas, Navarro, Gachi, Orabuena, Ybarguen, Zuzuarregui, Francisco, Ugarte, Oviedo, Maximiliano, Corvalan |
Correspondence between Feliz, viceroy, Nava, and other government officials concerning payment of sinodos to Valdez. |
08-00-1767 |
Feliz, Valdez, Granados, Heros, Castillo, Romero, Garcia de las Prietas, Estrada, Valenzuela, Valenzuela, Gonzalez, Blanco, Salgado, Canzio, Croix, Aragon, Galvez, Peiran, Fueros, Gutierrez, Lopez de la Paliza, Grimarest, Garcia, Rocha, Gutierrez del Mazo, Bringas de Mamaneda, Nava, Guemes y Horcasitas, Navarro, Gachi, Orabuena, Ybarguen, Zuzuarregui, Francisco, Ugarte, Oviedo, Maximiliano, Corvalan |
Correspondence between Feliz, viceroy, Nava, and other government officials concerning payment of sinodos to Valdez. |
08-00-1767 |
Lopez, Villa, Nava, Grimarest, Corbalan, Ortega, Sonora, Rodriguez, Pose, Usoz, Galvez, Garibay, Vital de Yntu, Zamora, Espinosa, Gorostiza |
List of letters concerning mulato military troop in Mazatlan. |
00-00-1768 |
Reyes Pozo |
List of letters about punishment of opata soldier. |
03-03-1789 |
Gutierrez, Aranda, Revilla Gigedo, Alvarez, Cervantes, Martinez del Campo, Barron |
Correspondence between Gutierrez, Aranda, and viceroy concerning medicine supplies for Arispe. |
03-31-1790 |
Nava, Revilla Gigedo, Denojeant, Echeagaray, Mata, Medina, Vildosola, Rivero, Leiba, Gorostiza, Garcia y Bringas |
Correspondence between Nava, viceroy, and other government officials concerning appointment of Garcia y Bringas. |
03-09-1792 |
Nava, Revilla Gigedo, Denojeant, Echeagaray, Mata, Medina, Vildosola, Rivero, Leiba, Gorostiza, Garcia y Bringas |
Correspondence between Nava, viceroy, and other government officials concerning appointment of Garcia y Bringas. |
03-09-1792 |
Gorostiza, Revilla Gigedo, Fernandez, Garcia, Nava, Velasquez, Heros |
Correspondence between Gorostiza, viceroy, and other government officials concerning exchange of positions between Garcia and Fernandez. |
04-02-1793 |
Garrido y Duran, Grimarest, Revilla Gigedo, Huidobro, Corbalan, Croix, Galvez, Florez, Tresierra y Cano, Garcia, Honorato de Rivera, Santelizes, Rois Garcia, Ximenes, Andrade, Valenzuela, Esquer, Gagiola, Fuente, Hortega y Martinez, Padilla, Gonzales de Posada, Murua, Sonora, Barbastro, Reyes, Fuente, Svinon, Echeagaray, Avedano, Sanches, Echanojauregui, Cano y Mar, Ynigo, Ortiz, Vea, Flores, Ortega, Castillo, Bustamante, Prestamero, Perasa, Panuco, Garcia, Granados, Perez, Padilla, Corella, Morales, Castro, Valenzuela, Palacios, Soto, Ventura, Velasques, Torre, Martines de Yzabal, Florida Blanca, Ugarte y Loyola, Escalante, Serrano, Gach, Madero |
Ynstruccion del estado en que se halla la yntendencia, y gobierno en Sonora, y Sinaloa , hasta 2 de julio de 1790. |
00-00-1734 |
Garrido y Duran, Grimarest, Revilla Gigedo, Huidobro, Corbalan, Croix, Galvez, Florez, Tresierra y Cano, Garcia, Honorato de Rivera, Santelizes, Rois Garcia, Ximenes, Andrade, Valenzuela, Esquer, Gagiola, Fuente, Hortega y Martinez, Padilla, Gonzales de Posada, Murua, Sonora, Barbastro, Reyes, Fuente, Svinon, Echeagaray, Avedano, Sanches, Echanojauregui, Cano y Mar, Ynigo, Ortiz, Vea, Flores, Ortega, Castillo, Bustamante, Prestamero, Perasa, Panuco, Garcia, Granados, Perez, Padilla, Corella, Morales, Castro, Valenzuela, Palacios, Soto, Ventura, Velasques, Torre, Martines de Yzabal, Florida Blanca, Ugarte y Loyola, Escalante, Serrano, Gach, Madero |
Ynstruccion del estado en que se halla la yntendencia, y gobierno en Sonora, y Sinaloa , hasta 2 de julio de 1790. |
00-00-1734 |
Garrido y Duran, Grimarest, Revilla Gigedo, Huidobro, Corbalan, Croix, Galvez, Florez, Tresierra y Cano, Garcia, Honorato de Rivera, Santelizes, Rois Garcia, Ximenes, Andrade, Valenzuela, Esquer, Gagiola, Fuente, Hortega y Martinez, Padilla, Gonzales de Posada, Murua, Sonora, Barbastro, Reyes, Fuente, Svinon, Echeagaray, Avedano, Sanches, Echanojauregui, Cano y Mar, Ynigo, Ortiz, Vea, Flores, Ortega, Castillo, Bustamante, Prestamero, Perasa, Panuco, Garcia, Granados, Perez, Padilla, Corella, Morales, Castro, Valenzuela, Palacios, Soto, Ventura, Velasques, Torre, Martines de Yzabal, Florida Blanca, Ugarte y Loyola, Escalante, Serrano, Gach, Madero |
Ynstruccion del estado en que se halla la yntendencia, y gobierno en Sonora, y Sinaloa , hasta 2 de julio de 1790. |
00-00-1734 |
Mayorga, Garibay, Mesia, Varela, Medina, Ocampo, Garibay, Croix, Portugues, Garcia, Blesiquio, Guerrero y Tagle, Martinez de Vargas, Posada, Galvez, Trebuesto, Neve, Gilavert, Herrera, Ugarte y Loyola, Galvez, Florez, Villa, Santibanez, Bazques, Saucedo, Revilla Gigedo, Gutierrez, Corral |
Correspondence between Posada, Garibay, and other government officials concerning repayment of Garibay's debt. |
02-01-1779 |
Rivero, Romero, Naguisculi, Ugarte y Loyola, Sere, Rivero, Oronos, Florez, Gonzales y Mora, Ferral y Ceballos, Rodriguez, Miranda, Cavanillas, Casal Vermudes de Alvarado, Rivero, Rivero, Martinez de Moya, Gonzales |
Correspondence between Rivero, Ugarte, Florez, and other government officials concerning trip of Rivero with two Indians to Mexico and their return to Sonora. |
02-11-1788 |
Rivero, Romero, Naguisculi, Ugarte y Loyola, Sere, Rivero, Oronos, Florez, Gonzales y Mora, Ferral y Ceballos, Rodriguez, Miranda, Cavanillas, Casal Vermudes de Alvarado, Rivero, Rivero, Martinez de Moya, Gonzales |
Correspondence between Rivero, Ugarte, Florez, and other government officials concerning trip of Rivero with two Indians to Mexico and their return to Sonora. |
02-11-1788 |
Rivero, Romero, Naguisculi, Ugarte y Loyola, Sere, Rivero, Oronos, Florez, Gonzales y Mora, Ferral y Ceballos, Rodriguez, Miranda, Cavanillas, Casal Vermudes de Alvarado, Rivero, Rivero, Martinez de Moya, Gonzales |
Correspondence between Rivero, Ugarte, Florez, and other government officials concerning trip of Rivero with two Indians to Mexico and their return to Sonora. |
02-11-1788 |
Rivero, Romero, Naguisculi, Ugarte y Loyola, Sere, Rivero, Oronos, Florez, Gonzales y Mora, Ferral y Ceballos, Rodriguez, Miranda, Cavanillas, Casal Vermudes de Alvarado, Rivero, Rivero, Martinez de Moya, Gonzales |
Correspondence between Rivero, Ugarte, Florez, and other government officials concerning trip of Rivero with two Indians to Mexico and their return to Sonora. |
02-11-1788 |
Rivero, Romero, Naguisculi, Ugarte y Loyola, Sere, Rivero, Oronos, Florez, Gonzales y Mora, Ferral y Ceballos, Rodriguez, Miranda, Cavanillas, Casal Vermudes de Alvarado, Rivero, Rivero, Martinez de Moya, Gonzales |
Correspondence between Rivero, Ugarte, Florez, and other government officials concerning trip of Rivero with two Indians to Mexico and their return to Sonora. |
02-11-1788 |
Rivero, Romero, Naguisculi, Ugarte y Loyola, Sere, Rivero, Oronos, Florez, Gonzales y Mora, Ferral y Ceballos, Rodriguez, Miranda, Cavanillas, Casal Vermudes de Alvarado, Rivero, Rivero, Martinez de Moya, Gonzales |
Correspondence between Rivero, Ugarte, Florez, and other government officials concerning trip of Rivero with two Indians to Mexico and their return to Sonora. |
02-11-1788 |
Ugarte y Loyola, Florez, Allande, Romero, Merino, Galvez, Rengel |
Correspondence between Ugarte and Florez concerning appointment of new captain of Tucson. |
07-15-1787 |
Ugarte y Loyola, Florez, Allande, Romero, Merino, Galvez, Rengel |
Correspondence between Ugarte and Florez concerning appointment of new captain of Tucson. |
07-15-1787 |
Ugarte y Loyola, Florez, Allande y Saavedra, Garrido, Rengel, Allande |
Correspondence between Ugarte, the viceroy, and Allande concerning Allande's salary and his trip to Mexico. |
02-09-1788 |
Allande y Saavedra, Merino, Bonilla, Valenzuela, Romero, Saenz Rico, Connelly |
Correspondence between Posada and other government officials concerning pension of Allande. |
01-14-1775 |
Grimarest, Cuenta Sayas, Corbalan, Revilla Gigedo, Garcia Parrilla, Carballo, Serena |
Correspondence between Grimarest and several government officials concerning payment of media anata. |
06-17-1724 |
Allande y Saabedra, Rengel, Garrido y Duran, Quilcho, Allande, Croix, Galvez, Ugarte y Loyola, Nunez de Haro y Peralta, Sonora, Florez, Romero, Galvez |
Correspondence between Ugarte, Florez, and other government officials concerning transfer of Allande. |
00-00-1767 |
Allande y Saabedra, Rengel, Garrido y Duran, Quilcho, Allande, Croix, Galvez, Ugarte y Loyola, Nunez de Haro y Peralta, Sonora, Florez, Romero, Galvez |
Correspondence between Ugarte, Florez, and other government officials concerning transfer of Allande. |
00-00-1767 |
Quintana, Fermel, Offorio, Gonzalez, Jimenez, Baptista Rico, Cordova y Alagon, Perez Idosante, Mendoza y Villalobos, Zuniga y Guzman, Bodarte, Pardo, Valero, Lederma, Perez Caro, Casafuerte, Castano, Revilla Gigedo, Beldarrayn, Mesia, Gutierrez de Herrera, Valdes, Dominguez, Ramires del Castillo, Mattos y Coronado, Navarro, Vargas, Villa Gomez, Ugarte, Puga, Reyna, Acedo, Chavarrin, Dominguez, Linares, Jimenez, Valero, Bustamante y Fagle, Vildosola, Gorraez, Regente, Madrid, Gamboa, Algarin, Bezerrin, Luyando, Guevara, Abad, Bucareli, Quixano, Posada, Galves, Mayorga, Martinez, Alegria, Trebuesto, Abad, Sales Carrillo |
Concerns widow's efforts to collect pension for husband who served 40 years in military but died in action before establishment of Monte Pio militar. |
06-16-1716 |
Quintana, Fermel, Offorio, Gonzalez, Jimenez, Baptista Rico, Cordova y Alagon, Perez Idosante, Mendoza y Villalobos, Zuniga y Guzman, Bodarte, Pardo, Valero, Lederma, Perez Caro, Casafuerte, Castano, Revilla Gigedo, Beldarrayn, Mesia, Gutierrez de Herrera, Valdes, Dominguez, Ramires del Castillo, Mattos y Coronado, Navarro, Vargas, Villa Gomez, Ugarte, Puga, Reyna, Acedo, Chavarrin, Dominguez, Linares, Jimenez, Valero, Bustamante y Fagle, Vildosola, Gorraez, Regente, Madrid, Gamboa, Algarin, Bezerrin, Luyando, Guevara, Abad, Bucareli, Quixano, Posada, Galves, Mayorga, Martinez, Alegria, Trebuesto, Abad, Sales Carrillo |
Concerns widow's efforts to collect pension for husband who served 40 years in military but died in action before establishment of Monte Pio militar. |
06-16-1716 |
Quintana, Fermel, Offorio, Gonzalez, Jimenez, Baptista Rico, Cordova y Alagon, Perez Idosante, Mendoza y Villalobos, Zuniga y Guzman, Bodarte, Pardo, Valero, Lederma, Perez Caro, Casafuerte, Castano, Revilla Gigedo, Beldarrayn, Mesia, Gutierrez de Herrera, Valdes, Dominguez, Ramires del Castillo, Mattos y Coronado, Navarro, Vargas, Villa Gomez, Ugarte, Puga, Reyna, Acedo, Chavarrin, Dominguez, Linares, Jimenez, Valero, Bustamante y Fagle, Vildosola, Gorraez, Regente, Madrid, Gamboa, Algarin, Bezerrin, Luyando, Guevara, Abad, Bucareli, Quixano, Posada, Galves, Mayorga, Martinez, Alegria, Trebuesto, Abad, Sales Carrillo |
Concerns widow's efforts to collect pension for husband who served 40 years in military but died in action before establishment of Monte Pio militar. |
06-16-1716 |
Quintana, Fermel, Offorio, Gonzalez, Jimenez, Baptista Rico, Cordova y Alagon, Perez Idosante, Mendoza y Villalobos, Zuniga y Guzman, Bodarte, Pardo, Valero, Lederma, Perez Caro, Casafuerte, Castano, Revilla Gigedo, Beldarrayn, Mesia, Gutierrez de Herrera, Valdes, Dominguez, Ramires del Castillo, Mattos y Coronado, Navarro, Vargas, Villa Gomez, Ugarte, Puga, Reyna, Acedo, Chavarrin, Dominguez, Linares, Jimenez, Valero, Bustamante y Fagle, Vildosola, Gorraez, Regente, Madrid, Gamboa, Algarin, Bezerrin, Luyando, Guevara, Abad, Bucareli, Quixano, Posada, Galves, Mayorga, Martinez, Alegria, Trebuesto, Abad, Sales Carrillo |
Concerns widow's efforts to collect pension for husband who served 40 years in military but died in action before establishment of Monte Pio militar. |
06-16-1716 |
Mendoza, Ruiz Huerta, Flor, Ruiz de Ocampo, Becerra, Guerrero y Fagle, Pena, Peralta, Penuelas, Marin, Urrea, Segexer, Galvez, Vadiola, Fresomil y Vallesteros, Pinzon, Luna, Lebron, Carrion, Garcia Marino, Hidalgo |
Instancia regarding existence and validity of governor Mendoza's will. |
04-01-1758 |
Mendoza, Ruiz Huerta, Flor, Ruiz de Ocampo, Becerra, Guerrero y Fagle, Pena, Peralta, Penuelas, Marin, Urrea, Segexer, Galvez, Vadiola, Fresomil y Vallesteros, Pinzon, Luna, Lebron, Carrion, Garcia Marino, Hidalgo |
Instancia regarding existence and validity of governor Mendoza's will. |
04-01-1758 |
Bonilla, Fossio, Martinez de Soria, Guemes y Horcasitas, Rivera, Eustaquio de Leon, Valenciado, Peinado, Fernandez Molinillo, Goyoneche, Fernando VI, Revilla Gigedo, Caxigal, Gomez de Parada, Croix, Galvez, Croix, Mayorga, Constanso, Quixano, Cruillas, Posada, Neve, Galvez, Falcon, Bazquez, Rosales, Rosales, Cano, Arias, Lozano, Roxas |
Concerns construction of casas de moneda in Guatemala and Arispe. |
06-02-1739 |
Bonilla, Fossio, Martinez de Soria, Guemes y Horcasitas, Rivera, Eustaquio de Leon, Valenciado, Peinado, Fernandez Molinillo, Goyoneche, Fernando VI, Revilla Gigedo, Caxigal, Gomez de Parada, Croix, Galvez, Croix, Mayorga, Constanso, Quixano, Cruillas, Posada, Neve, Galvez, Falcon, Bazquez, Rosales, Rosales, Cano, Arias, Lozano, Roxas |
Concerns construction of casas de moneda in Guatemala and Arispe. |
06-02-1739 |
Bonilla, Fossio, Martinez de Soria, Guemes y Horcasitas, Rivera, Eustaquio de Leon, Valenciado, Peinado, Fernandez Molinillo, Goyoneche, Fernando VI, Revilla Gigedo, Caxigal, Gomez de Parada, Croix, Galvez, Croix, Mayorga, Constanso, Quixano, Cruillas, Posada, Neve, Galvez, Falcon, Bazquez, Rosales, Rosales, Cano, Arias, Lozano, Roxas |
Concerns construction of casas de moneda in Guatemala and Arispe. |
06-02-1739 |
Bonilla, Fossio, Martinez de Soria, Guemes y Horcasitas, Rivera, Eustaquio de Leon, Valenciado, Peinado, Fernandez Molinillo, Goyoneche, Fernando VI, Revilla Gigedo, Caxigal, Gomez de Parada, Croix, Galvez, Croix, Mayorga, Constanso, Quixano, Cruillas, Posada, Neve, Galvez, Falcon, Bazquez, Rosales, Rosales, Cano, Arias, Lozano, Roxas |
Concerns construction of casas de moneda in Guatemala and Arispe. |
06-02-1739 |
Bonilla, Fossio, Martinez de Soria, Guemes y Horcasitas, Rivera, Eustaquio de Leon, Valenciado, Peinado, Fernandez Molinillo, Goyoneche, Fernando VI, Revilla Gigedo, Caxigal, Gomez de Parada, Croix, Galvez, Croix, Mayorga, Constanso, Quixano, Cruillas, Posada, Neve, Galvez, Falcon, Bazquez, Rosales, Rosales, Cano, Arias, Lozano, Roxas |
Concerns construction of casas de moneda in Guatemala and Arispe. |
06-02-1739 |
Croix, Reyes, Carrillo, Mesia, Trebuesto, Mayorga |
Obispo of Sonora requests recompense from Croix for living and travel expenses of group of 24 missionaries posted to province. |
12-17-1782 |
Croix, Garcia Navarro, Portugues, Mayorga, Mesia, Carrillo, Reyes |
Obispo of Sonora requests adjustment of sueldo to meet various expenses. |
10-05-1782 |
Prestamero, Croix, Marquez, Buenaventura Solis, Bonilla, Corvalan, Mayorga, Escovoza, Fajez, Merino, Jordan, Fundidor, Mesia, Sales Carrillo, Ramirez, Valls, Velasco Campo, Garrigos, Lopez Murto, Toysegua, Aguirre, Gonzales Calderon |
Series of letters in which fray Prestamero informs virrey that Croix holds 'religiosos' in low esteem, missions suffering because insufficient funds received by sindicos. |
08-18-1780 |
Manxon, Puyol y Masmitja, Galvez, Pujol, Pujol, Villa, Villa, Basolo, Linarios, Linarios, Vivet, Puig y Trilla, Martinez, Rubira, Vives, Orra, Veyas, Giral, Puig Vidal, Puig, Marxuach, Franco, Lozano, Cardo, Faxas, Basedas, Navarro, Merino, Mejia, Carrillo, Puche, Torres, Croix, Plana, Goycoechea, Llampallaz, Yturria, Callis, Alberni, Frechas, Mieras, Fages, Cardenas, Estrada, Corvalan, Galindo Navarro, Mayorga |
Pujol leads group of Catalan families to Sonora to work in newly discovered mines, but is replaced by Fages following complaints of malicious behavior and mismanagement of funds. |
08-27-1778 |
Mendoza, Ruiz, Zapata, Rio, Quiroga, Alias |
Vacant posts of companies of Cuandacan and Jalpa. Individuals recommended to fill posts. |
09-18-1807 |
Mendoza, Ruiz, Zapata, Rio, Quiroga, Alias |
Vacant posts of companies of Cuandacan and Jalpa. Individuals recommended to fill posts. |
09-18-1807 |
Carenci, Trevino, Gonzales, Gonzales de Santianes, Covarrubias, Garcia, Garcia Davila, Garza, Romeu, Herrera, Garcia, Garcia |
Retirement requested varios individuals of milicias provinciales de Nuevo Reyno de Leon. Governing of alta and baja California. |
05-06-1806 |
Cresencio de Enderica, Morales, Barrera, Enderica, Gutierrez, Reyes |
Calleja notes granting of licencias y ascensos to various members of milicias provinciales of Nuevo Santander. |
08-21-1807 |
Ballesteros, Revillagigedo, Calleja, Gorytizas, Trelles, Hebia, Zuniga, Carlos, Iturrigaray, Aparice, Villanueve, Perez |
Ballesteros informs that the post of governor and ayudante of cuerpo de milicias of Colotlan remain vacant. 1806 real cedula orders division of provinces of Nayarit, Colotlan, and Bolanos into twelve subdelegaciones. |
00-00-1806 |
Rodriguez Gomez, Pena, Calleja |
Retirement granted to Rodriguez Gomez with right of fuero militar and use of uniform. |
05-20-1807 |
Calleja, Espriella, Ruiz, Bibiano Charles, Ramirez, Cerbantes, Puga, Cortina Gonzales, Cisneros, Guillen, Guillen, Cerna, Gonzales de Paredes, Paredes, Cerna, Cardona, Perez, Castillo, Santa Cruz, Garcia, Gutierrez, Fernandez, Pineda, Ximenez, Rodrigues, Alcala, Santos Gonzales de Paredes, Gutierrez, Fernandes, Olvera, Ruiz, Saldana, Saldana, Saenz, Parra, Trevino, Flores, Pirana, Montero, Barreda, Velarde, Lerma, Amador, Garza, Echavarria |
Candidates recommended to fill vacant posts of companias milicias de Nuevo Santander. |
02-17-1807 |
Calleja, Espriella, Ruiz, Bibiano Charles, Ramirez, Cerbantes, Puga, Cortina Gonzales, Cisneros, Guillen, Guillen, Cerna, Gonzales de Paredes, Paredes, Cerna, Cardona, Perez, Castillo, Santa Cruz, Garcia, Gutierrez, Fernandez, Pineda, Ximenez, Rodrigues, Alcala, Santos Gonzales de Paredes, Gutierrez, Fernandes, Olvera, Ruiz, Saldana, Saldana, Saenz, Parra, Trevino, Flores, Pirana, Montero, Barreda, Velarde, Lerma, Amador, Garza, Echavarria |
Candidates recommended to fill vacant posts of companias milicias de Nuevo Santander. |
02-17-1807 |
Calleja, Espriella, Ruiz, Bibiano Charles, Ramirez, Cerbantes, Puga, Cortina Gonzales, Cisneros, Guillen, Guillen, Cerna, Gonzales de Paredes, Paredes, Cerna, Cardona, Perez, Castillo, Santa Cruz, Garcia, Gutierrez, Fernandez, Pineda, Ximenez, Rodrigues, Alcala, Santos Gonzales de Paredes, Gutierrez, Fernandes, Olvera, Ruiz, Saldana, Saldana, Saenz, Parra, Trevino, Flores, Pirana, Montero, Barreda, Velarde, Lerma, Amador, Garza, Echavarria |
Candidates recommended to fill vacant posts of companias milicias de Nuevo Santander. |
02-17-1807 |
Calleja, Espriella, Ruiz, Bibiano Charles, Ramirez, Cerbantes, Puga, Cortina Gonzales, Cisneros, Guillen, Guillen, Cerna, Gonzales de Paredes, Paredes, Cerna, Cardona, Perez, Castillo, Santa Cruz, Garcia, Gutierrez, Fernandez, Pineda, Ximenez, Rodrigues, Alcala, Santos Gonzales de Paredes, Gutierrez, Fernandes, Olvera, Ruiz, Saldana, Saldana, Saenz, Parra, Trevino, Flores, Pirana, Montero, Barreda, Velarde, Lerma, Amador, Garza, Echavarria |
Candidates recommended to fill vacant posts of companias milicias de Nuevo Santander. |
02-17-1807 |