Curbelo, Vial, Santos, Mares, Soquina, Ugarte y Loyola, Martinez Pacheco |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola. Reports distribution of gifts to Indians who accompanied Pedro Vial to New Mexico. |
10-27-1787 |
Gil Ybarbo, Ugarte y Loyola, Martinez Pacheco, Cabello |
Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discussion of funds collect for ransoming captives among Indians and taxes on mestenas and wild cattle. |
10-23-1787 |
Anglino, Perez, Jose Maria, Ugalde, Martinez Pacheco, Revilla Gigedo, Munoz, Fernandez, Menchaca |
Juan de Ugalde to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discussion of map and accounts of Anglino's expedition to the San Bernardo coast. |
10-27-1787 |
Anglino, Perez, Jose Maria, Ugalde, Martinez Pacheco, Revilla Gigedo, Munoz, Fernandez, Menchaca |
Juan de Ugalde to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discussion of map and accounts of Anglino's expedition to the San Bernardo coast. |
10-27-1787 |
Anglino, Perez, Jose Maria, Ugalde, Martinez Pacheco, Revilla Gigedo, Munoz, Fernandez, Menchaca |
Juan de Ugalde to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discussion of map and accounts of Anglino's expedition to the San Bernardo coast. |
10-27-1787 |
Ugarte y Loyola, Martinez Pacheco, Courbiere, Bustillo y Zevallos |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola. List of gifts to be given to Indians. |
10-15-1787 |
Mares |
Joseptember Mares. Mares' derrotero from Santa Fe to Bexar. |
10-19-1787 |
Valdes, Cazorla, Martinez Pacheco, Jose Maria, Santiago |
Luis Cazorla. Discussion of Indian relations, and problem encountered due to heavy rains and flooding. |
10-23-1787 |
Santos, Vial, Cavello, Mares, Martinez Pacheco, Ugarte y Loyola, Ugalde |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discusses comanche aid in finding a direct route from Bexar to Santa Fe. |
10-12-1787 |
Santos, Vial, Cavello, Mares, Martinez Pacheco, Ugarte y Loyola, Ugalde |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discusses comanche aid in finding a direct route from Bexar to Santa Fe. |
10-12-1787 |
Fuentes, Lopez, Martinez Pacheco, Ugarte y Loyola |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola. Transmits copies of death certificate, and record of lipan baptisms at San Antonio Ualeco. |
10-15-1787 |
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Transmission of summary proceedings against lipan Indian charged with homicide. |
10-07-1787 |
Amangual, Jose Maria, Martinez Pacheco, Ugarte y Loyola |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Ugarte y Loyola. Reporting management of affairs in Texas. |
10-12-1787 |
Martinez Pacheco, Ugarte y Loyola, Bustillo, Courbiere |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola. Reports distribution of presents to Indians of the naciones amigas. |
10-12-1787 |
Ugalde, Martinez Pacheco |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Reports visit by vidais and orroquiza Indians, the giving of presents and of providing escort as far as Bahia when for Indians. |
09-30-1787 |
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Reports investigation and imprisonment of a lipan Indian charged with murder. |
10-01-1787 |
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde, Jose Maria, Anglino, Cazorla |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Discussion of map, diary and Indian relations during Anglino's expedition to the coast. |
09-29-1787 |
Ugalde, Martinez Pacheco |
Juan de Ugalde t Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Approval of Martinez Pacheco's taguacan policy. |
09-29-1787 |
Martinez Pacheco, Courbiere, Bustillo y Zevallos |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco. noticia del gasto que se ha hecho con un indio taguacan. |
09-21-1787 |
Zapato Sal, Casaca, Curvelo, Martinez Pacheco, Urrutia |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco, Manuel Urrutia. Correspondence concerning lipan refusal to be reduced to the missions. |
09-21-1787 |
Chiguito, Urrutia, Zapatosas, Perez, Casaca, Curvelo, Martinez Pacheco |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Jose Antonio Curbelo. Correspondence discussing lipan refusal to go to missions. |
09-19-1787 |
Cavezon, Puana, Cazorla, Martinez Pacheco |
Luis Cazorla to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discusses talks with lipanes who have been killing cattle and gathering horses, the lipanes moved on to follow the cattle. |
09-20-1787 |
Martinez Pacheco, Bustillos y Zevallos, Courbiere |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Estado enque se manifiesta las enteadas y salidas que ha tenido el regalo de indios amigos que existen en este real presidio. |
09-20-1787 |
Jose Maria, Cavello, Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Discusses state of affairs of Texas. |
09-15-1787 |
Dupon, Bustillos, Ugarte y Loyola, Martinez Pacheco |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discussing arrival of dupar with goods for Indian trade and for villages of Bexar and Bahia. |
09-16-1787 |
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Visit of Indians to receive gifts and ratify peace reported. |
09-16-1787 |
Flechazo, Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Visit of vidais and orsoquisacs reported. |
09-17-1787 |
Martinez Pacheco, Cazorla |
Luis Cazorla to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discussion of administration of tithes and quantity to be sent to bishop of Nuevo Leon. |
09-05-1787 |
Anglino, Perez, Flete, Perez, Marcelino, Martinez Pacheco, Bustillo y Zevallos, Courbiere |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco. noticia del gasto hecho de la resulta de la yda a la costa con los diez indios de la nacion carancahuez. |
09-15-1787 |
Anglino, Perez, Flete, Perez, Marcelino, Martinez Pacheco, Bustillo y Zevallos, Courbiere |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco. noticia del gasto hecho de la resulta de la yda a la costa con los diez indios de la nacion carancahuez. |
09-15-1787 |
Martinez Pacheco, Perez, Jose Maria, Anglino |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Transmission of military reports, includes notice of death of sargento Perez during escort of Jose Maria. |
09-15-1787 |
Martinez Pacheco, Bustillo y Zevallos, Courbiere |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco. noticia del regalo y comida que se ha hecho con dos indios quichais. |
09-03-1787 |
Galbez, Jose Maria, Renjel, Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde, Revilla Gigedo, Munoz, Fernandez, Menchaca |
Juan de Ugalde to Martinez Pacheco. Copy of Ugalde's letter disapproving of Martinez Pacheco's treatment of lipanes. |
08-23-1787 |
Galbez, Jose Maria, Renjel, Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde, Revilla Gigedo, Munoz, Fernandez, Menchaca |
Juan de Ugalde to Martinez Pacheco. Copy of Ugalde's letter disapproving of Martinez Pacheco's treatment of lipanes. |
08-23-1787 |
Galbez, Jose Maria, Renjel, Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde, Revilla Gigedo, Munoz, Fernandez, Menchaca |
Juan de Ugalde to Martinez Pacheco. Copy of Ugalde's letter disapproving of Martinez Pacheco's treatment of lipanes. |
08-23-1787 |
Galbez, Jose Maria, Martinez Pacheco, Cavello, Cuesta, Yanze |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Martinez Pachero requests Cabildo of San Fernando to report on the state of affairs of Texas prior to his taking over. |
08-27-1787 |
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Report of arrival at Bexar or quiscas and yscanes demanding gifts. |
08-27-1787 |
Cazorla, Martinez Pacheco, Valdes, Curbelo |
Luis Cazorla to Martinez Pacheco. Reports arrival of Curbelo and of Valdes; and the state of the cavalry. |
08-06-1787 |
Martinez Pacheco, Ugarte y Loyola, Cabello |
Martinez Pacheco to Ugarte y Loyola. Transmits lists of goods by Cabello to be given as gifts to the comanches. |
08-12-1787 |
Martinez Pacheco, Ugarte y Loyola |
Martinez Pacheco to Ugarte y Loyola. Reporting information from Bahia on mestenas tax and wild stock. |
08-13-1787 |
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Capture and imprisonment of lipan Indian who promised to become christian and serve as an interpreter information on trial proceedings. |
08-13-1787 |
Ydalgo, Peres, Jose Maria, Cazorla, Martinez Pacheco |
Luis Cazorla to Martinez Pacheco. Reports murder of Pedro Peres by carancahuas, also mutilation of the body. |
08-02-1787 |
Vasquez, Cazorla, Martinez Pacheco |
Luis Cazorla to Martinez Pacheco. Reports Francisco Vasquez' and troops' trip to San Luis for the payroll. |
08-03-1787 |
Perez, Jose Maria, Cazorla, Martinez Pacheco |
Luis Cazorla to Martinez Pacheco. Reports completion of orders to aid carancahuas on journey to the interior. |
07-27-1787 |
Martinez Pacheco, Bustillo y Zevallos, Courbiere |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Report of food and lodging expenses for taguayas, guichitas and taguacanes visiting Bexar. |
07-31-1787 |
Martinez Pacheco |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Semi-annual report of Texas. |
06-30-1787 |
Ardila, Vazques, Gomez, Cazorla, Martinez Pacheco |
Luis Cazorla to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discussion of cattle exportation. |
07-03-1787 |
Martinez Pacheco, Courbiere, Bustillo y Zevallos |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco. noticia del regalo comida quese ha hecho con tres yndios dela costa de la nacion cacancahuaz, con el capitan Jose Maria. |
07-11-1787 |
Ugarte y Loyola, Sonora, Mangino |
Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola. Reporting appointment of Fernando Joseph Magino as yntendente general de execito y real hacienda, subdelegated of Marques de Sonora. |
07-16-1787 |
Arocha, Bueno, Cazorla, Martinez Pacheco |
Luis Cazorla to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discussion of measures taken to punish Indians for horse theft. |
06-20-1787 |