Browse by name

Person Last Name Title Date
Curbelo, Vial, Santos, Mares, Soquina, Ugarte y Loyola, Martinez Pacheco Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola. Reports distribution of gifts to Indians who accompanied Pedro Vial to New Mexico. 10-27-1787
Gil Ybarbo, Ugarte y Loyola, Martinez Pacheco, Cabello Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discussion of funds collect for ransoming captives among Indians and taxes on mestenas and wild cattle. 10-23-1787
Anglino, Perez, Jose Maria, Ugalde, Martinez Pacheco, Revilla Gigedo, Munoz, Fernandez, Menchaca Juan de Ugalde to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discussion of map and accounts of Anglino's expedition to the San Bernardo coast. 10-27-1787
Anglino, Perez, Jose Maria, Ugalde, Martinez Pacheco, Revilla Gigedo, Munoz, Fernandez, Menchaca Juan de Ugalde to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discussion of map and accounts of Anglino's expedition to the San Bernardo coast. 10-27-1787
Anglino, Perez, Jose Maria, Ugalde, Martinez Pacheco, Revilla Gigedo, Munoz, Fernandez, Menchaca Juan de Ugalde to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discussion of map and accounts of Anglino's expedition to the San Bernardo coast. 10-27-1787
Ugarte y Loyola, Martinez Pacheco, Courbiere, Bustillo y Zevallos Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola. List of gifts to be given to Indians. 10-15-1787
Mares Joseptember Mares. Mares' derrotero from Santa Fe to Bexar. 10-19-1787
Valdes, Cazorla, Martinez Pacheco, Jose Maria, Santiago Luis Cazorla. Discussion of Indian relations, and problem encountered due to heavy rains and flooding. 10-23-1787
Santos, Vial, Cavello, Mares, Martinez Pacheco, Ugarte y Loyola, Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discusses comanche aid in finding a direct route from Bexar to Santa Fe. 10-12-1787
Santos, Vial, Cavello, Mares, Martinez Pacheco, Ugarte y Loyola, Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discusses comanche aid in finding a direct route from Bexar to Santa Fe. 10-12-1787
Fuentes, Lopez, Martinez Pacheco, Ugarte y Loyola Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola. Transmits copies of death certificate, and record of lipan baptisms at San Antonio Ualeco. 10-15-1787
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Transmission of summary proceedings against lipan Indian charged with homicide. 10-07-1787
Amangual, Jose Maria, Martinez Pacheco, Ugarte y Loyola Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Ugarte y Loyola. Reporting management of affairs in Texas. 10-12-1787
Martinez Pacheco, Ugarte y Loyola, Bustillo, Courbiere Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola. Reports distribution of presents to Indians of the naciones amigas. 10-12-1787
Ugalde, Martinez Pacheco Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Reports visit by vidais and orroquiza Indians, the giving of presents and of providing escort as far as Bahia when for Indians. 09-30-1787
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Reports investigation and imprisonment of a lipan Indian charged with murder. 10-01-1787
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde, Jose Maria, Anglino, Cazorla Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Discussion of map, diary and Indian relations during Anglino's expedition to the coast. 09-29-1787
Ugalde, Martinez Pacheco Juan de Ugalde t Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Approval of Martinez Pacheco's taguacan policy. 09-29-1787
Martinez Pacheco, Courbiere, Bustillo y Zevallos Rafael Martinez Pacheco. noticia del gasto que se ha hecho con un indio taguacan. 09-21-1787
Zapato Sal, Casaca, Curvelo, Martinez Pacheco, Urrutia Rafael Martinez Pacheco, Manuel Urrutia. Correspondence concerning lipan refusal to be reduced to the missions. 09-21-1787
Chiguito, Urrutia, Zapatosas, Perez, Casaca, Curvelo, Martinez Pacheco Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Jose Antonio Curbelo. Correspondence discussing lipan refusal to go to missions. 09-19-1787
Cavezon, Puana, Cazorla, Martinez Pacheco Luis Cazorla to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discusses talks with lipanes who have been killing cattle and gathering horses, the lipanes moved on to follow the cattle. 09-20-1787
Martinez Pacheco, Bustillos y Zevallos, Courbiere Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Estado enque se manifiesta las enteadas y salidas que ha tenido el regalo de indios amigos que existen en este real presidio. 09-20-1787
Jose Maria, Cavello, Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Discusses state of affairs of Texas. 09-15-1787
Dupon, Bustillos, Ugarte y Loyola, Martinez Pacheco Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discussing arrival of dupar with goods for Indian trade and for villages of Bexar and Bahia. 09-16-1787
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Visit of Indians to receive gifts and ratify peace reported. 09-16-1787
Flechazo, Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Visit of vidais and orsoquisacs reported. 09-17-1787
Martinez Pacheco, Cazorla Luis Cazorla to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discussion of administration of tithes and quantity to be sent to bishop of Nuevo Leon. 09-05-1787
Anglino, Perez, Flete, Perez, Marcelino, Martinez Pacheco, Bustillo y Zevallos, Courbiere Rafael Martinez Pacheco. noticia del gasto hecho de la resulta de la yda a la costa con los diez indios de la nacion carancahuez. 09-15-1787
Anglino, Perez, Flete, Perez, Marcelino, Martinez Pacheco, Bustillo y Zevallos, Courbiere Rafael Martinez Pacheco. noticia del gasto hecho de la resulta de la yda a la costa con los diez indios de la nacion carancahuez. 09-15-1787
Martinez Pacheco, Perez, Jose Maria, Anglino Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Transmission of military reports, includes notice of death of sargento Perez during escort of Jose Maria. 09-15-1787
Martinez Pacheco, Bustillo y Zevallos, Courbiere Rafael Martinez Pacheco. noticia del regalo y comida que se ha hecho con dos indios quichais. 09-03-1787
Galbez, Jose Maria, Renjel, Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde, Revilla Gigedo, Munoz, Fernandez, Menchaca Juan de Ugalde to Martinez Pacheco. Copy of Ugalde's letter disapproving of Martinez Pacheco's treatment of lipanes. 08-23-1787
Galbez, Jose Maria, Renjel, Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde, Revilla Gigedo, Munoz, Fernandez, Menchaca Juan de Ugalde to Martinez Pacheco. Copy of Ugalde's letter disapproving of Martinez Pacheco's treatment of lipanes. 08-23-1787
Galbez, Jose Maria, Renjel, Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde, Revilla Gigedo, Munoz, Fernandez, Menchaca Juan de Ugalde to Martinez Pacheco. Copy of Ugalde's letter disapproving of Martinez Pacheco's treatment of lipanes. 08-23-1787
Galbez, Jose Maria, Martinez Pacheco, Cavello, Cuesta, Yanze Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Martinez Pachero requests Cabildo of San Fernando to report on the state of affairs of Texas prior to his taking over. 08-27-1787
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Report of arrival at Bexar or quiscas and yscanes demanding gifts. 08-27-1787
Cazorla, Martinez Pacheco, Valdes, Curbelo Luis Cazorla to Martinez Pacheco. Reports arrival of Curbelo and of Valdes; and the state of the cavalry. 08-06-1787
Martinez Pacheco, Ugarte y Loyola, Cabello Martinez Pacheco to Ugarte y Loyola. Transmits lists of goods by Cabello to be given as gifts to the comanches. 08-12-1787
Martinez Pacheco, Ugarte y Loyola Martinez Pacheco to Ugarte y Loyola. Reporting information from Bahia on mestenas tax and wild stock. 08-13-1787
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Capture and imprisonment of lipan Indian who promised to become christian and serve as an interpreter information on trial proceedings. 08-13-1787
Ydalgo, Peres, Jose Maria, Cazorla, Martinez Pacheco Luis Cazorla to Martinez Pacheco. Reports murder of Pedro Peres by carancahuas, also mutilation of the body. 08-02-1787
Vasquez, Cazorla, Martinez Pacheco Luis Cazorla to Martinez Pacheco. Reports Francisco Vasquez' and troops' trip to San Luis for the payroll. 08-03-1787
Perez, Jose Maria, Cazorla, Martinez Pacheco Luis Cazorla to Martinez Pacheco. Reports completion of orders to aid carancahuas on journey to the interior. 07-27-1787
Martinez Pacheco, Bustillo y Zevallos, Courbiere Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Report of food and lodging expenses for taguayas, guichitas and taguacanes visiting Bexar. 07-31-1787
Martinez Pacheco Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Semi-annual report of Texas. 06-30-1787
Ardila, Vazques, Gomez, Cazorla, Martinez Pacheco Luis Cazorla to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discussion of cattle exportation. 07-03-1787
Martinez Pacheco, Courbiere, Bustillo y Zevallos Rafael Martinez Pacheco. noticia del regalo comida quese ha hecho con tres yndios dela costa de la nacion cacancahuaz, con el capitan Jose Maria. 07-11-1787
Ugarte y Loyola, Sonora, Mangino Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola. Reporting appointment of Fernando Joseph Magino as yntendente general de execito y real hacienda, subdelegated of Marques de Sonora. 07-16-1787
Arocha, Bueno, Cazorla, Martinez Pacheco Luis Cazorla to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discussion of measures taken to punish Indians for horse theft. 06-20-1787