Espadas, Martinez Pacheco |
Manuel Espadas (capitan). Letter to governor noting hostility of carancahuases Indians and asking if he wishes a campaign to be started against them. |
11-16-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde, Gil Ybarbo |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Governor sends transcript of letter from captain Gil Ybarbo of Nagcodoches reporting plans of various Indian tribes to make a raid on Bexar to steal horses. |
11-24-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Report raid on tancaques Indians by lipanes Indians who stole four horses from the tancaques. |
10-13-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Report that lipanes Indians attacked a party of xaranames Indians near the Arroyo de la Baca, and the xaranames are requesting escort to accompany them to their destination. |
10-13-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco, Mezieres |
Antonio de Mezieres (capitan) and Rafael Martinez Pacheo (gobernador . Month-end report on troops, officers and monthly diary of operations for Bexar and La Bahia presidios. |
09-30-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco, Mezieres |
Antonio de Mezieres (capitan) and Rafael Martinez Pacheo (gobernador . Month-end report on troops, officers and monthly diary of operations for Bexar and La Bahia presidios. |
09-30-1788 |
Ugalde, Martinez Pacheco, Arriola |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Report to comandante general that Marcelino Arreola was killed near Colorado river by attack from taguayaces Indians. |
10-07-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Reports raid on small community by Indians believed to be taguayas. |
09-28-1788 |
Baquera, Martinez Pacheco |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Report that Jose Antonio Baquera was assualted by an Indian and that soldiers had been sent to capture the Indian. |
09-29-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Report that fifty-two lipan Indians camped near city and requesting food from the governor. |
09-29-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). note reporting another lipan raid to horses and a further attempt by some tancague Indians. |
09-14-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde, Cazorla |
Juan de Ugalde (comandante general). Appointment of captain Luis Cazorla of La Bahia to be provisional governor of Coahuila. |
09-15-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Report of visit to town of some coco, atacapa and orcoquiza Indians. |
09-15-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco, Ugarte, Ugalde, Valdes, Flores, Arocha |
Juan de Ugalde (comandante general). nofitication that the interior provinces anre being divided into two districts of command, one under Ugarte the other under Ugalde. |
09-19-1788 |
Mariano Reyes, Martinez Pacheco |
Joseph Mariano Reyes (fray). Letter to governor reporting that orocoquizas Indians desire a mission and priest, although they are fearful of a reduccion. |
09-13-1788 |
Mariano Reyes, Martinez Pacheco |
Joseph Mariano Reyes (fray). Letter to governor reporting that orocoquizas Indians desire a mission and priest, although they are fearful of a reduccion. |
09-13-1788 |
Mariano Reyes, Martinez Pacheco |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Letter to fray Joseph Mariano Reyes promising support for a mission to the orcoquiza Indians. |
09-13-1788 |
Mariano Reyes, Martinez Pacheco |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Letter to fray Joseph Mariano Reyes promising support for a mission to the orcoquiza Indians. |
09-13-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). note reporting robbery of horses by lipan Indians and failure in attempt to recover them. |
09-14-1788 |
Flores, Ugalde, Martinez Pacheco |
Juan de Ugalde (comandante general). Ugalde sends brief review of frontier defenses and geography to governor Pancheco for his comments. |
08-31-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). List of expenses for entertaining various Indian chiefs. |
09-03-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Report that a number of horses have been stolen and some killed by comanche raids. |
07-20-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco, Hernandez, Mariano de Cardenas, Cazorla |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Report on capture and return to mission of two xaranames Indians. |
07-21-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco, Hernandez, Mariano de Cardenas, Cazorla |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Report on capture and return to mission of two xaranames Indians. |
07-21-1788 |
Menchaca, Martinez Pacheco |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). note receipt for funds drawn from treasury to use to ransom Spanish captive of the comanches. |
08-25-1788 |
Menchaca, Martinez Pacheco |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). note receipt for funds drawn from treasury to use to ransom Spanish captive of the comanches. |
08-25-1788 |
Cazorla, Martinez Pacheco, Hernandez |
Luis Cazorla (capitan). Report to governor on efforts to capture two xaraname Indians who have fled the mission. |
07-18-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). List of supplies of food and goods for the presidio. |
07-19-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde, Chaves, Oliva, Mariano de Conde |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Refort attempts to bring group of taquacane Indians into the mission at La Bahia. |
06-23-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde, Chaves, Oliva, Mariano de Conde |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Refort attempts to bring group of taquacane Indians into the mission at La Bahia. |
06-23-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). notice of gifts and expenses incurred entertaining horcoquizas cocos and mayeyes Indians. |
07-05-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Letter briefly reviewing contact and negotiations for peace with tancagua Indians. |
06-07-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde |
Juan de Ugalde (comandante general). Instructions to governor Pacheco for payment of troops. |
06-19-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Brief report on departure of tancagues Indians from Bexar. |
06-20-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco, Menchaca, Ugalde |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Report about eleven suspicious Indians visiting local ranch. |
05-22-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco, Menchaca, Ugalde |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Report about eleven suspicious Indians visiting local ranch. |
05-22-1788 |
Ugalde, Martinez Pacheco, Gil Ybarvo |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Transcript of letter by lt. governor of Nacodoches Antonio Gil Ybarvo concerning permission granted to three Frenchmen to trade and travel in Texas. |
05-29-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde, Counbiere, Amangual |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Brief account of raid on local mission by band of four taguayases Indians. |
05-29-1788 |
Zuniga, Martinez Pacheco, Barrera, Arocha, Amondarain |
Santiago de Zuniga. Documents of case Zuniga brings against Simon de Arocha for pesos promised. |
05-14-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco, Cazorla, Ugalde |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Transcript from letter of captain Cazorla discussing peaceful relations with coastal Indians. |
05-17-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco, Fernandez |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Report of escape of lipan Indian from presidio jail. |
05-21-1788 |
Courbiere, Bustillo y Zevallos, Martinez Pacheco |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). List of gifts presented to Indian leaders of northern tribes during peace treaty negotiations. |
05-14-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco, Cazorla |
Luis Cazorla (capitan). Informe al gobernador sobre estado de relaciones. Con los indios de la costa. |
05-02-1788 |
Liendro, Liendro, Martinez Pacheco, Cazorla |
Luis Cazorla (capitan). Acusaciones contra Tomas Liendro por contrabando. |
05-02-1788 |
Ugalde, Cazorla, Martinez Pacheco, Contreras |
Luis Cazorla (capitan). Review of peace treaty with coastal Indians. |
05-06-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde, Gil |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Ha recibido copia de la disertacion de Francisco Gil sobre un metodo contra las viruelas. |
04-29-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco, Cazorla, Liendro, Hernandes |
Luis Cazorla (capitan). Acusaciones contra Tomas Liendro por haber tratado de robar reses de la mision del Espiritu Santo. |
04-19-1788 |
Ugalde, Martinez Pacheco |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Ha recibido el real orden sobre sueldos de los que tienen empleo propietario. |
04-29-1788 |
Cazorla, Martinez Pacheco, Galan, Flores |
Luis Cazorla (capitan). nota al governador sobre la aprehencion de un indio con dos caballos. |
04-04-1788 |
Cazorla, Martinez Pacheco |
Luis Cazorla (capitan). Ha enviado un informe sobre estado de la tierra. |
04-07-1788 |