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Person Last Name Title Date
Espadas, Martinez Pacheco Manuel Espadas (capitan). Letter to governor noting hostility of carancahuases Indians and asking if he wishes a campaign to be started against them. 11-16-1788
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde, Gil Ybarbo Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Governor sends transcript of letter from captain Gil Ybarbo of Nagcodoches reporting plans of various Indian tribes to make a raid on Bexar to steal horses. 11-24-1788
Martinez Pacheco Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Report raid on tancaques Indians by lipanes Indians who stole four horses from the tancaques. 10-13-1788
Martinez Pacheco Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Report that lipanes Indians attacked a party of xaranames Indians near the Arroyo de la Baca, and the xaranames are requesting escort to accompany them to their destination. 10-13-1788
Martinez Pacheco, Mezieres Antonio de Mezieres (capitan) and Rafael Martinez Pacheo (gobernador . Month-end report on troops, officers and monthly diary of operations for Bexar and La Bahia presidios. 09-30-1788
Martinez Pacheco, Mezieres Antonio de Mezieres (capitan) and Rafael Martinez Pacheo (gobernador . Month-end report on troops, officers and monthly diary of operations for Bexar and La Bahia presidios. 09-30-1788
Ugalde, Martinez Pacheco, Arriola Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Report to comandante general that Marcelino Arreola was killed near Colorado river by attack from taguayaces Indians. 10-07-1788
Martinez Pacheco Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Reports raid on small community by Indians believed to be taguayas. 09-28-1788
Baquera, Martinez Pacheco Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Report that Jose Antonio Baquera was assualted by an Indian and that soldiers had been sent to capture the Indian. 09-29-1788
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Report that fifty-two lipan Indians camped near city and requesting food from the governor. 09-29-1788
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). note reporting another lipan raid to horses and a further attempt by some tancague Indians. 09-14-1788
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde, Cazorla Juan de Ugalde (comandante general). Appointment of captain Luis Cazorla of La Bahia to be provisional governor of Coahuila. 09-15-1788
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Report of visit to town of some coco, atacapa and orcoquiza Indians. 09-15-1788
Martinez Pacheco, Ugarte, Ugalde, Valdes, Flores, Arocha Juan de Ugalde (comandante general). nofitication that the interior provinces anre being divided into two districts of command, one under Ugarte the other under Ugalde. 09-19-1788
Mariano Reyes, Martinez Pacheco Joseph Mariano Reyes (fray). Letter to governor reporting that orocoquizas Indians desire a mission and priest, although they are fearful of a reduccion. 09-13-1788
Mariano Reyes, Martinez Pacheco Joseph Mariano Reyes (fray). Letter to governor reporting that orocoquizas Indians desire a mission and priest, although they are fearful of a reduccion. 09-13-1788
Mariano Reyes, Martinez Pacheco Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Letter to fray Joseph Mariano Reyes promising support for a mission to the orcoquiza Indians. 09-13-1788
Mariano Reyes, Martinez Pacheco Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Letter to fray Joseph Mariano Reyes promising support for a mission to the orcoquiza Indians. 09-13-1788
Martinez Pacheco Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). note reporting robbery of horses by lipan Indians and failure in attempt to recover them. 09-14-1788
Flores, Ugalde, Martinez Pacheco Juan de Ugalde (comandante general). Ugalde sends brief review of frontier defenses and geography to governor Pancheco for his comments. 08-31-1788
Martinez Pacheco Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). List of expenses for entertaining various Indian chiefs. 09-03-1788
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Report that a number of horses have been stolen and some killed by comanche raids. 07-20-1788
Martinez Pacheco, Hernandez, Mariano de Cardenas, Cazorla Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Report on capture and return to mission of two xaranames Indians. 07-21-1788
Martinez Pacheco, Hernandez, Mariano de Cardenas, Cazorla Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Report on capture and return to mission of two xaranames Indians. 07-21-1788
Menchaca, Martinez Pacheco Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). note receipt for funds drawn from treasury to use to ransom Spanish captive of the comanches. 08-25-1788
Menchaca, Martinez Pacheco Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). note receipt for funds drawn from treasury to use to ransom Spanish captive of the comanches. 08-25-1788
Cazorla, Martinez Pacheco, Hernandez Luis Cazorla (capitan). Report to governor on efforts to capture two xaraname Indians who have fled the mission. 07-18-1788
Martinez Pacheco Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). List of supplies of food and goods for the presidio. 07-19-1788
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde, Chaves, Oliva, Mariano de Conde Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Refort attempts to bring group of taquacane Indians into the mission at La Bahia. 06-23-1788
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde, Chaves, Oliva, Mariano de Conde Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Refort attempts to bring group of taquacane Indians into the mission at La Bahia. 06-23-1788
Martinez Pacheco Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). notice of gifts and expenses incurred entertaining horcoquizas cocos and mayeyes Indians. 07-05-1788
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Letter briefly reviewing contact and negotiations for peace with tancagua Indians. 06-07-1788
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde Juan de Ugalde (comandante general). Instructions to governor Pacheco for payment of troops. 06-19-1788
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Brief report on departure of tancagues Indians from Bexar. 06-20-1788
Martinez Pacheco, Menchaca, Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Report about eleven suspicious Indians visiting local ranch. 05-22-1788
Martinez Pacheco, Menchaca, Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Report about eleven suspicious Indians visiting local ranch. 05-22-1788
Ugalde, Martinez Pacheco, Gil Ybarvo Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Transcript of letter by lt. governor of Nacodoches Antonio Gil Ybarvo concerning permission granted to three Frenchmen to trade and travel in Texas. 05-29-1788
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde, Counbiere, Amangual Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Brief account of raid on local mission by band of four taguayases Indians. 05-29-1788
Zuniga, Martinez Pacheco, Barrera, Arocha, Amondarain Santiago de Zuniga. Documents of case Zuniga brings against Simon de Arocha for pesos promised. 05-14-1788
Martinez Pacheco, Cazorla, Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Transcript from letter of captain Cazorla discussing peaceful relations with coastal Indians. 05-17-1788
Martinez Pacheco, Fernandez Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Report of escape of lipan Indian from presidio jail. 05-21-1788
Courbiere, Bustillo y Zevallos, Martinez Pacheco Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). List of gifts presented to Indian leaders of northern tribes during peace treaty negotiations. 05-14-1788
Martinez Pacheco, Cazorla Luis Cazorla (capitan). Informe al gobernador sobre estado de relaciones. Con los indios de la costa. 05-02-1788
Liendro, Liendro, Martinez Pacheco, Cazorla Luis Cazorla (capitan). Acusaciones contra Tomas Liendro por contrabando. 05-02-1788
Ugalde, Cazorla, Martinez Pacheco, Contreras Luis Cazorla (capitan). Review of peace treaty with coastal Indians. 05-06-1788
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde, Gil Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Ha recibido copia de la disertacion de Francisco Gil sobre un metodo contra las viruelas. 04-29-1788
Martinez Pacheco, Cazorla, Liendro, Hernandes Luis Cazorla (capitan). Acusaciones contra Tomas Liendro por haber tratado de robar reses de la mision del Espiritu Santo. 04-19-1788
Ugalde, Martinez Pacheco Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Ha recibido el real orden sobre sueldos de los que tienen empleo propietario. 04-29-1788
Cazorla, Martinez Pacheco, Galan, Flores Luis Cazorla (capitan). nota al governador sobre la aprehencion de un indio con dos caballos. 04-04-1788
Cazorla, Martinez Pacheco Luis Cazorla (capitan). Ha enviado un informe sobre estado de la tierra. 04-07-1788