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Person Last Name Title Date
Mota Osorio y Portugal, Cruz de la Mota, Portugal, Echeverria, Villagomez, Santillan, Garcia, Synguenza y Gongora, Nebbo, Xaraba, Rangel, Serna, Esquinelo, Petigan, Caso, Pena, Espejo, Velazquez de Robledo, Anaya, Davalos y Rayo, Luna, Paz, Landa, Valdiviero, Castro, Marques, Colina, Anaya Legal documents from Echeverria to de la Mota y Portugal 06-27-1718
Ripperdaconor, Valberde, Ugarte y Loyola, Cazorla, Sastre, Tobar, Mendinueta, Taini, Croix, Joseph Miguel, Ticanis, Pacheco, Rodriguez, Mecieres, Menchaca, Trivino, Chennertolan Ripperda's correspondence re: new regulations, peace with Indians, Indian depredations. 06-30-1772
Ripperdaconor, Valberde, Ugarte y Loyola, Cazorla, Sastre, Tobar, Mendinueta, Taini, Croix, Joseph Miguel, Ticanis, Pacheco, Rodriguez, Mecieres, Menchaca, Trivino, Chennertolan Ripperda's correspondence re: new regulations, peace with Indians, Indian depredations. 06-30-1772
Ripperdaconor, Valberde, Ugarte y Loyola, Cazorla, Sastre, Tobar, Mendinueta, Taini, Croix, Joseph Miguel, Ticanis, Pacheco, Rodriguez, Mecieres, Menchaca, Trivino, Chennertolan Ripperda's correspondence re: new regulations, peace with Indians, Indian depredations. 06-30-1772
Ripperda, Bucareli y Ursua, Oconor, Pacheco, Bergana, Rodriguez, Menchaca, Gil y Barvo, Mezieres, Menchaca, Joseph Miguel, Martos y Navarrete, Cazorla, Gonzales, Rubi, Trivino Ripperda's correspondence re: new regulations, redisio and mission abandonment and peace with Indians. 03-30-1773
Ripperda, Bucareli y Ursua, Mecieres, Thovar, Menchaca, Oconor, Casorla, Chirinos, Carbajal, Barrio, Martos Ripperda's letters to virrey re: troops, insubordination, and civil military administration. 02-27-1772
Ripperda, Bucareli y Ursua, Mecieres, Thovar, Menchaca, Oconor, Casorla, Chirinos, Carbajal, Barrio, Martos Ripperda's letters to virrey re: troops, insubordination, and civil military administration. 02-27-1772
Ripperda, Bucareli y Ursua, Mecieres, Thovar, Menchaca, Oconor, Casorla, Chirinos, Carbajal, Barrio, Martos Ripperda's letters to virrey re: troops, insubordination, and civil military administration. 02-27-1772
Ramirez, Mezieres, Ripperda, Bucareli y Ursua, Pubea, Areche, Bigotes, Croix, Martos y Navarrete, Yndarte, Bavi, Thovar, Sedano, Oreyli, Sauto, Cazorla Correspondence between Ripperda, Croix, and Bucareli y Ursua depredations. 00-00-1753
Ramirez, Mezieres, Ripperda, Bucareli y Ursua, Pubea, Areche, Bigotes, Croix, Martos y Navarrete, Yndarte, Bavi, Thovar, Sedano, Oreyli, Sauto, Cazorla Correspondence between Ripperda, Croix, and Bucareli y Ursua depredations. 00-00-1753
Valverde, Ripperda, Thobar, Croix, Bucareli y Ursua, Casorla, Martos y Navarrete Ripperda's correspondence re: Indian auxiliares, troop movements, and civil-military administration 06-22-1771
Valverde, Ripperda, Thobar, Croix, Bucareli y Ursua, Casorla, Martos y Navarrete Ripperda's correspondence re: Indian auxiliares, troop movements, and civil-military administration 06-22-1771
Noriega, Tobar, Ripperda, Martos, Croix, Bucareli y Ursua Correspondence between viceroy and Ripperda concerning presidio defence and capitan Tobar. 12-15-1771
Gonzales, Tinhiouen, Inttekanse, Oneilly, Carlos III, Cocay, Manarca, Ortiz Parrilla, Merieres y Clugny, Charbonet, Lerda, Santa Marea y Silva, Chinino, Alexi, Du Pain, Coamano, Benino, Montes, Oneale, Ripperda Relacion about peace trip to Caudachos 00-00-1729
Gonzales, Tinhiouen, Inttekanse, Oneilly, Carlos III, Cocay, Manarca, Ortiz Parrilla, Merieres y Clugny, Charbonet, Lerda, Santa Marea y Silva, Chinino, Alexi, Du Pain, Coamano, Benino, Montes, Oneale, Ripperda Relacion about peace trip to Caudachos 00-00-1729
Gonzales, Tinhiouen, Inttekanse, Oneilly, Carlos III, Cocay, Manarca, Ortiz Parrilla, Merieres y Clugny, Charbonet, Lerda, Santa Marea y Silva, Chinino, Alexi, Du Pain, Coamano, Benino, Montes, Oneale, Ripperda Relacion about peace trip to Caudachos 00-00-1729
Gonzales, Tinhiouen, Inttekanse, Oneilly, Carlos III, Cocay, Manarca, Ortiz Parrilla, Merieres y Clugny, Charbonet, Lerda, Santa Marea y Silva, Chinino, Alexi, Du Pain, Coamano, Benino, Montes, Oneale, Ripperda Relacion about peace trip to Caudachos 00-00-1729
Gonzales, Tinhiouen, Inttekanse, Oneilly, Carlos III, Cocay, Manarca, Ortiz Parrilla, Merieres y Clugny, Charbonet, Lerda, Santa Marea y Silva, Chinino, Alexi, Du Pain, Coamano, Benino, Montes, Oneale, Ripperda Relacion about peace trip to Caudachos 00-00-1729
Croix, Ripperda, Thovar, Pacheco, Menchaca, Demezieres, Gonzales, Ramirez, Vigotes, Oreilly, Gonzales, Sedano, Valverde, Bergara, Mimos, Ramos, Buenos y Santesteban, Sainz de Sumiel Ripperda's correspondence re: peace with Indians, use of troops, defense, Indian depredations and pacification 05-26-1771
Lanusa, Ripperda, Tobar, Croix, Anocha, Granado, Alvarez, Barzenas, Lozo, Flores, Therar, Barrio, Ortis Parrilla, Pru, Menchaca, Oconor, Calvillo, Delgado Ripperda's correspondence re: Indian auxiliares, Indian conversion, and detachment troops 04-20-1771
Lanusa, Ripperda, Tobar, Croix, Anocha, Granado, Alvarez, Barzenas, Lozo, Flores, Therar, Barrio, Ortis Parrilla, Pru, Menchaca, Oconor, Calvillo, Delgado Ripperda's correspondence re: Indian auxiliares, Indian conversion, and detachment troops 04-20-1771
Ripperda, Croix, Demezieres, Orozio y Basterra, Sedano Ripperda to Croix re: mail delivery and exploration of costal area to Louisiana 04-20-1771
Ripperda, Croix, Ramirez, Pas, Menchaca Ripperda to Croix re: troop activity, horses, and Indian depredations 04-00-1771
Ripperda, Croix Ripperda to Croix re: Indian prisoners. 03-08-1771
Ripperda, Croix, Demezieres, Martos y Navarete, Tobar, Ramirez, Pacheco, Menchaca, Menchaca, Arocha, Thontesdioca, Granados, Riotas, Ocor, Coy, Delgado, Delgado, Paiz, Lorenzo, Rodriguez, Armas, Sambrano, Umada, Romero, Orendarin, Mincha, Anada, Inzaga y Amezaga, Leal, Calvilio Ripperda's correspondence re: defence, troop movement and allocation, and Indian depredations 07-21-1770
Ripperda, Croix, Demezieres, Martos y Navarete, Tobar, Ramirez, Pacheco, Menchaca, Menchaca, Arocha, Thontesdioca, Granados, Riotas, Ocor, Coy, Delgado, Delgado, Paiz, Lorenzo, Rodriguez, Armas, Sambrano, Umada, Romero, Orendarin, Mincha, Anada, Inzaga y Amezaga, Leal, Calvilio Ripperda's correspondence re: defence, troop movement and allocation, and Indian depredations 07-21-1770
Ripperda, Croix, Demezieres, Martos y Navarete, Tobar, Ramirez, Pacheco, Menchaca, Menchaca, Arocha, Thontesdioca, Granados, Riotas, Ocor, Coy, Delgado, Delgado, Paiz, Lorenzo, Rodriguez, Armas, Sambrano, Umada, Romero, Orendarin, Mincha, Anada, Inzaga y Amezaga, Leal, Calvilio Ripperda's correspondence re: defence, troop movement and allocation, and Indian depredations 07-21-1770
Croix, Indarte, Martos, Carabajal, Laba, Calzones, Gonzalez, Demezieres, Santa Maria, Sandeni, Misieres Ripperda's correspondence re: Indian depredations and abandonment of Orcoquiza 10-14-1770
Croix, Indarte, Martos, Carabajal, Laba, Calzones, Gonzalez, Demezieres, Santa Maria, Sandeni, Misieres Ripperda's correspondence re: Indian depredations and abandonment of Orcoquiza 10-14-1770
Croix, Indarte, Martos, Carabajal, Laba, Calzones, Gonzalez, Demezieres, Santa Maria, Sandeni, Misieres Ripperda's correspondence re: Indian depredations and abandonment of Orcoquiza 10-14-1770
Ripperda, Croix Ripperda to Croix re: Ripperda's memorial and hopes for promotion 02-12-1771
Ripperda, Croix, Thovar Ripperda to Corix re: Indian depredations and Thobar's insubordination 02-12-1771
Ripperda, Croix Ripperda to Croix re: contents and dates of 2 published bandos including lottery establishment and renta vitalica. 07-29-1770
Ripperda, Croix, Caballero Correspondence between Croix and Ripperda concerning promotions 09-08-1770
Ripperda, Croix, Caballero Correspondence between Croix and Ripperda concerning promotions 09-08-1770
Valverde, Lanuza, Croix, Martos, Oconor, Soto Bermudez, Ripperda Ripperda's correspondence re: troops, tobacco, and prisoner 07-07-1777
Soto Bermudez, Oca, Oconor, Martinez Pacheco, Croix, Valverde, Ponce, Thobar Ripperda's letters concerning prisoner and Indian depredations. 01-21-1769
Ripperda, Menchaca, Oca, Ribas, Oconor, Orendain, Croix, Gonzalez Ripperda's letters concerning movement of troops and Indian depredations. 07-27-1768
Galbez, Leon, Theran de los Rios, Sandeni, Ramon, Linares, Ripperda, San Miguel de Aguaio, Balero, Menchaca, Barrios, Casafuerte, Ribera Villalon, Oconor, Croix Correspondence re: settlement and need for troops. 00-00-1688
Galbez, Leon, Theran de los Rios, Sandeni, Ramon, Linares, Ripperda, San Miguel de Aguaio, Balero, Menchaca, Barrios, Casafuerte, Ribera Villalon, Oconor, Croix Correspondence re: settlement and need for troops. 00-00-1688
Menchaca, Croix, Bucareli Correspondence between Menchaca and Bucareli concerning different unrelated matters. 09-11-1771
Oca, Croix, Bustamente, Ugarte y Loyola, Minchaca, Oconor, Rivas Correspondence concerning transference of men for protection of Bexar against indians 06-11-1770
Barrios y Jaurequi, Riperda, San Aguayo, Amarilles, Martos, Bucareli y Ursua, Oconor, Martinez Pacheco, Tobar, Lorenso, Curvelo, Castro, Rodrigez, Botello, Orendain, Fernandez, Guadalupe Soriano, Yusti, Nigo Chino, Granada Various unorganized documents to virrey related to government of Texas, emphasis on military and colonization matters. Years 1771 to 1776. 11-06-1771
Barrios y Jaurequi, Riperda, San Aguayo, Amarilles, Martos, Bucareli y Ursua, Oconor, Martinez Pacheco, Tobar, Lorenso, Curvelo, Castro, Rodrigez, Botello, Orendain, Fernandez, Guadalupe Soriano, Yusti, Nigo Chino, Granada Various unorganized documents to virrey related to government of Texas, emphasis on military and colonization matters. Years 1771 to 1776. 11-06-1771
Cazorla, Rengel, Villalva y Angulo, Croix, Bucareli Yursua, Rubio, Creve, Munoz, Galvez Documents related to Cazorla's merits. 09-07-1785
Cazorla, Rengel, Villalva y Angulo, Croix, Bucareli Yursua, Rubio, Creve, Munoz, Galvez Documents related to Cazorla's merits. 09-07-1785
Cazorla, Rengel, Villalva y Angulo, Croix, Bucareli Yursua, Rubio, Creve, Munoz, Galvez Documents related to Cazorla's merits. 09-07-1785
Cazorla, Bucareli y Ursua, Rodriguez, Casafuerte, Criox, Tobar, Rubi, Oconor, Llanos de Vergara Correspondence between Bucareli and Cazorla in 1773. 01-15-1773
Cazorla, Bucareli y Ursua, Rodriguez, Casafuerte, Criox, Tobar, Rubi, Oconor, Llanos de Vergara Correspondence between Bucareli and Cazorla in 1773. 01-15-1773
Cazorla, Bucareli y Ursua, Rodriguez, Casafuerte, Criox, Tobar, Rubi, Oconor, Llanos de Vergara Correspondence between Bucareli and Cazorla in 1773. 01-15-1773