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Person Last Name Title Date
Velez Cachupin, Cruillas, Esquivel, Codallos, Madrid, Bustamente, Rubi Letter from Cachupin to virrey Cruillas including military roll of cavalleria, libretas de vita y moribus of Madrid and Esquibel review of troops by Rubi. 01-02-1766
Velez Cachupin, Cruillas Letter from virrey (?) to Cachupin, response re: capture of white deer. 04-06-1764
Cathuya, Velez Cachupin Letter from virrey (?) to Cachupin re: war with cumanches; Indian turned in to Cachupin on orders of virrey (?) 05-08-1764
Velez Cachupin, Cruillas, Sierra, San Juan, Bustamente, Velarde, Luzero Letter from Cachupin to virrey (?), virrey's response re: appointment of teniente and Alferez. 04-02-1764
Velez Cachupin, Cruillas Letter from Cachupin to virrey Cruillas re: formula to be followed in completing libretas de vita y moribus for predidial officers. 11-10-1764
San Juan, Cruillas, Velez Cachupin Letter from San Juan to virrey re: complaints from people of Amarillas about teniente. Virrey's response. 05-04-1763
Sena, Portillo, Velez Cachupin, Cruillas Letters from Cachupin, Sena re: peace with cumanches; response from virrey (?) 12-26-1762
Zambrano, Zamora, Seisa, Mirabal, Oronzoro, Yrigoyen, Cruillas, Velez Cachupin Letter from Cachupin to virrey Cruillas re: need for religiosos in Nuevo Mexico due to advanced age and illness of those presently serving there. 06-28-1762
Velez Cachupin, Cruillas Letter from Cachupin to virrey Cruillas re: posting of various edicts. 08-26-1762
Velez Cachupin, Cruillas (Virrey) Letters from Cachupin to virrey Cruillas re: declared war with British; need for supplies. 08-27-1762
Marin del Valle, Revilla Gigedo, Codallos y Raval, Cruillas, Velez Cachupin Letter from Cachupin to virrey Cruillas re: pacification of cumanches. 08-28-1762
Marin del Valle, Revilla Gigedo, Codallos y Raval, Cruillas, Velez Cachupin Letter from Cachupin to virrey Cruillas re: pacification of cumanches. 08-28-1762
Gorraez, Velez Cachupin, Cruillas Letter from Cachupin to virrey Cruillas reporting arrival at capital to take possession of governorship; submission of testimonio in care of Gorraez. 03-24-1762
Armijo, Portillo, Velez Cachupin, Marin del Valle, Cruillas, Esquine, Maldonado, Garcia, Portillo Urrisola, Onacama, Codallos y Rabal, Biriato, Valdes Correspondence between Cachupin, Cruillas and others re: Portillo's attack on cumanche; establishment of peace. 03-23-1762
Armijo, Portillo, Velez Cachupin, Marin del Valle, Cruillas, Esquine, Maldonado, Garcia, Portillo Urrisola, Onacama, Codallos y Rabal, Biriato, Valdes Correspondence between Cachupin, Cruillas and others re: Portillo's attack on cumanche; establishment of peace. 03-23-1762
Cruillas, Velez Cachupin, Menchero, Ornedal Instructions from virrey Cruillas to Cachupin with special attention to interaction between Franciscan missions and government of Nuevo Mexico. 10-25-1761
Velez Cachupin, Cruillas, Madrid, Armijo Letters from Cachupin with special attention to interaction between Franciscan missions and government of Nuevo Mexico. 12-28-1761
Portillo Urrisola, Marin del Valle, Velez Cachupin, Martin, Thenorio, Romero, Sena, Cruillas Letters from Cachupin to virrey Cruillas re: need for polvora; submission list of equipment and minitions in armory, co-signed by Portillo. 02-04-1762
Marin del Valle, Amarillas, Portillo Urrizola, Velez Chachupin, Fernandez, Fernandez, Madrid, Esquibal, Benavides, Cruillas Letter from Marin del Valle Cruillas re: submission of testimony, Indian hostilities. 05-12-1761
Marin del Valle, Cruillas Letter from Marin del Valle to virrey Cruillas re: reciept of superior orden that gobernadores, corregidores and alcaldes mayores should live in capital of their jurisdiction. 02-20-1761
Marin del Valle, Cruillas Letter from Marin del Valle to virrey Cruillas re: Apache raid wherein several horses were stolen and a few people killed. 05-12-1761
Botas, Baptista, Christoval, Marin del Valle Letter to Marin del Valle re: decision in matter of complaints of Indians Botas and Baptista of various offenses they have suffered. 12-02-1756
Marin del Valle, Catuya Letter to Marin del Valle from virrey (?) re: proceedings against Catuya for upsetting reconocimiento of Moquis. 10-11-1758
Manuel Antonio, Croix, Fermin de Medinueta Letter from virrey to Mendinueta re: appointment of Manuel Antonio to presidial post. 04-14-1768
Fermin de Mendinueta, Croix Letter from Mendinueta to virrey Croix re: receipt of superior orden stating that subalternos should be approved, titled and dismissed by the captain general. 09-15-1768
Fermin de Mendinueta, Croix Letter from Mendinueta to virrey Croix re: protection of frontier from cumanche attacks. 06-18-1768
Mendoza, Fermin de Mendinueta, Croix Letter from Mendinueta to virrey Croix re: desire to move El Paso into jurisdiction of Nueva Vizcaya. Response from Croix. 09-03-1768
Fermin de Mendinueta, Croix Letter from Mendinueta to virrey Croix re: receipt of escopetas; some damaged in shipment. 06-16-1768
Chachon, Branciforte Notification sent to Chacon of promotion to governor. Letters between Chacon and Branciforte congratulating each other on promotions to governor and virrey respectively. 12-17-1793
Fermin de Mendinueta, Croix Letters between Mendinueta and virrey (?) re: difficulties with Indians and their pacification. 01-20-1768
Fermin de Mendinueta, Croix, Madrid, Portillo, Esquibel, Velez Cachupin, Navarro, Vega Florida, Cruillas Letter and extract of inspection from Mendinueta to Croix; and his acknowledgement. 12-31-1767
Fermin de Mendinueta, Croix, Madrid, Portillo, Esquibel, Velez Cachupin, Navarro, Vega Florida, Cruillas Letter and extract of inspection from Mendinueta to Croix; and his acknowledgement. 12-31-1767
Fermin Mendinueta, Croix Letter from Mendinueta to virrey re: submission of libretas of two presidial officials, and his own. Letter of acknowledgement from virrey Croix. 01-02-1768
Concha, Revilla Gigedo Letter from Concha to virrey Revilla Gigedo re: intertribal relations between allied Indian nations. Virrey's acknowledgement of reciept of letter. 05-06-1793
Concha, Revilla Gigedo, Vial, Villanueba, Espinosa, Chavez Diary of Vial's expedition was sent to Concha; from Concha to virrey Revilla Gigedo. 05-00-1792
Concha, Revilla Gigedo, Vial, Villanueba, Espinosa, Chavez Diary of Vial's expedition was sent to Concha; from Concha to virrey Revilla Gigedo. 05-00-1792
Concha Index of oficios sent to virrey from Concha. 05-06-1793
Concha, Revilla Gigedo Letter from Concha to virrey Revilla Gigedo re: posing of proclamations. 05-02-1793
Concha, Sandoval, Revilla Gigedo Letter from Concha to virrey and his response 11-01-1791
Concha, Vial Indices of oficios sent from Conchas to virrey. 04-14-1792
Nava, Revilla Gigedo, Concha Letter from Concha to virrey Revilla Gigedo requesting leave to Spain. 07-22-1792
Concha, Revilla Gigedo Letter from Concha to virrey Revilla Gigedo stating that he has posted edict allowing Indians to solicit permission to go to Spain. 11-08-1792
Ugarte y Loyola, Concha, Revilla Gigedo Letter from Concha to virrey Revilla Gigedo re: manner of establishing peace with Apaches. 12-15-1789
Concha, Revilla Gigedo Correspondence between virrey Revilla Gigedo and Concha re: remission of letters detailing occurences. 11-22-1790
Concha, Revilla Gigedo Letter and service record from Concha to virrey Revilla Gigedo, and virrey's acknowledgement. 11-01-1791
Concha, Flores, Galvez, Ugarte y Loyola Letter from Concha to virrey Flores and response re: peace with cumanches, yutas, navajoes. 11-10-1787
Concha, Flores Letter from Conchas to virrey Flores and response re: solicitation of grade of coronel. 06-20-1788
Daroca, Bucareli y Ursua, Queipo de Llano, Barrio, Moradillos, Machio, Colarte, Madrid Letter from Daroca to virrey Bucareli re: providing assistance to Barrio. 09-24-1774
Daroca, Colarte, Garcia Noriega, Garcia Noriega, San Juan, Villa Zevallos Letter from Daroca asking permission to marry. 02-16-1774
Pedro del Barrio, Munos, Marcos, Theran, Balerio, Canoso, Frijol, Juanico, Cuernitos, Arrieta, Masalteco, Gertrudis, Juana Antonia, Gil, Daroca Letter from Daroca re: arrival at presidio del norte, revista of local population, encounters with Apaches. 10-24-1773