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Person Last Name Title Date
Herera, Bonavia, Maynez Herera, Juan de. Requests compensation for horses he possessed when he entered the army, but which were taken from him by the army. 10-08-1815
Montes, Bonavia, Fernando VII, Sotero, Ponse de Leon, Rascon, Bernal, Ponce Montes, Rafael. Report of ceremony proclaiming fidelity to king Ferdinand VII. 10-15-1815
Montes, Bonavia, Fernando VII, Sotero, Ponse de Leon, Rascon, Bernal, Ponce Montes, Rafael. Report of ceremony proclaiming fidelity to king Ferdinand VII. 10-15-1815
Bonavia, Roque, Ygnacio, Pino Bonavia, Bernardo. Remittance of complaint by Manuel Ygnacio and pertinent documents. 10-20-1815
Bonavia Bonavia. Discusses economic situation of New Mexico. 09-18-1815
Bonavia, Armijo Bonavia, Bernardo. Concerning discharge of Antonio Armijo - debts owed to and equipment to be received from. 09-18-1815
Chaves, Chaves, Pino, Maynez, Pino, Olona, Bustamante, Baca, Arteaga, Sanchez Chaves, Maria Ursula to Pino, Pedro Bautista. Suit to recover debt. 08-15-1815
Chaves, Chaves, Pino, Maynez, Pino, Olona, Bustamante, Baca, Arteaga, Sanchez Chaves, Maria Ursula to Pino, Pedro Bautista. Suit to recover debt. 08-15-1815
Bonavia, Baca, Romero, Martin . Memos concerning: Indian relations, suggestion for filling vacant Alferez of Santa Fe, autos contra Pedro Martin, jobs to patriots. 08-01-1815
Bonavia, Baca, Romero, Martin . Memos concerning: Indian relations, suggestion for filling vacant Alferez of Santa Fe, autos contra Pedro Martin, jobs to patriots. 08-01-1815
Baca, Maynez Baca, Rafael. Advises Maynez of robber of Zunis by Apaches and navajoses. 08-07-1815
Lucero, Martin, Martin, Lucero, Montoia, Bixil, Maynes Lucero, Pablo to Maynes, Alverto. Discussion of tithes in compliance with earlier letter from Maynes. 08-10-1815
Bonavia y Zapata, Ponce de Leon, Sotero Bonavia y Zapata, Bernardo (comandante general). Proclamation of comandante general denouncing rebel representatives to so called national congress and ordering their arrest. 07-26-1815
Bonavia, Velasco Bonavia, Bernardo/Velasco, Francisco. Outlines punishments for desertion - or aiding and abetting desertors. 07-25-1815
Maynes, Galvez, Bazan Maynes, Alberto. Discussion of Indians fleeing disease. 07-12-1815
Bonavia, Lardizaval y Urive Bonavia, Bernardo. Informing New Mexico of abolition of ministry of ultramar and re-establishment of ministry of indies. 06-28-1815
Blanco, Guarduno Blanco, Gregorio. Letter discussing batism of Jose Maria Guarduno. 06-07-1815
Lardizabal, Luis Xviii, Henrique Iv, Bonaparte Lardizabal. Discussion of european events: Napoleon's escape, unification of Europe against him. 04-29-1815
Baca, Truxillo, Cavallero, Maines . Two letters: first concerns appointment of Baca as alcalde, second asks for help in dividing lands belonging to the Indians. 04-15-1815
Bonavia . notification of intent to attempt to gain peace with comanches. 03-31-1815
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo. Order to soldiers to remove hats while in church. 02-19-1815
Gutierrez, Aragon, Romero, Romero, Baca Gutierrez, Lorenzo (captain of militia). Service records of military personnel in the presidio de Santa Fe. 12-31-1814
Baca, Rey Baca, Bartolome to Rey, Hisidro. Correspondence to acting gobernador on the appointment of certain personnel to Belen. (reply is illegible). 12-09-1814
Baca, Elias Gonzalez, Arregui, Sotelo, Ortiz, Bazan, Arce . Copy book of drafts of eight letters to comandante general informing him of lack of paper for schools in Santa Fe: notice of sighting of Apache rancheria near Sabinal;momorial on accounts of soldiers of Santa Fe company... 11-00-1814
Baca, Elias Gonzalez, Arregui, Sotelo, Ortiz, Bazan, Arce . Copy book of drafts of eight letters to comandante general informing him of lack of paper for schools in Santa Fe: notice of sighting of Apache rancheria near Sabinal;momorial on accounts of soldiers of Santa Fe company... 11-00-1814
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo (comandante general). Request to governor of New Mexico to conduct census reports for all towns with ayuntamientos. 09-28-1814
Bonavia y Zapata Bonavia y Zapata, Bernardo (comandante general). Royal decree authorizing establishment of currency mint in Chihuahua to enhance commerce. 09-03-1814
Bonavia y Zapata Bonavia y Zapata, Bernardo (comandante general). note to governor of New Mexico informing him that six bandos ordering the establishment of schools of agriculture and economic societies of friends up the country are being sent for circulation. 08-17-1814
Quinones, Manrrique, Rascon, Terragas, Bernal, Bernal, Miranda, Orcasitas, Martinez Quinones, Pedro (teniente gobernador) (presidente). Proposition by extraordinary session of constitutional ayuntamiento for measures to raise money to create a public fund, through import taxes and personal charges. 08-21-1814
Quinones, Manrrique, Rascon, Terragas, Bernal, Bernal, Miranda, Orcasitas, Martinez Quinones, Pedro (teniente gobernador) (presidente). Proposition by extraordinary session of constitutional ayuntamiento for measures to raise money to create a public fund, through import taxes and personal charges. 08-21-1814
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo. Order to take census. 07-10-1814
Gonzales, Cordero, Ortiz, Chacon, Bizente, Manrrique, Pino, Larranaga, Truxillo, Baca, Romero, Quegue, Salazar, Romero, Angel, Rubi, Chaves, Sanches, Torres, Maese, Manuel, Griego, Valencia, Montoya, Baca, Romero, Majada, Motoya, Aragon, Romero, Bonavia Gonzales, Josef Manuel/Cordero, Juan Domingo to Manrrique, animals from the comanches. 06-08-1814
Gonzales, Cordero, Ortiz, Chacon, Bizente, Manrrique, Pino, Larranaga, Truxillo, Baca, Romero, Quegue, Salazar, Romero, Angel, Rubi, Chaves, Sanches, Torres, Maese, Manuel, Griego, Valencia, Montoya, Baca, Romero, Majada, Motoya, Aragon, Romero, Bonavia Gonzales, Josef Manuel/Cordero, Juan Domingo to Manrrique, animals from the comanches. 06-08-1814
Gonzales, Cordero, Ortiz, Chacon, Bizente, Manrrique, Pino, Larranaga, Truxillo, Baca, Romero, Quegue, Salazar, Romero, Angel, Rubi, Chaves, Sanches, Torres, Maese, Manuel, Griego, Valencia, Montoya, Baca, Romero, Majada, Motoya, Aragon, Romero, Bonavia Gonzales, Josef Manuel/Cordero, Juan Domingo to Manrrique, animals from the comanches. 06-08-1814
Gonzales, Cordero, Ortiz, Chacon, Bizente, Manrrique, Pino, Larranaga, Truxillo, Baca, Romero, Quegue, Salazar, Romero, Angel, Rubi, Chaves, Sanches, Torres, Maese, Manuel, Griego, Valencia, Montoya, Baca, Romero, Majada, Motoya, Aragon, Romero, Bonavia Gonzales, Josef Manuel/Cordero, Juan Domingo to Manrrique, animals from the comanches. 06-08-1814
Bonavia, Maynes, Gonzales, Corderi Bonavia, Bernardo to Maynez, Alberto. Acknowledging of receipt of proceedings in case of horse theft of comanches by two vezinos of Alburquerque order to bring to justice. 06-29-1814
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo. Re: a royal order concerning certain criminal cases. 05-20-1814
Lao, Delgado, Ortiz, Sarracino, Tenorio, Manrrique, Abreu, Aconta, Galindo, Angulo, Moya, Moreno, Baca, Ortiz, Caballero Ferdon, Martin, Delgado, Fernandez, Tafoya Lao, Soledad de. Suit for recovery of debt. 03-21-1814
Manrrique, Ruiz de Larramendi, Arze, Moreno, Estrada, Bonavia Manrique, Jose to Bonavia, Bernardo. Re: insubordination of officers. 03-16-1814
Bonavia y Zapata, Fernando Septimo, Castillo, Ruiz, Goyanes, Borbon, Agar, Siscar, Albares Guerra, Velares Bonavia, Bernardo. Royal order on disposition of lands and products. 02-28-1814
Bonavia y Zapata, Fernando Septimo, Castillo, Ruiz, Goyanes, Borbon, Agar, Siscar, Albares Guerra, Velares Bonavia, Bernardo. Royal order on disposition of lands and products. 02-28-1814
Calleja del Rey, Fernando VII, Sombiela, Goyanes, Clemente, Borbon, Agar, Ciscar, Alvarez Guerra, Negreyros y Soria Calleja del Rey, Felix Maria. Order on reduction of taxes by the Cortes. 03-04-1814
Bonavia, Orourtua, Canivel, Orovio, Elola Bonavia, Bernardo. Royal order relative to the junta de hazienda. 02-28-1814
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo. Royal decree on the relaxation of regulations for the establishment of industries. 01-20-1814
Bonavia, Fernando Septimo, Sombiela, Goyanes, Clemente, Borbon, Agar, Ciscar, Donojir Bonavia, Bernardo. Royal order re: premiums to troops. 01-28-1814
Bonavia, Fernando Septimo, Sombiela, Goyanes, Clemente, Borbon, Agar, Ciscar, Donojir Bonavia, Bernardo. Royal order re: premiums to troops. 01-28-1814
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo. Order on measurements to be taken to stem revolutionary activities. 00-00-1814
Bonabia y Zapata, Chaves, Chaves, Baca Bonavia, Bernardo. Re: military discharge. 11-30-1813
Bonabia y Zapata, Chaves, Chaves, Baca Bonavia, Bernardo. Re: military discharge. 11-30-1813
Bonavia, Fernando Septimo, Zunia, Castillo, Herrera, Villavicencio, Mosquera y Figueros, Rodriguez de Rivas, Perez Villamil, Cano Manuel Bonavia, Bernardo. Royal order: concerning uniform of military lawyers. 12-07-1813