Borbon, Ballesteros, Lardizabal, Abad, Valdemoros, Taboada, Borjas y Tarrius, Crespo de Tejada, Pezuela, Sancho |
Borbon, Luis de. Concerning the Spanish constitution of 1812 and the legality of the Cortes. |
03-24-1820 |
Borbon, Ballesteros, Lardizabal, Abad, Valdemoros, Taboada, Borjas y Tarrius, Crespo de Tejada, Pezuela, Sancho |
Borbon, Luis de. Concerning the Spanish constitution of 1812 and the legality of the Cortes. |
03-24-1820 |
Borbon, Ballesteros, Lardizabal, Abad, Valdemoros, Taboada, Borjas y Tarrius, Crespo de Tejada, Pezuela, Sancho |
Borbon, Luis de. Concerning the Spanish constitution of 1812 and the legality of the Cortes. |
03-24-1820 |
Bernal, Chaco, Chaves |
Bernal, Mariano/Cacho, Antonio (fray). Receipt for grain contributed for the relief of Zuni pueblo and a report on the distribution of the grain. |
03-05-1820 |
Melgares, Alari, Bernal, Baca, Sanches, Salaices, Garcia, Armijo, Tapia, Ortiz, Armijo, Silba, Baca, Ribera, Tajolla, Baca, Torres |
Melgares, Facundo. Report on the sergeants corporals and carabineros of the Santa Fee presidio company. |
12-31-1819 |
Melgares, Alari, Bernal, Baca, Sanches, Salaices, Garcia, Armijo, Tapia, Ortiz, Armijo, Silba, Baca, Ribera, Tajolla, Baca, Torres |
Melgares, Facundo. Report on the sergeants corporals and carabineros of the Santa Fee presidio company. |
12-31-1819 |
Melgares, Alari, Bernal, Baca, Sanches, Salaices, Garcia, Armijo, Tapia, Ortiz, Armijo, Silba, Baca, Ribera, Tajolla, Baca, Torres |
Melgares, Facundo. Report on the sergeants corporals and carabineros of the Santa Fee presidio company. |
12-31-1819 |
Melgares, Alari, Bernal, Baca, Sanches, Salaices, Garcia, Armijo, Tapia, Ortiz, Armijo, Silba, Baca, Ribera, Tajolla, Baca, Torres |
Melgares, Facundo. Report on the sergeants corporals and carabineros of the Santa Fee presidio company. |
12-31-1819 |
Melgares, Baca, Griego, Granados, Alari |
Melgares, Facundo. Service records of sergeant Manuel Baca second ensign Felipe Griego, and sergeant Jose Alari. |
12-31-1819 |
Leiba, Armendaris, Armijo, Esparra, Pacheco, Armijo, Ortis, Melgares, Fernando Septimo, Pena, Armijo, Montano, Chaves, Bentura Lopes, Ruiz, Ortiz, Duran, Armijo, Madariaga, Ruis, Tapia, Banabides, Garcia |
Leiba, Jose Francisco. |
12-27-1819 |
Leiba, Armendaris, Armijo, Esparra, Pacheco, Armijo, Ortis, Melgares, Fernando Septimo, Pena, Armijo, Montano, Chaves, Bentura Lopes, Ruiz, Ortiz, Duran, Armijo, Madariaga, Ruis, Tapia, Banabides, Garcia |
Leiba, Jose Francisco. |
12-27-1819 |
Melgares, Rivera, Pacheco, Bernal |
Facundo Melgares. Receipts for horses provided to several members of the Santa Fe presidio company. |
10-30-1819 |
Bernal |
Receipt for soap provided to the wife of Ramon Bernal. |
10-26-1819 |
Borrego |
Receipt for chocolate and sugar loaves provided to the wife of Francisco Borrego. |
10-19-1819 |
Munoz, Bernal, Duran |
An order to have depts paid off. |
10-19-1819 |
Bernal |
Mariano Bernal. Receipt for a sheep sold to Mariano Bernal. |
10-16-1819 |
Boca |
Manuel Baca. Receipt for a sheep and corn provided to sergeant Manuel Baca. |
10-15-1819 |
Bernal |
Jose Bernal. Receipt for goods provided to Jose-Bernal. |
10-12-1819 |
Bernal, Pacheco, Domingues, Montolla, Sandoval, Maldonado, Bustamante, Gutierres |
Mariano Bernal. Receipt for arms provided to four individuals. |
10-09-1819 |
Bernal, Pacheco, Domingues, Montolla, Sandoval, Maldonado, Bustamante, Gutierres |
Mariano Bernal. Receipt for arms provided to four individuals. |
10-09-1819 |
Griego, Abreu, Melgares, Rivera, Sanches, Vizente, Lucero, Bentos, Xaques |
Griego, Felipe. Interrogation of settler who had recently visited the comanches. |
10-08-1819 |
Pacheco, Uriorte, Gallego, Bernal |
Mariano Bernal. Receipt for arms provided to three individuals. |
10-09-1819 |
Pacheco, Dominguez, Sandoval, Bustamante, Gallego, Trioste, Griego |
Felipe Griego. A list of clothing distributed to members of the Santa Fe presidio company. |
10-01-1819 |
Balencia, Rivera, Ortiz, Mondragon, Trugillo, Mestas, Melgares, Cordova, Lucero, Madrid, Varela, Madrid, Crespina, Esquibel, Sena, Romero, Mondragon, Trugillo, Munis, Lopes, Archuleta, Archuleta |
Balencia, Francisco. Suit challenging a sentence given in a criminal case. |
09-22-1819 |
Melgares, Vigil, Truxillo, Espinosa, Quintana, Baca, Duran y Chaves, Quintana, Martin, Martin, Ortiz, Tajoya |
Melgares, Facundo. Case of criminal assault. |
09-09-1819 |
Sanches Vergara, Vigil, Melgares, Alvares, Osio, Chaves, Martines de Arellano, Montes, Montoya, Boival, Fernandez, Peres Serrano, Mestas, Castro, Sena, Garcia, Gallego, Mansanares, Carabajal, Mestas, Lucero, Lopes, Montoya, Totoya, Garcia, Baca, Garcia, Padilla |
Sanches Vergara, Ygnacio Maria. Criminal case of adultery. |
07-25-1819 |
Sanches Vergara, Vigil, Melgares, Alvares, Osio, Chaves, Martines de Arellano, Montes, Montoya, Boival, Fernandez, Peres Serrano, Mestas, Castro, Sena, Garcia, Gallego, Mansanares, Carabajal, Mestas, Lucero, Lopes, Montoya, Totoya, Garcia, Baca, Garcia, Padilla |
Sanches Vergara, Ygnacio Maria. Criminal case of adultery. |
07-25-1819 |
Pino, Delgado, Montoya, Baca, Pino |
Pino, Juan Esteban. List of citizens contributing to royal treasury and donations. |
08-01-1819 |
Baca |
Baca, Bartolome. Statement reporting on the number of livestock owned by Bartolome Baca, and monies received in rents. |
07-24-1819 |
Melgares, Bragada, Gallego, Larranaga |
Melgares, Facundo to Bragado, Francisco. Appointment of notary. |
06-26-1819 |
Gomes Sanudo, Medina, Lujan, Balensuela, Ronquillo, Pena, Melgares, Martin, Ortis, Aban, Cavallero, Madariaga |
Gomes Sanudo, Andres. Criminal case involving the misleading of Indians. |
06-25-1819 |
Romero, Martinez, Sanches, Baca, Chaves, Sisneros, Melgares |
Facundo Melgares. Report on candidates to fill the positions of lieutenant of the la Canada militia and alferes of the Santa Fee militia. |
06-11-1819 |
Abreu, Melgares, Baca, Armijo, Ortiz |
Santiago Abreu. Suit by Santiago Abbreu to recover small debt from Antonio Armijo. |
06-04-1819 |
Montoya, Bergara |
Josef Montoya. A list of beans and chiles supplied to members of the Santa Fee, Xanos, San Elceario, Carrizal, and El Paso presidio companies. |
05-22-1819 |
Melgares, Hozio, Bergara |
Francisco de Hozio-to-Facundo Melgares. Reporting on ecclesiastical visitation. |
05-12-1819 |
Silba, Melgares, Baca, Arse |
Jose Sibla. Report on sheep and cattle donated for the maintenance of soldiers. |
05-05-1819 |
Jaramillo, Lopez, De la Pena, Armijo, Melgares, Armijo, Armijo, Sandoval, Chaves, Sanches, Baca, Beita, Tapia, Ravi, Sedillo, Galbadon, Sedio, Anallo, Garsia, Baca |
Agustin Taramillo. Civil suit for debts. |
03-15-1819 |
Jaramillo, Lopez, De la Pena, Armijo, Melgares, Armijo, Armijo, Sandoval, Chaves, Sanches, Baca, Beita, Tapia, Ravi, Sedillo, Galbadon, Sedio, Anallo, Garsia, Baca |
Agustin Taramillo. Civil suit for debts. |
03-15-1819 |
Jaramillo, Lopez, De la Pena, Armijo, Melgares, Armijo, Armijo, Sandoval, Chaves, Sanches, Baca, Beita, Tapia, Ravi, Sedillo, Galbadon, Sedio, Anallo, Garsia, Baca |
Agustin Taramillo. Civil suit for debts. |
03-15-1819 |
Melgares, Cabesa de Baca, Montes, Baca |
Juan Antonio Cabesa de Baca-to-Facundo Melgares. Military campaign. |
02-02-1819 |
Melgares, Sanches, Baca |
Facundo Melgares. Report on members of the Santa Fee presidio eligible for service premiums. |
02-01-1819 |
Penon, Melgares, Baca, Valverde, Urrivali, Chaves, Truxillo, Aragon, Sanchez |
Mariano Penon-to-Facundo Melgares. |
01-31-1819 |
Sanudo, Baca |
Andres Sanudo and Juan Baca. List of soap distributed to members of the Santa Fee presidio company. |
01-08-1819 |
Romero, Gutierrez, Romero, Delgado, Baca |
Mariano Romero. Service records of the officers of the Santa Fe militia company. |
12-31-1818 |
Bernal |
Julian Bernal. Receipt for 75 flints for the El Paso militia company. |
11-21-1818 |
Bacca, Melgares, Gonsales |
Dionisio Baca. Acknowledging receipt of 100 flints for the Zia and Alburquerque militia. |
11-17-1818 |
Sanches, Berroteran, Penon |
Juan Berroteran-to-fray Jose Mariano Penon. Report on a soldier killed by the nabajo. |
11-09-1818 |
Lucero, Padilla, Aragon, Gonsales, Romero, Molina, Ortega, Jaramillo, Salas, Chaves, Vigil, Arteaga, Chabes, Melgares, Ortiz, Armijo, Armijo, Madariaga, Apodaca, Sedillo, Chaves, Baca, Gavaldon, Pena, Ballejos, Velasques, Chaves, Lopes |
Andres Lucero. Criminal case against Juachin Padilla for theft of sheep. |
10-26-1818 |
Lucero, Padilla, Aragon, Gonsales, Romero, Molina, Ortega, Jaramillo, Salas, Chaves, Vigil, Arteaga, Chabes, Melgares, Ortiz, Armijo, Armijo, Madariaga, Apodaca, Sedillo, Chaves, Baca, Gavaldon, Pena, Ballejos, Velasques, Chaves, Lopes |
Andres Lucero. Criminal case against Juachin Padilla for theft of sheep. |
10-26-1818 |
Montes, Bernal |
Rafael Montes and Julian Bernal. A report on the arms, clothing, and animals owned by the members of the El Paso militia company. |
10-28-1818 |