Indian war. |
11-00-1652 |
Guajardo Fajardo, D. (Governor), Ramirez de Prado, A. (Sargent-Major), Torro, S. de (Capitan), Reyes, G. de los (Capitan General), Echevarria, J. de (Capitan), Jimenez, F. (Alferez), Velasco, D. G. de (Alferez), Zaldibar y Loes, P. de (Alferez), Camuasal, J. de (Capitan), Alvarado, J. de (Capitan), Carrion, J.F. de (Capitan), Joseph (Cacique of Tarahumares), Barnabe (Cacique of Concho Indians), Pablo (Cacique of Tarahumares), Pe4Ro (Cacique of Tarahumares), Lorenzo (Cacique of Sinaloas Indians), Alonso (Cacique of Tepehuanes) |
Complaint against Jesuit doctrina |
03-11-1649 |
Pascual, A.J., Rada, A. de, Montero, F., Escandon, F. de, Forrero Francisco, J. |
Francisco Gonzalez Cumplido vs Juan Leal y Juan de Rivera. Pleito sobre molestia. |
08-17-1633 |
Rivera, Juan de, Leal, Juan |
Pedro Toral Valdes and Joseph Romualdo de Arango (Arango). Certificaciones de oficiales reales, y contador de armada sobre noticias, pie de gente, sueldos, y demas de los presidios internos. |
12-24-1774 |
Toral Valdes, Pedro, Romualdo de Arango, Joseph (Arango) |
Padre Carlos de Roxas and others. Statements concerning financial situations of Sonoran missions. |
06-00-1749 |
Roxas, Carlos de (S.J.), Perez de la Busta, Thomas (S.J.) |
Visitador general Joseph Raphael Rodriguez Gallardo, padre Carlos de Roxas, and others. Autos letters concerning legal nature of judicial testimony. |
01-00-1749 |
Rodriguez Gallardo, Joseph Raphael (Juez Pesquisidor y Visitador General), Roxas, Carlos de (S.J.) |
Visitador general Joseph Raphael Rodriguez Gallardo, padre Carlos de Roxas, and others. Autos letters concerning legal nature of judicial testimony. |
01-00-1749 |
Rodriguez Gallardo, Joseph Raphael (Juez Pesquisidor y Visitador General), Roxas, Carlos de (S.J.) |
Concerns the relief of the compania franca de Voluntarios de cataluna detached in Sonora. |
11-12-1772 |
Sola, Estevan de (Teniente Comandante), Rengel, Jose Antonio (Coronel), Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, and others |
Discussion of mining on the California peninsula. |
08-09-1782 |
Ortiz de Rosas, Juan, Rocha, Francisco de la, and others |
Documents concerning marriage of P. nolasco with M. Garza. |
08-24-1786 |
Ugalde, Juan de, Ruiz de Santayana, Antonio (Viuda), nolasco Carrasco, Pedro (Teniente), and others |
Informes dealing with Rongel's leave of absence from Nueva Vizcaya to return to Spain for health and other reasons. |
10-24-1817 |
Rongel Laso de la Vega, Pablo (Capitan), Nunes, Cayetano, Gomes, |
Informes by captain Rongel seeking promotion to coronel. |
06-08-1803 |
Rongel, Pablo, Brilanti, Jose, Ahumado, Mateo, and others |
Provision of auditors for comandancias generales de Provincias Internas de oriente y occidente. |
12-10-1817 |
Rendon, Nicolas Maria (Virrey), Moran, Antonio, Venadito, Conde de, and others |
sobre si se ha de cargar a la real hacienda y abonar a la compania presidial de Bexar 4,856 ps. Para obsequiar a los indios y mantener el hospital. |
12-21-1810 |
Salcedo, Nemecio, Diaz de Luna, Miguel, Royuela, Manuel, and others |
sobre si se ha de cargar a la real hacienda y abonar a la compania presidial de Bexar 4,856 ps. Para obsequiar a los indios y mantener el hospital. |
12-21-1810 |
Salcedo, Nemecio, Diaz de Luna, Miguel, Royuela, Manuel, and others |
don Jose Miguel Martinez capellan de la compania presidial de La Bahia pidiendo su retiro. |
10-22-1815 |
Arredondo, Joaquin de, Royuela, Manuel, Martinez, Jose Miguel, and others |
Correspondence between Nava, the viceroy, and other government officials concerning medicine supplies for Arispe. |
10-28-1793 |
Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), and others |
Sobre remesa de polvora a la pagaduria de Arispe. |
03-12-1794 |
Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), and others. |
Correspondence between Feliz, viceroy, Nava, and other government officials concerning payment of sinodos to Valdez. |
08-00-1767 |
Feliz, Xavier Ygnacio (Teniente de Justicia), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), Nava, Pedro de, and others |
Correspondence between Gutierrez, Aranda, and viceroy concerning medicine supplies for Arispe. |
03-31-1790 |
Gutierrez, Luis, Aranda, Juan de, Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey) |
Correspondence between Nava, viceroy, and other government officials concerning appointment of Garcia y Bringas. |
03-09-1792 |
Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), and others |
Correspondence between Gorostiza, viceroy, and other government officials concerning exchange of positions between Garcia and Fernandez. |
04-02-1793 |
Gorostiza, Pedro, Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), and others |
Correspondence between Rivero, Ugarte, Florez, and other government officials concerning trip of Rivero with two Indians to Mexico and their return to Sonora. |
02-11-1788 |
Rivero, Joseph Maria (Alferez), Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Comandante General), Florez, Manuel Antonio (Virrey), and others |
Correspondence between Ugarte, Florez, and other government officials concerning transfer of Allande. |
00-00-1767 |
Rengel, Josef Antonio, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, and others |
Instancia regarding existence and validity of governor Mendoza's will. |
04-01-1758 |
Ruiz Huerta, Nicolas, Fresomil y Vallesteros, Mariano, Guerrero y Fagle, Joachin, and others |
Obispo of Sonora requests recompense from Croix for living and travel expenses of group of 24 missionaries posted to province. |
12-17-1782 |
Croix, Cavallero de (Comandante General), Reyes, Francisco de los (Obispo), Carrillo, and others |
Vedia y Pinto and Gomez de Castro request military retirement because of illnesses suffered. |
08-11-1807 |
Calleja, Felix, Ruiz de Aguirre, Josef, Cavarrubias, Ramon (Medico), and others |
Request by Rosas that he be granted retirement from the tercera compania de infanteria urbana de Durango. |
11-06-1819 |
Rosas, Jose Maria de, Venegas (Secretaria), Torres, Manuel Maria de, and others |
Service records and biographies, and honors of five members of the compania presidial del principe. |
06-06-1818 |
Ruano, Manuel, Lomban, Juan, Hernandez, Jose, and others |
Service records, biographies, and honors of three members of the quarta compania Volante de San Pablo. |
06-30-1818 |
Lomban, Juan, Ruano, Manuel, Arzate, Jose, and others |
el snr. Briger. Dn. Anto. Cordero nombrado gobor. Intendte. de Durango. |
08-20-1817 |
Cordero, Antonio (Gobernador Intendente), Ruiz de Apodaca, Juan (Virrey), Pinilla, Angel (Ministro Fiscal), and others |
diligencias practicadas sobre falta de respeto a la jurisdiccion real ordinaria por la tropa del quartel de San Antonio, la noche del dia 8 de enero de dicho ano. |
01-10-1817 |
Roldan, Francisco del Pascual, Cano, Jose Maria (Alcalde), Lopez, Fabian (Alcalde de Barrio), and others |
Continuation of Roldan-Grimaldi controversy over civil-military authority. |
10-13-1817 |
Balza Viguri, Antonio (Teniente)(Defensor), Ruiz de Bustamante, Juan Jose (Teniente), Rongel, Pablo (Fiscal), and others |
Continuation of Roldan-Grimaldi controversy concerning civil-military authority. |
08-29-1817 |
Roldan, Francisco de Pascual, Bonavia, Bernardo (Comandante General), Garay, Ramon, and others |
Continuation of Roldan-Grimaldi controversy over civil-military authority. |
10-13-1817 |
Balza Viguri, Antonio (Teniente)(Defensor), Ruiz de Bustamante, Juan Jose (Teniente), Rongel, Pablo (Fiscal), and others |
Continuation of Roldan-Grimaldi controversy over civil-military authority. |
10-13-1817 |
Balza Viguri, Antonio (Teniente)(Defensor), Ruiz de Bustamante, Juan Jose (Teniente), Rongel, Pablo (Fiscal), and others |
diligencias practicadas para la haberiguacion de insulto de que se le hicieron al alcalde de 10. Voto don Francisco Roldan por Alferez dn. Ramon Grimaldi y los soldados y carabineros Ramon Cisneros, Manuel Rivas, Manuel Qui ones... |
01-08-1817 |
Garcia Conde, Alexo (Mariscal de Campo), Grimaldi, Ramon (Alferez), Rongel, Pablo (Juez Fiscal), and others |
diligencias practicadas para la haberiguacion de insulto de que se le hicieron al alcalde de 10. Voto don Francisco Roldan por Alferez dn. Ramon Grimaldi y los soldados y carabineros Ramon Cisneros, Manuel Rivas, Manuel Qui ones... |
01-08-1817 |
Garcia Conde, Alexo (Mariscal de Campo), Grimaldi, Ramon (Alferez), Rongel, Pablo (Juez Fiscal), and others |
More documents concerning dispute between Roldan and Grimaldi about civil versus military authority. |
01-27-1817 |
Roldan, Francisco de Pascual (Alcalde), Mena, Jesus Maria, Garcia Conde, Alexo (Gobernador), and others |
el alcalde ordinario de primer voto don Francisco Roldan contra el Alferez don Ramon Grimaldi y otros individuos e tropa por multos que estos in??? A su jurisdiccion real ordinaria. |
01-00-1817 |
Roldan, Francisco de Pascual (Alcalde Ordinario), Garcia Conde, Alejo (Mariscal de Campo), Berdegal, Juan Bautista, and others |
Florez orders that governors and comandantes of Sonora and Nueva Viscaya obey instructions given by Galvez for administration of those provincias. |
09-18-1787 |
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Rengel, Joseph Antonio, Tueros, Pedro de, and others |
Reyes and Ugarte y Loyola submit informes to Galvez noting disastrous condition of missions and towns. Proposal for creation of custodia de San Carlos and movement of capital to Ures. |
08-27-1783 |
Reyes, Antonio de las, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo |
Concerns Mendoza's request for status of invalid. |
11-01-1788 |
Bonavia, Bernardo, Ruano, Manuel, Mendoza, Jose Luciano, Ruiz de Larramendi, Pedro |
Concerns monetary awards to certain military men in Santa Fe and Carrizal. |
10-04-1766 |
Bonavia, Bernardo, Ortiz, Miguel, Ruiz de Larramendi, Pedro, Allande, Pedro Maria de, and others |
Concerns monetary awards to certain military men in Santa Fe and Carrizal. |
10-04-1766 |
Bonavia, Bernardo, Ortiz, Miguel, Ruiz de Larramendi, Pedro, Allande, Pedro Maria de, and others |
Redondo requests promotion to rank of capitan de milicias de caballeria de Mazatlan. Redondo's superiors recount his service records and campaigns against rebels. |
08-16-1810 |
Velasco, Francisco, Tarbe, Fermin de (Gobernador), Redondo, Jose Maria (Teniente), and others |
Redondo requests promotion to rank of capitan de milicias de caballeria de Mazatlan. Redondo's superiors recount his service records and campaigns against rebels. |
08-16-1810 |
Velasco, Francisco, Tarbe, Fermin de (Gobernador), Redondo, Jose Maria (Teniente), and others |
Ruiz de Larramendi requests retirement from compania presidial de San Elceario and permission to reside in Spain. |
09-01-1816 |
Bonavia, Bernardo, Ruiz de Larramendi, Pedro (Capitan), Muns, Cayetano (Cirujano), and others |
Letters from Garcia for virrey informing him about the situation in the provincias de occidente. |
01-28-1820 |
Garcia Conde, Alexo (Comandante), Ronquilla, Jose (Capitan), Barela, Jose, and others |
Documents concern series of petitions by missionaries at Zacatecas and Pachuca to return to Spain. |
11-20-1789 |
Boullosa, Manuel de la Soledad (Fray), Carral, Joseph (Fray), Rada, Miguel Jesus de Maria (Fray), and others |