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Title Date Author(s)
Indian war. 11-00-1652 Guajardo Fajardo, D. (Governor), Ramirez de Prado, A. (Sargent-Major), Torro, S. de (Capitan), Reyes, G. de los (Capitan General), Echevarria, J. de (Capitan), Jimenez, F. (Alferez), Velasco, D. G. de (Alferez), Zaldibar y Loes, P. de (Alferez), Camuasal, J. de (Capitan), Alvarado, J. de (Capitan), Carrion, J.F. de (Capitan), Joseph (Cacique of Tarahumares), Barnabe (Cacique of Concho Indians), Pablo (Cacique of Tarahumares), Pe4Ro (Cacique of Tarahumares), Lorenzo (Cacique of Sinaloas Indians), Alonso (Cacique of Tepehuanes)
Complaint against Jesuit doctrina 03-11-1649 Pascual, A.J., Rada, A. de, Montero, F., Escandon, F. de, Forrero Francisco, J.
Francisco Gonzalez Cumplido vs Juan Leal y Juan de Rivera. Pleito sobre molestia. 08-17-1633 Rivera, Juan de, Leal, Juan
Pedro Toral Valdes and Joseph Romualdo de Arango (Arango). Certificaciones de oficiales reales, y contador de armada sobre noticias, pie de gente, sueldos, y demas de los presidios internos. 12-24-1774 Toral Valdes, Pedro, Romualdo de Arango, Joseph (Arango)
Padre Carlos de Roxas and others. Statements concerning financial situations of Sonoran missions. 06-00-1749 Roxas, Carlos de (S.J.), Perez de la Busta, Thomas (S.J.)
Visitador general Joseph Raphael Rodriguez Gallardo, padre Carlos de Roxas, and others. Autos letters concerning legal nature of judicial testimony. 01-00-1749 Rodriguez Gallardo, Joseph Raphael (Juez Pesquisidor y Visitador General), Roxas, Carlos de (S.J.)
Visitador general Joseph Raphael Rodriguez Gallardo, padre Carlos de Roxas, and others. Autos letters concerning legal nature of judicial testimony. 01-00-1749 Rodriguez Gallardo, Joseph Raphael (Juez Pesquisidor y Visitador General), Roxas, Carlos de (S.J.)
Concerns the relief of the compania franca de Voluntarios de cataluna detached in Sonora. 11-12-1772 Sola, Estevan de (Teniente Comandante), Rengel, Jose Antonio (Coronel), Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, and others
Discussion of mining on the California peninsula. 08-09-1782 Ortiz de Rosas, Juan, Rocha, Francisco de la, and others
Documents concerning marriage of P. nolasco with M. Garza. 08-24-1786 Ugalde, Juan de, Ruiz de Santayana, Antonio (Viuda), nolasco Carrasco, Pedro (Teniente), and others
Informes dealing with Rongel's leave of absence from Nueva Vizcaya to return to Spain for health and other reasons. 10-24-1817 Rongel Laso de la Vega, Pablo (Capitan), Nunes, Cayetano, Gomes,
Informes by captain Rongel seeking promotion to coronel. 06-08-1803 Rongel, Pablo, Brilanti, Jose, Ahumado, Mateo, and others
Provision of auditors for comandancias generales de Provincias Internas de oriente y occidente. 12-10-1817 Rendon, Nicolas Maria (Virrey), Moran, Antonio, Venadito, Conde de, and others
sobre si se ha de cargar a la real hacienda y abonar a la compania presidial de Bexar 4,856 ps. Para obsequiar a los indios y mantener el hospital. 12-21-1810 Salcedo, Nemecio, Diaz de Luna, Miguel, Royuela, Manuel, and others
sobre si se ha de cargar a la real hacienda y abonar a la compania presidial de Bexar 4,856 ps. Para obsequiar a los indios y mantener el hospital. 12-21-1810 Salcedo, Nemecio, Diaz de Luna, Miguel, Royuela, Manuel, and others
don Jose Miguel Martinez capellan de la compania presidial de La Bahia pidiendo su retiro. 10-22-1815 Arredondo, Joaquin de, Royuela, Manuel, Martinez, Jose Miguel, and others
Correspondence between Nava, the viceroy, and other government officials concerning medicine supplies for Arispe. 10-28-1793 Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), and others
Sobre remesa de polvora a la pagaduria de Arispe. 03-12-1794 Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), and others.
Correspondence between Feliz, viceroy, Nava, and other government officials concerning payment of sinodos to Valdez. 08-00-1767 Feliz, Xavier Ygnacio (Teniente de Justicia), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), Nava, Pedro de, and others
Correspondence between Gutierrez, Aranda, and viceroy concerning medicine supplies for Arispe. 03-31-1790 Gutierrez, Luis, Aranda, Juan de, Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey)
Correspondence between Nava, viceroy, and other government officials concerning appointment of Garcia y Bringas. 03-09-1792 Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), and others
Correspondence between Gorostiza, viceroy, and other government officials concerning exchange of positions between Garcia and Fernandez. 04-02-1793 Gorostiza, Pedro, Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), and others
Correspondence between Rivero, Ugarte, Florez, and other government officials concerning trip of Rivero with two Indians to Mexico and their return to Sonora. 02-11-1788 Rivero, Joseph Maria (Alferez), Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Comandante General), Florez, Manuel Antonio (Virrey), and others
Correspondence between Ugarte, Florez, and other government officials concerning transfer of Allande. 00-00-1767 Rengel, Josef Antonio, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, and others
Instancia regarding existence and validity of governor Mendoza's will. 04-01-1758 Ruiz Huerta, Nicolas, Fresomil y Vallesteros, Mariano, Guerrero y Fagle, Joachin, and others
Obispo of Sonora requests recompense from Croix for living and travel expenses of group of 24 missionaries posted to province. 12-17-1782 Croix, Cavallero de (Comandante General), Reyes, Francisco de los (Obispo), Carrillo, and others
Vedia y Pinto and Gomez de Castro request military retirement because of illnesses suffered. 08-11-1807 Calleja, Felix, Ruiz de Aguirre, Josef, Cavarrubias, Ramon (Medico), and others
Request by Rosas that he be granted retirement from the tercera compania de infanteria urbana de Durango. 11-06-1819 Rosas, Jose Maria de, Venegas (Secretaria), Torres, Manuel Maria de, and others
Service records and biographies, and honors of five members of the compania presidial del principe. 06-06-1818 Ruano, Manuel, Lomban, Juan, Hernandez, Jose, and others
Service records, biographies, and honors of three members of the quarta compania Volante de San Pablo. 06-30-1818 Lomban, Juan, Ruano, Manuel, Arzate, Jose, and others
el snr. Briger. Dn. Anto. Cordero nombrado gobor. Intendte. de Durango. 08-20-1817 Cordero, Antonio (Gobernador Intendente), Ruiz de Apodaca, Juan (Virrey), Pinilla, Angel (Ministro Fiscal), and others
diligencias practicadas sobre falta de respeto a la jurisdiccion real ordinaria por la tropa del quartel de San Antonio, la noche del dia 8 de enero de dicho ano. 01-10-1817 Roldan, Francisco del Pascual, Cano, Jose Maria (Alcalde), Lopez, Fabian (Alcalde de Barrio), and others
Continuation of Roldan-Grimaldi controversy over civil-military authority. 10-13-1817 Balza Viguri, Antonio (Teniente)(Defensor), Ruiz de Bustamante, Juan Jose (Teniente), Rongel, Pablo (Fiscal), and others
Continuation of Roldan-Grimaldi controversy concerning civil-military authority. 08-29-1817 Roldan, Francisco de Pascual, Bonavia, Bernardo (Comandante General), Garay, Ramon, and others
Continuation of Roldan-Grimaldi controversy over civil-military authority. 10-13-1817 Balza Viguri, Antonio (Teniente)(Defensor), Ruiz de Bustamante, Juan Jose (Teniente), Rongel, Pablo (Fiscal), and others
Continuation of Roldan-Grimaldi controversy over civil-military authority. 10-13-1817 Balza Viguri, Antonio (Teniente)(Defensor), Ruiz de Bustamante, Juan Jose (Teniente), Rongel, Pablo (Fiscal), and others
diligencias practicadas para la haberiguacion de insulto de que se le hicieron al alcalde de 10. Voto don Francisco Roldan por Alferez dn. Ramon Grimaldi y los soldados y carabineros Ramon Cisneros, Manuel Rivas, Manuel Qui ones... 01-08-1817 Garcia Conde, Alexo (Mariscal de Campo), Grimaldi, Ramon (Alferez), Rongel, Pablo (Juez Fiscal), and others
diligencias practicadas para la haberiguacion de insulto de que se le hicieron al alcalde de 10. Voto don Francisco Roldan por Alferez dn. Ramon Grimaldi y los soldados y carabineros Ramon Cisneros, Manuel Rivas, Manuel Qui ones... 01-08-1817 Garcia Conde, Alexo (Mariscal de Campo), Grimaldi, Ramon (Alferez), Rongel, Pablo (Juez Fiscal), and others
More documents concerning dispute between Roldan and Grimaldi about civil versus military authority. 01-27-1817 Roldan, Francisco de Pascual (Alcalde), Mena, Jesus Maria, Garcia Conde, Alexo (Gobernador), and others
el alcalde ordinario de primer voto don Francisco Roldan contra el Alferez don Ramon Grimaldi y otros individuos e tropa por multos que estos in??? A su jurisdiccion real ordinaria. 01-00-1817 Roldan, Francisco de Pascual (Alcalde Ordinario), Garcia Conde, Alejo (Mariscal de Campo), Berdegal, Juan Bautista, and others
Florez orders that governors and comandantes of Sonora and Nueva Viscaya obey instructions given by Galvez for administration of those provincias. 09-18-1787 Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Rengel, Joseph Antonio, Tueros, Pedro de, and others
Reyes and Ugarte y Loyola submit informes to Galvez noting disastrous condition of missions and towns. Proposal for creation of custodia de San Carlos and movement of capital to Ures. 08-27-1783 Reyes, Antonio de las, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo
Concerns Mendoza's request for status of invalid. 11-01-1788 Bonavia, Bernardo, Ruano, Manuel, Mendoza, Jose Luciano, Ruiz de Larramendi, Pedro
Concerns monetary awards to certain military men in Santa Fe and Carrizal. 10-04-1766 Bonavia, Bernardo, Ortiz, Miguel, Ruiz de Larramendi, Pedro, Allande, Pedro Maria de, and others
Concerns monetary awards to certain military men in Santa Fe and Carrizal. 10-04-1766 Bonavia, Bernardo, Ortiz, Miguel, Ruiz de Larramendi, Pedro, Allande, Pedro Maria de, and others
Redondo requests promotion to rank of capitan de milicias de caballeria de Mazatlan. Redondo's superiors recount his service records and campaigns against rebels. 08-16-1810 Velasco, Francisco, Tarbe, Fermin de (Gobernador), Redondo, Jose Maria (Teniente), and others
Redondo requests promotion to rank of capitan de milicias de caballeria de Mazatlan. Redondo's superiors recount his service records and campaigns against rebels. 08-16-1810 Velasco, Francisco, Tarbe, Fermin de (Gobernador), Redondo, Jose Maria (Teniente), and others
Ruiz de Larramendi requests retirement from compania presidial de San Elceario and permission to reside in Spain. 09-01-1816 Bonavia, Bernardo, Ruiz de Larramendi, Pedro (Capitan), Muns, Cayetano (Cirujano), and others
Letters from Garcia for virrey informing him about the situation in the provincias de occidente. 01-28-1820 Garcia Conde, Alexo (Comandante), Ronquilla, Jose (Capitan), Barela, Jose, and others
Documents concern series of petitions by missionaries at Zacatecas and Pachuca to return to Spain. 11-20-1789 Boullosa, Manuel de la Soledad (Fray), Carral, Joseph (Fray), Rada, Miguel Jesus de Maria (Fray), and others