Indian war.

Serial Number
Guajardo Fajardo, D. (Governor)
Ramirez de Prado, A. (Sargent-Major)
Torro, S. de (Capitan)
Reyes, G. de los (Capitan General)
Echevarria, J. de (Capitan)
Jimenez, F. (Alferez)
Velasco, D. G. de (Alferez)
Zaldibar y Loes, P. de (Alferez)
Camuasal, J. de (Capitan)
Alvarado, J. de (Capitan)
Carrion, J.F. de (Capitan)
Joseph (Cacique of Tarahumares)
Barnabe (Cacique of Concho Indians)
Pablo (Cacique of Tarahumares)
Pe4Ro (Cacique of Tarahumares)
Lorenzo (Cacique of Sinaloas Indians)
Alonso (Cacique of Tepehuanes)
The Parral - rio Florida area. November 1652 - February 1653 o
An Indian war breaks out against the Tarahumares and Tepehuanes in the west here. One document shows fighting in east going on with the Salineros also, and the Tobosos. The Concho Indians under Don Barnabe join the Spanish. A couple Tarahumara caciques arrive with some men and claim the other Tarahumares are rebels - not really the true tribe and they aid the Spanish. The fighting is raid, guerilla type action with a handfull of ^hombres^ and a large no. Of ^amigo^ Indians sent out every day on foreys. Action is continual all thru nov, December and January. Appears to taper off and end by February 1, 1653. In these documents the Rio Florida is called the Rio de Papigoche. Action takes place primarily in San Nicolas Valley; the ^valle de los mulatos^ and in ^valle de pachera^. Persons- Diego Guajardo Fajardo, governor of Nueva Vizcaya; Alonso Ramirez de Prado, sargent-major; Sebastian de Torro, captain; Geronimo de las Reyes, capt-general; capt. Juan de Echevarria; alfarez Francisco Jimenez; alfarez Diego Gil de Velasco; alfarez Don Pedro de Zaldibar y Loes; capt. Juan de Camuasal; capt. Don Jorge de Alvarado; capt. Juan Francisco de Carrion. Indian caciques, all friendly ^Amigos^- Don Joseph, Cacique of Tarahumares; Don Barnabe, Cacique of Concho Indians, Don Pablo, Cacique of Tarahumares; Don Pedro, Cacique of Tarahumares; Don Lorenzo, Cacique of Sinaloas Indians; Don Alonso, Cacique of Tepehuanes. (R. Davis) (1975)
Guajardo Fajardo, Diego (Governor)
Ramirez de Prado, Alonso (Sargent-Mayor)
Torro, Sebastian de (Captain)
Reyes, Geronimo de las (Capitan-General)
Echevarria, Juan de (Capitan)
Jimenez, Francisco (Alfarez)
Velasco, Diego Gil de (Alfarez)
Zaldibar y Loes, Pedro de (Alfarez)
Camuasal, Juan de (Capitan)
Joseph (Cacique of Tarahumares)
Barnabe (Cacique of Concho Indians)
Pablo (Cacique of Tarahumares)
Pedro (Cacigue of Tarahumares)
Lorenzo (Cacique of Sinaloas Indians)
Alonso (Cacique of Tepehuanes)
Florida (Rio)
Ethnic Groups
First Location
AZU Film 0318 rl. 1653a fr. 0004-0221.
Original Location
AP, Parral, Mf. rl. 1653a fr. 0004-0221
(0014a) a mulato? Capitanelo of the ^tulibuche^ offers services to Spanish along with capitanelos of the ^tesorachi^ and ^tomochi^.
Batch Reference Number
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