Letters between Queipo de Llano, Virrey(?) and Mata concerning auditing of Barrio and remittance of silver to diputados. |
05-19-1773 |
Queipo de Llano, Pedro Antonio, Mata, Bernardo Joachin de, and others |
Reports of events on frontier from Munoz. |
12-20-1775 |
Munoz, Manuel (Comandante), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio (Virrey), Arce y Amaya, Juan Antonio (Ayudante Mayor) |
San Vicente to Bucareli. expediente concerning military operations against Apaches in Chihuahua. |
00-00-1772 |
San Vicente, Juan de, Marrufo, Ramon, and others |
Promotions of military personnel. |
05-00-1784 |
Marrufo, Ramon, Carrasco, Joseph Manuel (Comandante Interino), Ortega, Vicente (Teniente) |
Assigning of positions for expedition. |
03-17-1771 |
Arze y Amaya, Juan Antonio de (Teniente), Menocal, Francisco, Diaz Domingo (Ayudante Maior) |
Court case against Pedro Chivato and his companeros. |
04-28-1781 |
Lasaga, Diego de, Mier y noriega, Joseph Joseph Joachin de (Gobernador), Sierragorda, Conde de la, San Vicente, Juan de, Posada (Fiscal), and others |
Fines imposed in Palmillas |
00-00-1748 |
Munoz, Manuel To Herrera, and others |
Fines to officials and other people in Nuevo Santander |
00-00-1785 |
Munoz, Manuel (Governador), and others |
Documents concerning pueblo revolt of 1680 and requests for aid. |
11-30-1682 |
Xironza Petriz de Cruzate, Domingo (Gobernador), Madrid, Roque de, and others |
Autos about issuing gunpowder and bullets to Spaniards in Nuevo Mexico by Cuerbo y Valdes. |
03-15-1705 |
Madrid, Roque, Iribarri, Juan (Sargento Mayor) |
Letter about campaigns against Apaches. |
12-19-1709 |
Madrid, Roque, Chacon Medina Salazar y Villasenor, Joseph (Gobernador) |
Request for land titles, mines and permission to settle town on Indian land. Indian unrest. Refusal to send soldiers. |
02-04-1730 |
Rodriguez, Joseph Antonio (Fray), Garza Falcon, Clemente de la (Governador), Monzon, Domingo (Governador), Garcia de Pruneda, Jua (Governador). |
Request for land titles, mines and permission to settle town on Indian land. Indian unrest. Refusal to send soldiers. |
02-04-1730 |
Rodriguez, Joseph Antonio (Fray), Garza Falcon, Clemente de la (Governador), Monzon, Domingo (Governador), Garcia de Pruneda, Jua (Governador). |
Concerning creation and division of parishes in bishopric of Guadalajara |
10-30-1698 |
Carlos II (Rey), Martinez, Pedro Angel (notario) |
Concerning creation and division of parishes in bishopric of Guadalajara |
10-30-1698 |
Carlos II (Rey), Martinez, Pedro Angel (notario) |
Concerning appearance of Felipe de Mendoza at San Juan Bautista |
10-24-1703 |
Valenzuela Venegas, Francisco (Oidor), Salinas de Varona, Gregorio (Capitan), Mendoza, Phelipe de |
Inspection of missions |
06-25-1703 |
Aguirre, Mathias de (Governador), Camargo, Gregorio de (Fray), Matheo, Thomas (Fray), Flores de Valdes, Nicolas (Capitan), Aparisio, Pedro de (Fray), Borrego, Manuel (Fray), Adame, Bartolome (Fray) |
Inspection of missions |
06-25-1703 |
Aguirre, Mathias de (Governador), Camargo, Gregorio de (Fray), Matheo, Thomas (Fray), Flores de Valdes, Nicolas (Capitan), Aparisio, Pedro de (Fray), Borrego, Manuel (Fray), Adame, Bartolome (Fray) |
Escape of deserters |
03-00-1789 |
Moreno, Vizente (Coronel), and others |
Contrato de condiciones and related documents |
10-28-1783 |
Martinez de Abal, Rafael (Capitan de Milicias), and others |
Correspondencia con el gobernador de Coahuila, ano de 1757 |
01-31-1757 |
Sesma y Escudero, Miguel de (Gobernador), Martos y Navarrete, Angel de (Gobernador) |
Correspondencia, provincia de Coahuila, ano de 1758. |
04-07-1758 |
Baraona, Vicente, Martos y Navarrete, Angel de (Gobernador) |
3 letters of Conde de Revilla Gigedo to governor Emparan |
04-13-1790 |
Emperan, Miguel, Guitierrez, Juan, Munguia, Francisco (Soldado) |
2 letters of governor Ugalde to viceroy Mayorga and draft response |
08-07-1782 |
Ugalde, Juan, Mayorga, Martin |
Documents concerning raid on quatro cienegas |
06-03-1773 |
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Mata, Francisco, Bucareli(?) |
Foundation of port, mission and presidio of San Francisco |
06-17-1776 |
Moraga, Joseph Joachin, Bucarelli y Ursua, Antonio Maria |
Correspondence with viceroy relating to conflicts with Apaches |
05-24-1773 |
Martinez Pacheco, Rafael (Theniente Inspector), Perez, Joseph Antonio (Alferez), Ripperda, Juan Maria de (Baron)(Gobernador), Rodriguez, Bisente, and others |
Correspondence between Rodriguez and viceroy and other officials about Indian depredations |
03-17-1768 |
Rodriguez, Manuel (Capitan), Menchaca, Luis Antonio (Capitan), Alderete, Bizente de, Rodriguez, Vicente (Comandante), and others |
Documents concerning financial support of colonial officials wife. |
12-00-1780 |
Muniz, Narciso (Capitan), and others |
Sinodos de los 38 religiosos que administran las misiones Fernandinas de la Nueva California respectivos al presente ano de 1809. Other documents pertain to requests of missionaries to return to Spain after completing service. |
03-16-1809 |
Arrillaga, Jose Joaquin (Gobernador), Aguirre, Domingo de(OFM), Mier, Manual de(OFM), Tapis, Estevan(OFM) |
Sinodos de los 38 religiosos que administran las misiones Fernandinas de la Nueva California respectivos al presente ano de 1809. Other documents pertain to requests of missionaries to return to Spain after completing service. |
03-16-1809 |
Arrillaga, Jose Joaquin (Gobernador), Aguirre, Domingo de(OFM), Mier, Manual de(OFM), Tapis, Estevan(OFM) |
Criminals sentenced to Alta California |
03-03-1796 |
Arrillaga, Jose Joaquin de (Gobernador), Monzon, Josef, Abascal, Joseph Fernando, Borbon, Francisco Xavier (Fiscal), Garcia, Jose, and others |
Series of letters concerning Araujo's completion of medical studies before departure to California. |
01-24-1804 |
Araujo, Jose Francisco (Bachiller), Serrano, Antonio (Cirujano), Martinez del Campo, Manuel, and others |
Series of letters concerning Araujo's completion of medical studies before departure to California. |
01-24-1804 |
Araujo, Jose Francisco (Bachiller), Serrano, Antonio (Cirujano), Martinez del Campo, Manuel, and others |
Borica directs in-depth investigation of contract between Loyola and Guizarnotegui on behalf of Loyola |
09-10-1787 |
Lopez de Hortigoza, Thomas, Borica, Diego de, Madariaga, Justo Pastor de, Castinares, Manuel, Lopes de Ecala, Thomas, Ugarte, Rodriguez de Mantilla, Manuel, Troncoso, Josef Antonio, Soto y Carillo, Miguel (Licenciado), Guizarnotegui, Francisco de, Valdes |
Borica directs in-depth investigation of contract between Loyola and Guizarnotegui on behalf of Loyola |
09-10-1787 |
Lopez de Hortigoza, Thomas, Borica, Diego de, Madariaga, Justo Pastor de, Castinares, Manuel, Lopes de Ecala, Thomas, Ugarte, Rodriguez de Mantilla, Manuel, Troncoso, Josef Antonio, Soto y Carillo, Miguel (Licenciado), Guizarnotegui, Francisco de, Valdes |
Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and real hazienda concerning contract with Guizarnotegui and additional payments to him for 1790. |
03-24-1789 |
Losada, Gamboa, Guitierrez y Campo Marin, Fuente, Medina, Bonilla, Navarro, Juan, Castro, Joseph de, Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Valdez, Monterde, Madariaga, Justo Pastor de |
Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and real hazienda concerning contract with Guizarnotegui and additional payments to him for 1790. |
03-24-1789 |
Losada, Gamboa, Guitierrez y Campo Marin, Fuente, Medina, Bonilla, Navarro, Juan, Castro, Joseph de, Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Valdez, Monterde, Madariaga, Justo Pastor de |
Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and real hazienda concerning contract with Guizarnotegui and additional payments to him for 1790. |
03-24-1789 |
Losada, Gamboa, Guitierrez y Campo Marin, Fuente, Medina, Bonilla, Navarro, Juan, Castro, Joseph de, Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Valdez, Monterde, Madariaga, Justo Pastor de |
Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and real hazienda concerning contract with Guizarnotegui and additional payments to him for 1790. |
03-24-1789 |
Losada, Gamboa, Guitierrez y Campo Marin, Fuente, Medina, Bonilla, Navarro, Juan, Castro, Joseph de, Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Valdez, Monterde, Madariaga, Justo Pastor de |
Hold is called on Guizarnotegui's contract to supply presidial troops until certain requirements are fulfilled |
09-26-1787 |
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Mangino, Fernando, Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe, Alegria, Ciria, Losada |
Letters between Ugarte y Loyola, Mangino and Real Hacienda concerning positive economic aspects of contract with merchant Guizarnotegui to supply troops of Nueva Vizcaya and Nuevo Mexico. |
09-26-1787 |
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Mangino, Fernando Joseph, Garrido y Duran, Pedro |
Letters from Ugarte y Loyola and others discussing condition of troops of Nueva Vizcaya and Nuevo Mexico under contract with merchant Guizarnotegui |
10-20-1787 |
Madariaga, Justo Pastor de, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Garrido y Duran, Pedro, Losada, Matamoro, Florez, Beregana, Domingo de |
Series of letters from Parada, Monterde and others concerning military and administrative ordinances |
10-04-1787 |
Parada(?), Monterde, Pedro Maria de, Alegria, Ciria |
Series of letters from Parada, Monterde and others concerning military and administrative ordinances |
10-04-1787 |
Parada(?), Monterde, Pedro Maria de, Alegria, Ciria |
Documents concerning plans by Gonzalez del Castillo to increase productivity of haciendas owned by Fondo Piadoso. |
09-23-1803 |
Gonzalez del Castillo, Jose Yldefonso (Administrador General), Masiel, Baltasar (Administrador), Borbon (Fiscal), and others |
Series of documents concerning leasing of haciendas owned by Fondo Piadoso. |
09-01-1800 |
Monroy, Juan Jose (Procurador), Martinez del Campo, Manuel, Gonzalez del Castillo, Josef Yldefonso (Administrador), and others |
Series of documents concerning leasing of haciendas owned by Fondo Piadoso. |
09-01-1800 |
Monroy, Juan Jose (Procurador), Martinez del Campo, Manuel, Gonzalez del Castillo, Josef Yldefonso (Administrador), and others |
Documents relating to the state of preparedness for the four month voyage of the Paquebot S.M. San Carlos (el toison) from San Blas to Loreto. |
05-15-1777 |
Martinez, Estevan Josse (Capitan) (Piloto), Ramirez, Antonio (Contramaestre), Campoy, Antonio (Despensero), and others |
Series of recibos from tesoreria general concerning bienes confiscados. |
03-23-1782 |
Mesias, Fernando, Sales Carrillo, Francisco de (Contador Oficial) |