Ripperda's correspondence re: defence, troop movement and allocation, and Indian depredations |
07-21-1770 |
Ripperda, Baron de, Virrey(?), Menchaca, Luis Antonio, and others |
Ripperda's letters concerning movement of troops and Indian depredations. |
07-27-1768 |
Menchaca, Luis Ana, Ripperda, Baron de, and others |
Correspondence between Menchaca and Bucareli concerning different unrelated matters. |
09-11-1771 |
Menchaca, Luis Antonio, Bucareli, Antonio Maria |
Various unorganized documents to virrey related to government of Texas, emphasis on military and colonization matters. Years 1771 to 1776. |
11-06-1771 |
Barrios y Jaurequi, Jacinto, Rodriguez, Francisco, Menchaca, Felix, Orendain, Joaquin, Guadalupe Soriano, Juan |
Various unorganized documents to virrey related to government of Texas, emphasis on military and colonization matters. Years 1771 to 1776. |
11-06-1771 |
Barrios y Jaurequi, Jacinto, Rodriguez, Francisco, Menchaca, Felix, Orendain, Joaquin, Guadalupe Soriano, Juan |
Correspondence between Munoz and virrey, year 1972 |
01-02-1792 |
Munoz, Manuel, Sierragorda, Conde |
Correspondence between Gigedo and Munoz of December 1792 and year 1793. |
12-31-1792 |
Munoz, Manuel |
Correspondence between governors of Texas and virrey, year 1790 |
02-00-1790 |
Martinez Pacheco, Rafael, Munoz, Manuel |
Correspondence between governors of Texas and virrey, year 1790 |
02-00-1790 |
Martinez Pacheco, Rafael, Munoz, Manuel |
Correspondence between Munoz and Revilla Gigedo, year 1791 |
02-04-1791 |
Munoz, Manuel |
Letter from Mezieres to Ripperda concerning surrender of apostate Indians. |
01-04-1774 |
Mezieres, Atanasio de, Ripperda, Baron de |
Correspondence concerning previous orders to cut correspondence with Mezieres. |
03-03-1775 |
Ripperda, Baron de, Mezieres, Atanacio de |
Letters from Mezieres to Ripperda concerning various crimes. |
01-04-1775 |
Ripperda, Baron de, Mezieres, Atanasio de |
Letters concerning reduction of Indians and security of coast of Bahia and la Culevra island. |
10-06-1774 |
Mezieres, Atanacio de, Ripperda, Baron de |
List of clothes made by Mezieres. |
07-22-1774 |
Mezieres, Atanacio de, Ripperda, Baron de |
Letter from Mezieres concerning different Indian groups, comanche raids, arrest of Vidal, and other matters. |
07-17-1774 |
Mezieres, Atanacio de, Ripperda, Baron de |
Correspondence between Croix and Cuellar concerning war against Apaches. Copies of extensive series of documents and testimonies from ayuntamiento of Chihuahua included. |
10-20-1766 |
Cuellar, Lope de, Munoz, Manuel, Gonzales de noboa, Domingo Antonio, and others |
Administrative correspondence from Junon, to the virrey 1770-1771. |
04-27-1770 |
Junon, Pedro, Croix, Marquez de (Virrey), Maestre, Raphael |
Administrative correspondence from Junon, to the virrey 1770-1771. |
04-27-1770 |
Junon, Pedro, Croix, Marquez de (Virrey), Maestre, Raphael |
Correspondence between Munoz, virrey re: administration of presidios of Junta de los Rios, Julimes. |
02-15-1763 |
Munoz, Manuel (Capitan) |
Correspondence between virrey, captains of presidios of Junta de los Rios and Janos. |
02-14-1756 |
Leizaola, Francisco Joseph de (Capitan), Munoz, Manuel (Capitan), Virrey |
Correspondence between Cabildo de Durango, virrey concerning dispute over delivery of funds. |
07-11-1769 |
Mata, Bernardo Joachin de, Soto, Phelipe Marcos de, and others |
Correspondence between oficiales reales de Parral, virrey re: nomination of new teniente tesorero. |
10-29-1769 |
Mozo y Echeverria, Joseph (Oficial Real), Fuente, Pedro de la (Oficial Real) |
Letters from Mendoza concerning fiscal management of government matters |
02-12-1757 |
Mendosa, Matheo Antonio (Gobernador) |
[untitled] |
09-15-1759 |
Mendoza, Pablo Antonio de (Gobernador) |
Letters from Molina and Munos requesting that their wives be allowed to join them; accompanying letter from commanding officer. |
01-10-1781 |
Gregori, Joseph, Munos, Josse Secundino (Recluta), Molina, Juaquin (Recluta) |
Letters from Molina and Munos requesting that their wives be allowed to join them; accompanying letter from commanding officer. |
01-10-1781 |
Gregori, Joseph, Munos, Josse Secundino (Recluta), Molina, Juaquin (Recluta) |
Correspondence re: Montolla's request for release from Castillo de San Juan de Ulua. |
06-08-1783 |
Montolla, Juan Pablo, Posada (Fiscal de Lo Civil), and others Castillo de San Juan de Ulua. |
Correspondence relating to Velasquez' complaints and request to leave office. |
04-16-1784 |
Velasquez, Juan, Crespo, Francisco Antonio, Munoz, Manuel (Teniente Coronel), Gutierrez de la Cueva, Juan (Ayudante Inspector) |
Correspondence relating to Velasquez' complaints and request to leave office. |
04-16-1784 |
Velasquez, Juan, Crespo, Francisco Antonio, Munoz, Manuel (Teniente Coronel), Gutierrez de la Cueva, Juan (Ayudante Inspector) |
Correspondence related to Miranda's request for payment of pension from Montepio militar following her husband's death. |
11-13-1780 |
Croix, Cavallero de, Posada (Fiscal), Miranda y Rubio, Maria Teresa de (Viuda), Rengel, Joseph Antonio, and others |
Correspondence related to Miranda's request for payment of pension from Montepio militar following her husband's death. |
11-13-1780 |
Croix, Cavallero de, Posada (Fiscal), Miranda y Rubio, Maria Teresa de (Viuda), Rengel, Joseph Antonio, and others |
Correspondence related to Miranda's request for payment of pension from Montepio militar following her husband's death. |
11-13-1780 |
Croix, Cavallero de, Posada (Fiscal), Miranda y Rubio, Maria Teresa de (Viuda), Rengel, Joseph Antonio, and others |
Sonora, correspondencia del intendente Pedro Corbalan, 1781. |
09-23-1780 |
Mayorga, Martin de (Virrey), Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente) |
Correspondence re: Zaya's complaints against contaduria of San Blas. |
02-22-1793 |
Martinez y Zayas, Juan (Piloto Segundo), Eliza, Francisco de, and others |
Correspondence re: request by Tovar for salary while employed as amanuense. |
09-10-1791 |
Monterde, Joseph Maria de (Contador), Tobar, Jazinto (Amanuense), and others |
Correspondence re: request by ministerio de San Blas for extension in presenting cuentas to tribunal due to illness of Monterde and lack of officials. |
04-16-1793 |
Monterde, Joseph Maria de (Contador), Hixosa, Francisco, and others |
Correspondence re: Monterde's request for advance on salary to pay for transportation of family to Mexico to improve educational opportunitues of children. |
01-09-1783 |
Monterde, Joseph Maria (Contador), Trillo Bermudes, Francisco, Beltran, and others |
Correspondence re: return of criado Mesias to Spain as requested by his master, Bodega, upon his death. |
04-06-1794 |
Jordan, Alexandro (Capellan), Mesia, Juan (Criado), Rodriguez Biedma, Tomas |
Correspondence and tables submitted by O'Conor and Medina to viceroy Bucareli |
09-17-1775 |
O'conor, Hugo, Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio (Frey), Medina, Roque |
Letters from Mendoza to virrey concerning campaign against Seris and Pimas in Sonora. |
10-09-1760 |
Mendoza, Juan de (Gobernador), Vildosola, Gabriel Antonio |
Series of letters from Monserrat and Tienda de Cuervo concerning pacification of Indians in Sonora. |
05-02-1761 |
Monserrat, Joaquin, Tienda de Cuervo, Joseph (Gobrenador Interino) |
Documents concerning proposed transfer of population of Santa Gertudis to warmer climate. |
02-19-1725 |
Covarrubias, Urbano de (Fray), Rivera, Pedro de (Brigadier), Maybari, Juan (Alcalde) |
Letters from Sastre, Munoz, Bucareli and others, concerning military matters of Sonora |
08-13-1771 |
Sastre, Matteo, Munoz, Francisco, Bucareli, Antonio Maria, and others |
Letter from Martinez to viceroy with a response, concerning supply purchases at the presidio of Terrenate |
01-01-1770 |
Martinez, Francisco, Croix, Marques de |
Letters from Elizondo and Martinez concerning disciplinary problems of 2nd flying company of Sonora |
01-23-1771 |
Elizondo, Domingo, Martinez, Francisco, and others |
Letters by Messia to viceroys and responses on pay. |
08-08-1771 |
Mesia, Francisco, Croix, Marques de, Bucareli y Urusua, Antonio Maria (Fray) |
Criox's correspondence re: military personnel; pensions; arms; shipments to Californias; postal service; mezcal sale. |
08-04-1775 |
Virrey, Croix, Cavallero de, Marini, Manuel Phelipe |
Correspondence of Croix concerning fiscal, military and administrative matters of the Provincias Internas, January - May, 1783. |
05-03-1768 |
Croix, Teodoro (Caballero de) (Comandante General), Mayorga, Martin de (Virrey) |
Administrative correspondence of Provincias Internas between Croix and virrey Mayorga. |
05-14-1782 |
Croix, Teodoro de, Mayorga, Martin de (Virrey) |