Concerning establishment and protection of jurisdictions in Nayarit. |
12-10-1723 |
Moreno y Lodosa, Joseph, Sanches de Santa Anna, Joseph Antonio, Gonzales de Montesdeoca, Tomas Francisco, and others |
Concerning establishment and protection of jurisdictions in Nayarit. |
12-10-1723 |
Moreno y Lodosa, Joseph, Sanches de Santa Anna, Joseph Antonio, Gonzales de Montesdeoca, Tomas Francisco, and others |
Concerns Indian raids on Nayari in December 1723. |
12-02-1723 |
Flores de San Pedro, Juan (Coronel), Gonzales de Montesdeoca, Tomas Francisco, Sanches de Santa Anna, Joseph Antonio, and others |
Correspondence to viceroy Venadito from September 1819 to March 1821, military concerns. |
09-24-1819 |
Genebriera, Jose Maria, Ramirez, Alexandro, Arredondo, Joaquin de (Brigadier), and others |
Concerning general planning of military campaigns, defense of Texas, Coahuila. |
12-06-1817 |
Arredondo, Joaquin de (Comandante General), Garcia de Texada, Antonio (Gobernador) |
Concerning military promotions, applications, retirements. |
06-27-1818 |
Arredondo, Joaquin de, Galbes, Vizente, Quezada, Jose |
Concerning leave of absence for Genebriera. |
08-19-1820 |
Arredondo, Joaquin de, Echeverri, Juan Maria, Genebriera, Jose Maria |
Concerning political accusations, administrative affairs of Nuevo Leon. |
01-10-1810 |
Telmo Sandero, Pedro, Guerra, Jose, Herrera, Simon de (Gobernador), and others |
Letters from Garcia Conde and Ruiz de Bustamante concerning three candidates to fill position of teniente de tercer compania de milicias de Nueva Vizcaya. |
12-02-1817 |
Garcia Conde, Alexo, Ruiz de Bustamante, Juan Jose |
Letter from Garcia Conde to virrey concerning payments to soldiers at Santa Fe. |
11-08-1817 |
Garcia Conde, Alexo, Allande, Pedro Maria de |
Letter and service records sent by Garcia Conde to virrey concerning payments to soldiers of altar presidio. |
07-01-1817 |
Garcia Conde, Alexo, Espinosa, Benito (Capitan) |
Letter from viceroy to several government officials concerning appointment of Nava. |
08-22-1776 |
Gardoqui, Diego, Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), and others |
10. Nuevo Santander numero 53 libro glosa 57 numero 34. 585 foxa 240. 1811-el ilustre coronel don Joaquin de Arredondo comandante general de las tropas auxiliares de provincias |
09-14-1811 |
Arredondo, Joaquin de, Campo Yrivas, Juan del, Gonzalez Calderon, Thomas, and others |
10. Nuevo Santander numero 53 libro glosa 57 numero 34. 585 foxa 240. 1811-el ilustre coronel don Joaquin de Arredondo comandante general de las tropas auxiliares de provincias |
09-14-1811 |
Arredondo, Joaquin de, Campo Yrivas, Juan del, Gonzalez Calderon, Thomas, and others |
Provincias Internas indice del tomo nunmero 340 |
07-01-1809 |
Galves, Francisco (Sargento), Onis, Luis de, Vidal, Jose (Capitan), and others |
Documents concerning accusations made by Garza against Munoz of possession of contraband jewelry. |
07-07-1809 |
Herrera, Simon, Garza, Miguel de la, Flores noriega, Juan Manuel, and others |
Series of documents concerning naming of official to oversee settling of debts owed by real hacienda for maintenance of troops in provincias de oriente. |
06-12-1817 |
Arredondo, Joaquin de (Comandante General), Gayango, Jose, Acevedo, Manuel, and others |
Documents concerning charges leveled by Guizarnotegui against Bustamante and Chirlin of stealing his wife. |
01-14-1816 |
Garcia Conde, Alexo, Calleja, Felix Maria (Virrey), Guizarnotegui, Manuel (Maestro) |
Documents concerning charges leveled by Guizarnotegui against Bustamante and Chirlin of stealing his wife. |
01-14-1816 |
Garcia Conde, Alexo, Calleja, Felix Maria (Virrey), Guizarnotegui, Manuel (Maestro) |
Documents concerning appointment of Lomban and Falco as ayudante inspectores in Sonora and Nueva Vizcaya respectively. |
08-22-1817 |
Bonavia, Bernardo (Comandante General), Apodaca, Juan Ruiz (Virrey), Garcia Conde, Alexo |
Garcia Conde solicits virrey for command of Provincias Internas del occidente. |
02-22-1816 |
Garcia Conde, Alexo, Apodaca, Juan Ruiz (Virrey) |
antecedentes de la causa de Agustin Alvarado. |
06-28-1797 |
Rivera, Jose Antonio (Capitan), Garcia Gutierrez, Juan, Moreyra, Antonio Jesus, and others |
Letter requesting better employment. |
09-02-1777 |
Garcia, Pedro (Secretario) |
Correspondence between Garces, de Anza and viceroy concerning explorations of Garces in upper Colorado and de Anza's exploration of San Francisco Bay and establishment of presidio and missions during de Anza's second trip to California. |
03-20-1775 |
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey), Garces, Francisco (Fray), Anza, Juan Baptista de (Teniente Coronel) |
Letter to viceroy about plans to christianise Apaches by fray Guadalupe. |
06-27-1743 |
Guadalupe, Joseph de (Fray), Marquez de Altamira (Auditor de Guerra) |
Letter from granados asking for land, livestock for Seris at Pitic; correspondence concerning request. |
02-14-1791 |
Granados, Jose Joaquin (Obispo), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General), and others |
about augmenting the salary of majordomo Bernardo noriega. |
09-24-1790 |
Noriega, Bernardo (Mayordomo), Grimarest, Henrique de (Brigadier), Medina, Roque de (Teniente Coronel), and others |
Accounts of reduccion expenditures for Pitic, Bacoachi. |
12-14-1791 |
Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General), Garcia, Pedro, Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), and others |
Documents concerning resettlement of Seri fugitives at Pitic after failed rebellion. |
09-10-1790 |
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Comandante General), Medina, Roque de (Teniente Coronel), Grimarest, Henrique de (Comandante Militar), and others |
Documents concerning resettlement of Seri fugitives at Pitic after failed rebellion. |
09-10-1790 |
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Comandante General), Medina, Roque de (Teniente Coronel), Grimarest, Henrique de (Comandante Militar), and others |
Documents concerning mission and missionary for Seris in reduccion at Pitic. |
10-15-1788 |
Gasiot y Miralles, Juan, Urrea, Ignacio de (Capitan), Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Comandante General), and others |
Documents concerning Seri rebellion from reduccion in Pitic. |
07-19-1790 |
Grimarest, Henrique de (Brigadier), Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Comandante General), Medina, Roque de, and others |
Documents concerning procurement of meat, other rations for Bacoachi Apaches. |
11-13-1791 |
Grimarest, Henrique de (Brigadier), Bonilla, ?, Revilla, Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), and others |
providencias sobre establecimiento de mision para los indios Apaches chiricaguis reducidos de paz en el pueblo de Bacuachi. |
09-14-1790 |
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Comandante General), Granados, Joseph Joaquin (Obispo), Villa Urrutia, Antonio, and others |
Documents concerning procurement of rations, especially meat, for Bacoachi Apaches. |
03-28-1789 |
Bonilla, Antonio, Garrido y Duran, Pedro, Mazo, Gutz del, and others |
Documents concerning food rations for Bacoache Apaches. |
12-08-1788 |
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Comandante General), Garrido y Duran, Pedro |
Documents concerning capture, reduccion of Apaches. |
11-24-1788 |
Garrido y Duran, Pedro, Medina, Roque de (Teniente Coronel), Ansa, Juan Baptista de (Coronel), and others |
List of provisions given to Apaches of Bacoachi. |
12-20-1787 |
Garrido y Duran, Pedro (Gobernador Intendente), Escalante, Leonardo de (Comisionado) |
Ano de 1817. Nuevo Mexico. Relacion de antiguedad de los oficiales y sargentos mas antiguos de la compania de Santa Fe. |
12-31-1817 |
Garcia Conde, Alexo (Mariscal de Campo), Velasco, Francisco |
Ano de 1817. Nueva Vizcaya. Ojas de servicios de los oficiales sargentos mas antiguos y cadetes. |
10-01-1818 |
Maynez, Alberto, Garcia Conde, Alexo (Mariscal de Campo), Arze, Jose Antonio de (Capitan), and others |
Ano de 1817. Nuevo Mexico. Ojas de servicios de los oficiales y sargento mas antiguo de dicha compania. |
12-31-1817 |
Allande, Pedro Maria de, Garcia Conde, Alexo |
Nuevo Mexico. 1818. 4 listas de revista de la compania que guarnece esta provincia respectivas a los 4 ultimos meses de dicho ano. |
09-01-1818 |
Melgares, Jacundo (Capitan) (Gobernador Interino), Griego, Felipe (Capitan), Arce, Jose Maria de (Capitan) |
1818 p.y. de occidente. El exmo senor comandante general remite las ojas de servicio y relaciones de antiguedad... |
12-31-1817 |
Garcia Conde, Alexo (Comandante General), Pesqueira, Ygnacio (Alferez), and others |
P. Y. de occidente. El exmo senor comandante que remite por triplicado las listas de revista... |
10-30-1818 |
Garcia Conde, Alexo, Virrey(?) |
Ynstancia del teniente veterano don Baltasar Varela... |
02-17-1769 |
Varela, Baltasar (Teniente), Gorostiza, Pedro |
Representacion de don Antonio Vecino sobre pago de cantidad de pesos de numero de carabinas de seis recamaras ... |
11-07-1786 |
Vecino, Antonio (Maestro), Gonzaga y Ybarrola, Luis (Licenciado), Posada, and others |
Croix grants 'gratificacion' to Mezieres to cover expenses incurred during military service, particularly due to efforts to pacify 'naciones del norte.' |
10-09-1779 |
Croix, Teodoro de (Comandante General), Merino, Manuel, Galbes, Joseph de (Comandante General) |
Documents concerning benefits, problems of 'recargo de armamentos.' |
10-23-1778 |
Merino, Manuel, Galves, Joseph de (Comandante General), Croix, Cavallero de (Comandante General), and others |
Correspondence concerning finances of widow of brigadier. |
05-15-1793 |
Bonilla, Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), Gutierrez, Luis, and others |
Correspondence concerning finances of widow of brigadier. |
05-15-1793 |
Bonilla, Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), Gutierrez, Luis, and others |