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Title Date Author(s)
el ayuntamiento y Cabildo de Monterrey sobre lo ocurrido con el senor Arredondo y el vecindario con motivo de la funcion de besamanos el dia del rey nuestro senor. 10-23-1814 Sotomayor, Jose Gregorio, Garza, Juan Jose de la, Garza, Juan Francisco de la, and others
el ayuntamiento y Cabildo de Monterrey sobre lo ocurrido con el senor Arredondo y el vecindario con motivo de la funcion de besamanos el dia del rey nuestro senor. 10-23-1814 Sotomayor, Jose Gregorio, Garza, Juan Jose de la, Garza, Juan Francisco de la, and others
el ayuntamiento y Cabildo de Monterrey sobre lo ocurrido con el senor Arredondo y el vecindario con motivo de la funcion de besamanos el dia del rey nuestro senor. 10-23-1814 Sotomayor, Jose Gregorio, Garza, Juan Jose de la, Garza, Juan Francisco de la, and others
Glossary of expenses incurred during pacification and settlement of colonia del Nuevo Santander. 08-01-1752 Monterde, Manuel de, Uruena, Joseph de, Guerrero, Joachin Anttonio, and others
Glossary of expenses incurred during pacification and settlement of colonia del Nuevo Santander. 08-01-1752 Monterde, Manuel de, Uruena, Joseph de, Guerrero, Joachin Anttonio, and others
Correspondence between Gutierrez, Aranda, and viceroy concerning medicine supplies for Arispe. 03-31-1790 Gutierrez, Luis, Aranda, Juan de, Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey)
Correspondence between Gorostiza, viceroy, and other government officials concerning exchange of positions between Garcia and Fernandez. 04-02-1793 Gorostiza, Pedro, Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), and others
Correspondence between Posada, Garibay, and other government officials concerning repayment of Garibay's debt. 02-01-1779 Posada, Garibay, Jose (Teniente Coronel), and others
Correspondence between Posada, Garibay, and other government officials concerning repayment of Garibay's debt. 02-01-1779 Posada, Garibay, Jose (Teniente Coronel), and others
Correspondence between Grimarest and several government officials concerning payment of media anata. 06-17-1724 Grimarest, Henrique de (Gobernador Intendente), Posada, and others
Ugarte y Loyola repeats request for payment of back wages. 00-00-1732 Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Gobernador), Galves, Joseph de (Visitador), Fernandez de Cordova, Francisco, and others
Neve requests financial and material assistance from audencia de Guadalaxara in order to conduct collera de perfidos enemigos Seris rebeldes' to Mexico City. 10-27-1783 Fernandez Cordova, Francisco, Sanches Pareja, Eusevio, Galves, Mathias de, and others
Neve requests financial and material assistance from audencia de Guadalaxara in order to conduct collera de perfidos enemigos Seris rebeldes' to Mexico City. 10-27-1783 Fernandez Cordova, Francisco, Sanches Pareja, Eusevio, Galves, Mathias de, and others
Concerns issues leading to Ugarte y Loyola's appointment as governor of puebla de Los Angeles. 00-00-1769 Croix, Cavallero de (Comandante General), Galves, Joseph de (Visitador), Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Gobernador), and others
Concerns decision, much delayed by death of havilitado, to descontar from captain's salary money owed to regimientos and presidio. 08-07-1781 Garibay, Pedro (Sargento), Croix, Cavallero de (Comandante General), Messia, Francisco, and others
Concerns widow's efforts to collect pension for husband who served 40 years in military but died in action before establishment of Monte Pio militar. 06-16-1716 Quintana, Manuela Maria, Gonzales, Florian, Mendoza y Villalobos, Francisco de (Capitan), and others
Instancia regarding existence and validity of governor Mendoza's will. 04-01-1758 Ruiz Huerta, Nicolas, Fresomil y Vallesteros, Mariano, Guerrero y Fagle, Joachin, and others
Instancia regarding existence and validity of governor Mendoza's will. 04-01-1758 Ruiz Huerta, Nicolas, Fresomil y Vallesteros, Mariano, Guerrero y Fagle, Joachin, and others
Letter from Croix to virrey recommending that captain receive salary while waiting for new post assignment. 01-06-1782 Croix, Cavallero de (Comandante General), Mesia, Galvez, Joseph de, and others
Letter from Croix to virrey recommending that captain receive salary while waiting for new post assignment. 01-06-1782 Croix, Cavallero de (Comandante General), Mesia, Galvez, Joseph de, and others
Letter from Croix to virrey recommending that captain receive salary while waiting for new post assignment. 01-06-1782 Croix, Cavallero de (Comandante General), Mesia, Galvez, Joseph de, and others
Obispo of Sonora requests adjustment of sueldo to meet various expenses. 10-05-1782 Croix, Cavallero de (Comandante General), Garcia Navarro, Antonio Fernando, Portugues, Manuel Alonzo, and others
Fray Garzes requests financial assistance for establishment of new mission among Yuma, per order of Croix. 08-22-1776 Croix, Cavallero de (Comandante General), Garces, Francisco (Fray), Galindo Navarro, Pedro (Asesor), and others
Fray Garzes requests financial assistance for establishment of new mission among Yuma, per order of Croix. 08-22-1776 Croix, Cavallero de (Comandante General), Garces, Francisco (Fray), Galindo Navarro, Pedro (Asesor), and others
Fray Garzes requests financial assistance for establishment of new mission among Yuma, per order of Croix. 08-22-1776 Croix, Cavallero de (Comandante General), Garces, Francisco (Fray), Galindo Navarro, Pedro (Asesor), and others
Castillo y Llata requests two-month leave in order to go to capital. 04-30-1807 Garcia Rebollo, Ignacio, Lanos, Joseph Maria de
Relaciones concerning promotions and retirement requests of individuals of milicias provinciales de Nuevo Santander. 01-02-1807 Calleja, Felix, Aguirre, Josef Ruiz de, Gonzalez, Jose (Teniente), and others
Relaciones concerning promotions and retirement requests of individuals of milicias provinciales de Nuevo Santander. 01-02-1807 Calleja, Felix, Aguirre, Josef Ruiz de, Gonzalez, Jose (Teniente), and others
Request for retirement by Flores and Garza. 03-08-1806 Calleja, Felix, Garza, Pedro de la, Flores, Ventura, and others
Domingo Antonio Galdames of segunda compania de patriotas de San Juan del rio requests retirement with fuero militar. 10-04-1819 Garcia Conde, Alexo, Galdames, Domingo Antonio de (Capitan), Muns, Cayetano (Cirujano), and others
Domingo Antonio Galdames of segunda compania de patriotas de San Juan del rio requests retirement with fuero militar. 10-04-1819 Garcia Conde, Alexo, Galdames, Domingo Antonio de (Capitan), Muns, Cayetano (Cirujano), and others
Ochoa, captain of segunda compania Volante de Nueva Vizcaya, requests promotion to rank of teniente coronel. 02-20-1820 Ochoa, Jose Gaspar de (Capitan), Garcia Conde, Alexo (Mariscal de Campo)
Request for military retirement by Casanova and Bautista Romero due to illness and old age. 06-13-1818 Gabriel, Francisco Xavier de, Casanova, Manuel Ramon de (Alferez), Narbona, Antonio (Capitan), and others
Request by Francisco Gomez, teniente de escuadrones de caballeria de Nuevo Santander, for retirement. 12-31-1818 Gomez, Francisco (Alferez), del Venadito
Service records, biographies, and honors of individuals of the compania de Horcasitas. 01-01-1817 Gonzales, Simon Elias, Zuniga, Ignacio (Capitan), and others
Request of retirement by Arvisu and regulations concerninf retirement of military officers. 10-31-1816 Villaescusas, Francisco, Gonzales, Simon Elias, Linan, Pascual de, and others
reclamo de 500 p. Que debe a las cajas de Veracruz dn. Jose ma. Navarro cirujano del hospl. Militar de Chihuahua. 00-00-1807 Navarro, Jose Maria (Cirujano), Garcia Conde, Alejo
Documents relating to comanche, navajo unrest. 05-02-1817 Allande, Pedro Maria de, Bonavia, Bernardo, Garcia, Manuel, and others
Documents relating to comanche, navajo unrest. 05-02-1817 Allande, Pedro Maria de, Bonavia, Bernardo, Garcia, Manuel, and others
Estado general of hospital real in Durango. 12-31-1816 Bonavia, Bernardo (Comandante General), Guzman, Jose (Administrador), Muns, Cayetano (Doctor)
Continuation of Roldan-Grimaldi controversy concerning civil-military authority. 08-29-1817 Roldan, Francisco de Pascual, Bonavia, Bernardo (Comandante General), Garay, Ramon, and others
Continuation of Roldan-Grimaldi controversy concerning civil-military authority. 08-29-1817 Roldan, Francisco de Pascual, Bonavia, Bernardo (Comandante General), Garay, Ramon, and others
diligencias practicadas para la haberiguacion de insulto de que se le hicieron al alcalde de 10. Voto don Francisco Roldan por Alferez dn. Ramon Grimaldi y los soldados y carabineros Ramon Cisneros, Manuel Rivas, Manuel Qui ones... 01-08-1817 Garcia Conde, Alexo (Mariscal de Campo), Grimaldi, Ramon (Alferez), Rongel, Pablo (Juez Fiscal), and others
diligencias practicadas para la haberiguacion de insulto de que se le hicieron al alcalde de 10. Voto don Francisco Roldan por Alferez dn. Ramon Grimaldi y los soldados y carabineros Ramon Cisneros, Manuel Rivas, Manuel Qui ones... 01-08-1817 Garcia Conde, Alexo (Mariscal de Campo), Grimaldi, Ramon (Alferez), Rongel, Pablo (Juez Fiscal), and others
More documents concerning dispute between Roldan and Grimaldi about civil versus military authority. 01-27-1817 Roldan, Francisco de Pascual (Alcalde), Mena, Jesus Maria, Garcia Conde, Alexo (Gobernador), and others
More documents concerning dispute between Roldan and Grimaldi about civil versus military authority. 01-27-1817 Roldan, Francisco de Pascual (Alcalde), Mena, Jesus Maria, Garcia Conde, Alexo (Gobernador), and others
Continuation of documents concerning Roldan-Grimaldi civil-military controversy 04-22-1817 Garcia Conde, Alexo, Sisneros, Ramon, Grimaldi, Ramon (Alferez), and others
Continuation of documents concerning Roldan-Grimaldi civil-military controversy 04-22-1817 Garcia Conde, Alexo, Sisneros, Ramon, Grimaldi, Ramon (Alferez), and others
Continuation of documents concerning Roldan-Grimaldi civil-military controversy 04-22-1817 Garcia Conde, Alexo, Sisneros, Ramon, Grimaldi, Ramon (Alferez), and others
Letter from Garcia to virrey requesting employment in rentas de tabaco. 12-27-1816 Garcia Cano, Jose (Teniente), Bonavia, Bernardo (Comandante General), Galbez, Conde de