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Title Date Author(s)
Letter from Ugarte to Flores concerning retirement of Garcia. 03-28-1789 Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Comandante), Garcia de Bustamante, Nicolas (Capitan)
Military personnel payrolls for presidio of Buenavista, from August to December. 12-22-1765 Cancio, Lorenzo de (Capitan), Castro Cid, Miguel de, Gonzalez Calderon, Joseph
Discourse concerning withholding of salary of captain Francisco Mesia and fiscal account of expedition of Sonora. 03-13-1780 Gallardo, Joseph (Oficial del Real Tribunal de Cuentas), and others
Croix's correspondence re: request by inhabitants of Arrieros to be under jurisdiction of Sonora y Sinaloa. 03-00-1732 Croix, Cavallero de, Galindo Navarro, Pedro
Correspondence of comandante general Neve for 1784. 02-28-1781 Neve, Phelipe de (Comandante), Galvez, Matias de (Virrey)
Correspondence of comandante general Neve for 1783. 10-04-1776 Neve, Phelipe de (Comandante General), Galvez, Matias de (Virrey)
Correspondence of Croix, primarily with viceroy Galvez, for June-December 1783. 03-14-1732 Galvez, Matias de (Virrey), Croix, Teodoro de (Caballero de) (Comandante General), Galindo Navarro, Pedro (Asesor)
Correspondence of Croix, primarily with viceroy Galvez, for June-December 1783. 03-14-1732 Galvez, Matias de (Virrey), Croix, Teodoro de (Caballero de) (Comandante General), Galindo Navarro, Pedro (Asesor)
Correspondence of Croix with viceroy and Galindo regarding land distribution and collection of tribute from the Yaquis. 06-18-1770 Croix, Teodoro (Caballero de)(Comandante General), Galindo Navarro, Pedro (Asesor)
Correspondence of Croix with presidente de la Junta de Arbitros and viceroy. 11-00-1776 Gijon y Valdez, Juan Francisco (Capitan), Croix, Teodoro (Caballero de)(Comandante General)
Indexes of Loyola's letters to Virreynato and royal court made up by Garrido y Duran; virrey's acknowledgement of receipt. 05-24-1786 Garrido y Duran, Pedro, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Comandante General), and others
Letter from Garrido, Arriola to Rengel requesting that Garrido be permitted to winter in banos de penon to improve health. 03-24-1786 Rengel, Joseph Antonio, Garrido y Duran, Pedro (Secretario) (Abogado), Arriola, Gregorio Augustin (Medico Cirujano)
Correspondence between comandancia and Virreynato concerning drought in provinces and intensified war with Apaches. 08-06-1785 Rengel, Joseph Antonio, Garrido y Duran, Pedro, and others
Correspondence between Rengel and virrey regarding series of military transfers and relief of posts, problems with rebels. 09-01-1785 Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Comandante General Interino), Garrido y Duran, Pedro
Letters between Rengel and Virreynato concerning surveillance of borders of provincias; operation of war with Indians. 10-11-1785 Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Comandante General Interino), Garrido y Duran, Pedro
Rengel seeks virrey's approval regarding punishment of traitors and receives said approval. 08-06-1785 Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Comandante General Interino), Galvez, Conde de (Virrey)
Correspondence between Navarro and Galvez welcoming virrey to office. 07-16-1785 Navarra, Pedro Galindo, Galvez, Conde de (Virrey)
Correspondence between Rengel, Garrido y Duran and real audencia gobernadora concerning appointments of officials in Chihuahua. 04-22-1785 Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Comandante General Interino), Garrido y Duran, Pedro, and others
Correspondence between Rengel and real audencia gobernadora concerning recovery of livestock stolen by Apaches. 12-11-1784 Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Comandante General Interino), Garrido y Duran, Pedro
Compilation of reales titulos by Ugarte concerning history and development of comandancia general. 06-15-1776 Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo de, Galvez, Josef de, and others
Administrative correspondence between the viceroy and the commander of Provincias Internas, Teodoro de Croix. 1779 02-01-1779 Croix, Teodoro, Bonilla, Antonio, Galvez, Joseph and others
Administrative correspondence between the viceroy and the commander of Provincias Internas, Teodoro de Croix. 1779 02-01-1779 Croix, Teodoro, Bonilla, Antonio, Galvez, Joseph and others
Military correspondence between several government officials and viceroy, regarding reorganization of Provincias Internas. 01-16-1771 Rubio, Joseph, Croix, Theodoro, Garibay, Pedro, Arias Caballero, Andres
Military correspondence between several government officials and viceroy, regarding reorganization of Provincias Internas. 01-16-1771 Rubio, Joseph, Croix, Theodoro, Garibay, Pedro, Arias Caballero, Andres
Correspondence with Croix from 1777-1779. 01-10-1777 Croix, Cavallero de (Comandante), Crespo, Francisco Antonio, Garces, Francisco (Capellan)
Correspondence with Croix from 1777-1779. 01-10-1777 Croix, Cavallero de (Comandante), Crespo, Francisco Antonio, Garces, Francisco (Capellan)
Various documents relating to expeditions, transfers of various officials. 01-28-1770 Galvez, Bernardo de (Conde), Viniegra, Juan Manuel de, Azanza, Miguel Joseph de
Ultimatum to all rebel Indians to surrender 05-15-1769 Galvez, Joseph de (Visitador General), Pineda, Juan (Gobernador)
Testimonial report assembled by governor of Durango on vagrant and idle Indians of Nueva Vizcaya and Sonora 10-31-1746 Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Neve, Phelipe (Comandante General), Galvez, Jose, and others
Testimonial report assembled by governor of Durango on vagrant and idle Indians of Nueva Vizcaya and Sonora 10-31-1746 Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Neve, Phelipe (Comandante General), Galvez, Jose, and others
Letter by Tarahumara missionaries to virrey Casafuerte; response of virrey 03-06-1730 Ydiaques, Antonio, Hierro, Juan Manuel, Garfias, Bernardo, and others
Letter by Tarahumara missionaries to virrey Casafuerte; response of virrey 03-06-1730 Ydiaques, Antonio, Hierro, Juan Manuel, Garfias, Bernardo, and others
Correspondence re: formation of secular commision to investigate handling of temporalidades of missions; Belena's transfer to Durango. 09-03-1769 Galvez, Joseph de, Bentura Belena, Eusebio (Subdelegado)
Correspondence re: expenses and funding of expedicion militar de Sonora. 07-17-1768 Galvez, Joseph de, Bentura Belena, Eusebio (Visitador Subdelegado), Corbalan, Pedro, and others
Correspondence between Belena, Galvez, viceroy and other officials regarding visits by Galvez an Belena to provinces of Sonora and Sinaloa . 10-00-1769 Bentura Belena, Eusebio (Subdelegado), Galvez, Joseph de (Visitador General)
Correspondence re: funding of expedition to Sonora. 10-23-1769 Bentura Belena, Eusebio (Visitador Subdelegado), Galvez, Joseph de (Visitador General), Virrey(?)
Correspondence re: peace and war with Apaches in Nuevo Mexico and Nueva Vizcaya, including expenses and treatment. 02-20-1779 Beregana, Domingo de (Tesorero), Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe (Gobernador Intendente), Galvez, Joseph de, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, and others
Correspondence re: peace and war with Apaches in Nuevo Mexico and Nueva Vizcaya, including expenses and treatment. 02-20-1779 Beregana, Domingo de (Tesorero), Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe (Gobernador Intendente), Galvez, Joseph de, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, and others
Cuentas for supplies to Apaches de paz in Namiquipa, San Buenaventura and San Elezeario; repartimiento listing Indian names and supplies for Taraumares auxiliaries (names not included in personal names). 06-26-1791 Marrufo, Ramon (Capitan), Gonzalez, Pedro Bernardino (Teniente Havilitado), and others
Detailed cuentas of expenses from Namiquipa for supplies for pacified indians; supplies for Taraumares auxiliaries. 08-04-1791 Gonzalez, Pedro Bernardino (Teniente Havilitado), Marrufo, Ramon (Capitan)
Correspondence between various officials concerning Indian relations in Nuevo Mexico 08-27-1785 Garrido y Duran, Pedro, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Medina, Roque de, and others
Correspondence between various officials concerning payment of presidial troops and companias Volantes in Nueva Vizcaya 09-10-1772 Gutierrez de la Cueva, Juan, Rengel, Joseph Antonio, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, and others
Correspondence between various officials concerning commerce with Indians in Nuevo Mexico. 05-08-1753 Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Galindo Navarro, Pedro, Anza, Juan Bautista de
Relacion and informes concerning pacification of comanches and yutas. 02-20-1779 Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Garrido y Duran, Pedro, Ortiz, Francisco Xavier
Military review by San Maxent including diarios and varied procedural military documents for primera compania Volante. 07-31-1795 Sierragorda, Conde de la (Gobernador), Guerra, Mariano, San Maxent, Francisco Maximiliano de (Comandante), and others
Letter from Garibay to virrey petitioning for appointment as governor of Nuevo Santander. 08-25-1795 Garibay, Jose (Gobernador), Branciforte, Marques de (Virrey)
Nava's correspondence concerning Grimarest's illness and insubordination; escape of Chiquito capitan. 12-04-1786 Revilla Gigedo (?), Grimarest, Henrique de, Nava, Pedro de, and others
Nava's correspondence concerning Grimarest's illness and insubordination; escape of Chiquito capitan. 12-04-1786 Revilla Gigedo (?), Grimarest, Henrique de, Nava, Pedro de, and others
Nava's correspondence concerning unidentified ships firing in bay of San Juan. 02-27-1791 Nava, Pedro de, Grimarest, Henrique (Gobernador Intendente) (Brigadier)
Nava's correspondence concerning transport costs and Alferez appointments of compania de San Juan Bautista. 03-15-1791 Nava, Pedro de, Revilla Gigedo (?), Gutierrez de la Cueva, Juan, Yandio (?),Juan Joseph