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Title Date Author(s)
Correspondence between Grimarest and viceroy concerning return of fugitive Seris to Pitic. 10-22-1790 Grimarest, Henrique de (Gobernador), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey)
Correspondence between Grimarest and viceroy concerning arrival of Apache (Chiquito) to Arispe. 12-04-1790 Grimarest, Henrique de (Gobernador), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey)
Correspondence between Grimarest and viceroy concerning ways of informing viceroy on political, military, and economic affairs. 10-09-1790 Grimarest, Henrique de (Gobernador), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey)
Correspondence between Grimarest and viceroy concerning the former's intention to visit the Seris. 10-10-1790 Grimarest, Henrique de (Gobernador), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey)
Correspondence between Grimarest, viceroy, and other officials concerning raid of peaceful Apaches against enemy ones. 09-26-1790 Grimarest, Henrique de (Gobernador), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), Medina, Roque de (Teniente Coronel), and others
Correspondence between Grimarest and viceroy concerning Apache reduccion. 08-02-1790 Grimarest, Henrique de (Gobernador), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey)
Correspondence between Grimarest and viceroy concerning travel route to New Mexico. 08-30-1790 Grimarest, Henrique de (Gobernador), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey)
Correspondence between Grimarest and viceroy concerning military campaigns against Apaches. 08-30-1790 Grimarest, Henrique de (Gobernador), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey)
Correspondence between Grimarest and viceroy concerning Indian raids in Sonora. 07-19-1790 Grimarest, Henrique de (Gobernador), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey)
Series of autos on charges brought against Indians accused of theft by the corregidor of Bolanos. 02-09-1771 Velazco, Francisco Antonio, Gatuno, Josef Xavier, and others
Series of documents certifiying an earthquake that occurred in Colotlan 1774. 03-27-1775 Cordova, Juan Vicencio de, Cruz Pacheco, Josef Calixto de la, Gatuno, Josef Xavier and others
Series of autos and testimonies of military operations in the area of Guejuquilla jurisdiction of Colotlan. 05-22-1758 Galicia, Josef Belardo, Gatuno, Josef Xavier, Madrid, Christoval and others
Series of autos and testimonies of military operations in the area of Guejuquilla jurisdiction of Colotlan. 05-22-1758 Galicia, Josef Belardo, Gatuno, Josef Xavier, Madrid, Christoval and others
Series of testimonies and certificacions about conquest of Indians from Nayarit 1770-1778. 11-08-1770 Gatuno, Josef Xavier, Ruiz, Antonio Matheo, Campa, Bernave de la, and others
Series of autos dealing with the conquest and reorganization of the provincias of San Luis Cololtlan 1773-1777. 11-06-1773 Torres, Alejandro de, Gatuno, Josef Xavier, Gonzalez, Mathias and others
Series of autos dealing with the conquest and reorganization of the provincias of San Luis Cololtlan 1773-1777. 11-06-1773 Torres, Alejandro de, Gatuno, Josef Xavier, Gonzalez, Mathias and others
Certifications about services made to crown by troops of the town of Totatiche under jurisdiction of Colotlan. 11-13-1773 Gatuno, Josef Xavier, Ocampo, Francisco Xavier, and others
Series of certificaciones and testimonies about the conquest of Nayarit and Santa Maria de Los Angeles by military personnel of Colotlan. 05-16-1724 Gatuno y Lemus, Josef Xavier, Flores, Juan, Tamayo, Juan Antonio, and others
Testimony on the reconquest of San Josef de Nayarit with the help of troops from Colotlan. 04-10-1724 Flores de San Pedro, Juan (Gobernador), Gatuno, Josef Xavier, And Oters
Concerns all out campaign ordered to punish Indian rebels who attacked Spanish property and killed some christians. Documents on land leasing for Indians of Santa Maria and Santiago. 04-08-1718 Marquez, Nicolas, Gatuno, Josef Xavier
Letters dealing with legal documentation on abuses committed by Indians from Pueblo de Mamata, against Spanish property. 11-28-1772 Gatuno, Josef Xavier
Series of autos about the inhibiciones of Indians auxiliaries tlaxcalas and Chichimecas from the area of Zacatecas. Copies of autos enacted by viceroy, provides protection for such Indians. 03-20-1592 Gatuno, Joseph Xavier, Campa, Antonio de la
Printed published list of regulation and procedures to be followed by commanders of provincias del Oriente and Occidente, dealing with strategies to control Indians. 08-26-1786 Galvez, Conde de (Viceroy) (?)
Series of letters about administration and reorganization of presidios and some mines, between Gatuno and the viceroy 10-01-1756 Serratos, Antonio, Gatuno y Lemus, Xavier de (Capitan)
Report of names, positions, and salaries of the employees of ramo del tabaco, and ramo de aduanas from 1775-1788. 07-05-1788 Gonzalez de Santianes, Vizente (Governador), Arrese, Cosme Damian de (Administrador)
Letters from Ramon and Gomez de Castro to Ugalde concerning Indians behavior, and military reports. 09-20-1787 Gomez de Castro, Blas de, Molina, Antonio, Ramon, Juan Ignacio (Teniente)
N. R. de Leon subalternos 87, 88 y 89. 09-21-1787 Ugalde, Juan de (Comandante General), Guemelli, Gregorio (Alferez), Dufay, Guillermo (Alferez) and others
Carpeta septima; letters from Santianes to Ugalde and others concerning military activities. A few letters from Ugalde to Santianes and others at beginning. 10-11-1786 Echegaray, Jose Maria de (Capitan), Gonzalez de Santianes, Vicente (Coronel)
Estimated budgets and instructions for installation of street lamps in wing of and surrounding neighborhood of real palacio Mexico. 00-00-1780 Galvez, Matias de (Virrey), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), Posada, and others
Copy of reserved instructions that governor Neve left to his successor, Fages. Important documents regarding history of northeast Mexico. 08-04-1791 Neve, Phelipe de, Galves, Jose
Criminal case against an Indian convert of San Vicente mission accused of killing a gentile Indian. 08-08-1787 Gonzales, Diego, Navarro, Galindo
Criminal case against Yepes for having wounded a cabin boy on frigate favorita. 08-02-1783 Fages, Pedro, Navarro, Galindo, Gonzales, Diego, and others
Criminal case against Yepes for having wounded a cabin boy on frigate favorita. 08-02-1783 Fages, Pedro, Navarro, Galindo, Gonzales, Diego, and others
Investigations made by Goicoechea into four soldiers' desertion from Santa Barbara. 12-10-1784 Goicoechea, Felipe de, Olibera, Jose, Fages, Pedro, Others
Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for July through Sept, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias; monthly wages listed. 07-02-1773 Gonzalez de Santianes, Vizente (Teniente Coronel)(Gobernador), Lopez Muniz, Juan Bauptista, noriega, Melchor de (Teniente), and others
Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for September through nov, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias. 02-17-1773 Gonzalez de Santianes, Vizente (Gobernador)(Capitan), Muniz, Juan de, Segovia, Juan Antonio, and others
Gubernatorial correspondence from Nuevo Santander, 1773. 02-17-1773 Gonzalez de Santianez, Vizente (Gobernador)(Teniente Coronel)
Weekly rolls for cavalry of Nuebo Santander, listing wages, for nov, December 1771; each is signed by officers or justicias. 11-01-1771 Gonzalez de Santianez, Vizente (Gobernador), noriega, Gaspar de, noriega, Zeledonio Mogro, and others
Weekly rolls for troops of Nuebo Santander for April, May 1772; each is signed by officers or justicias; wages listed. 04-02-1772 Gonzalez de Santianez, Vizente (Gobernador), Alvarez Nava, Simon (Teniente), nogaro, Joseph de, and others
Weekly rolls for cavalry of Nuevo Santander for Aug, Sep, 1772. 08-01-1772 Gonzalez de Santianes, Vizente (Gobernador), Escandon y Llera, Manuel de (Teniente) (A.K.A. Sierragorda, Conde de), Hurtado, Jasinto, and others
Empty beaurocratic correspondence to, from Santianez. 04-08-1772 Gonzalez Santianez, Vicente (Gobernador), and others
Documents concerning minting of coins, house arrest of Sierragorda. 03-06-1772 Gonzalez de Santianez, Vizente (Gobernador), Sierragorda, Conde de la
Excelentisimo Senor: El dia de hoy 14 del corriente passo de esta vida ala eterna, alas, ocho y quarto de la manana 08-04-1787 Gonzalez de Santianes, Vicente (Gobernador), Mier noriega, Joseph Joachin de (Teniente de Gobernador), Garsa, Alejandro de
Excelentisimo Senor: El dia de hoy 14 del corriente passo de esta vida ala eterna, alas, ocho y quarto de la manana 08-04-1787 Gonzalez de Santianes, Vicente (Gobernador), Mier noriega, Joseph Joachin de (Teniente de Gobernador), Garsa, Alejandro de
Vague letters concerning military, political affairs of Nuevo Santander. 01-12-1770 Garza, Ildefonso de la, Nava, Simon Alvarez de
El senor comandante general interino de Provincias Internas don Joseph Antonio Rengel, en oficio de 7 de maio ... 10-27-1783 Gonzalez de Santianes, Vicente (Gobernador), Unknown
Senor: El dia catorce del proximo pasado se introduxo en esta provincia una gruesa partida de mas de cincuenta indios 01-14-1784 Gonzalez de Santianez, Vicente (Gobernador), Garza Falcon, Juan Diego de (Alcalde Mayor), Echeagaray, Joseph Maria de (Teniente), and others
Senor: El dia catorce del proximo pasado se introduxo en esta provincia una gruesa partida de mas de cincuenta indios 01-14-1784 Gonzalez de Santianez, Vicente (Gobernador), Garza Falcon, Juan Diego de (Alcalde Mayor), Echeagaray, Joseph Maria de (Teniente), and others
Indice de los partes que remite al excelentisimo senor virrey el gobernador del Nuevo Reyno de Leon en el correo de hoy 1 de febrero, 1783. 01-19-1783 Gonzalez de Santianez, Vicente (Gobernador), Flores, Bruno (Alcalde Maior), Echeagaray, Joseph Maria (Teniente)
May 24, 1783 a fin de determinar con el acierto que se debe sobre las providencias.... 07-09-1782 Gonzalez de Santianez, Vicente (Gobernador), Echeagaray, Joseph Maria (Teniente), Flores, Bruno (Alcalde Maior), and others