Letters from Corbalan to virrey re: various aspects of provincial administration. |
12-24-1771 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente) |
Letters from Corbalan to virrey re: various aspects of provincial administration. |
05-18-1772 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente) |
Documents from Corbalan to virrey concerning Seri settlement, and administration. |
02-01-1772 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente) |
Documents from Corbalan to virrey concerning administrative issues of Sonora. |
04-14-1772 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente), Honorato y Rivera, Juan (Teniente) |
Letter from Corbalan to virrey concerning funds belonging to real hacienda. |
12-24-1771 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente) |
Correspondence between Corbalan, virrey concerning issues of provincial administration. |
04-17-1773 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey) |
Letters from Corbalan to virrey concerning various issues pertaining to provincial administration. |
12-20-1771 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente) |
Correspondence between Corbalan, virrey concerning various issues pertaining to provincial administration. |
10-26-1773 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey) |
Correspondence between Corbalan, virrey concerning various issues of provincial administration. |
09-23-1771 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente de Sonora), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey) |
Index of viceregal letters, orders received by Corbalan. |
07-20-1773 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente de Sonora) |
Letter from Corbalan to virrey concerning number of bells at Seri missions. |
10-11-1773 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente de Sonora), Arenibar, Miguel Josef |
Letter from Corbalan to virrey concerning disposition of gold. |
08-17-1773 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente de Sonora) |
Letter from Corbalan to virrey concerning receipt of money. |
06-05-1773 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente de Sonora) |
Correspondence between Corbalan, virrey concerning gold shipment. |
07-25-1773 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente de Sonora), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey) |
Letter from Corbalan to virrey concerning Ansa's first expedition to California. |
09-18-1773 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente de Sonora) |
Correspondence between Corbalan, virrey concerning acquisition of land in Guaymas for church. |
09-25-1773 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente de Sonora), Verdes, Ignacio (Gobernador de Indios Guaymas), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey) |
Letter from Corbalan to virrey concerning administration of Seris. |
07-07-1773 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente de Sonora) |
Corbalan's index of letters to virrey from 29 July, through 07 September, 1773. |
07-29-1773 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente de Sonora), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey) |
Relacion between Corbalan, virrey concerning conditions at Tecoripa. |
08-11-1773 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente de Sonora), Sarobe, Juan de (Fray), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey) |
Letter from Corbalan to virrey concerning disposition of gold nugget. |
05-28-1773 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente de Sonora) |
Letter from Corbalan to virrey concerning tax accounts. |
05-04-1773 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente de Sonora) |
Correspondence between Corbalan, virrey concerning disposition of gold bullion. |
08-20-1772 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente de Sonora) |
Letter from Corbalan to virrey concerning delay in remission of expenses of real hacienda. |
09-22-1771 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente de Sonora) |
Correspondence between Corbalan and virrey concerning various religious issues in Sonora. |
05-04-1773 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente de Sonora), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey) |
Index of viceregal letters received by Corbalan. |
06-07-1773 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey) |
Correspondence between virrey and Corbalan concerning Seri settlement at Pitic. |
12-24-1772 |
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey), Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente de Sonora) |
Correspondence between Corbalan, virrey concerning delay of informes regarding real de Rosario. |
04-14-1772 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente de Sonora), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey) |
Letters to virrey concerning acknowledgement of receipt of viceregal letters, finance of Tiburon establishment. |
03-24-1773 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente de Sonora) |
Corbalan's certification of royal fifth; viceregal reply. |
05-06-1773 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente de Sonora), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey) |
Correspondence between Corbalan, virrey concerning collection of royal taxes and supply shipment to California. |
12-11-1773 |
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria de (Virrey) |
Folio 224 reads decretos folio 225 begins Mexico 21 de octubre de 1757 founding of presidio at Santa Rosa del Alcazan and correspondence with justice chief of San Fernando requesting that Ortiz Parrilla remain in San Saba. |
06-22-1757 |
Lopes, Alverto, Maza, Santiago de la, Castro, Marcos de, Others |
Folio 224 reads decretos folio 225 begins Mexico 21 de octubre de 1757 founding of presidio at Santa Rosa del Alcazan and correspondence with justice chief of San Fernando requesting that Ortiz Parrilla remain in San Saba. |
06-22-1757 |
Lopes, Alverto, Maza, Santiago de la, Castro, Marcos de, Others |
Ff. 124 reads cartas de particulares de orizava. Ano de 1771. (it is repeated.) Various official documents to and from Castilla y Theran. |
04-23-1769 |
Castilla y Theran, Joseph (Capitan), Alderete, Bizente, Rodriguez, Manuel, and others |
Ff.91 reads presidio de la Monclova. ff.92 Coahuila. Comandante de la compania del presidio de Coahuila. 1755. varios government correspondence for Coahuila, Monclova, etc. |
00-00-1732 |
Castilla y Theran, Joseph de (Teniente), Ortiz Parrilla, Diego, and others |
correspondencia con el ayudante inspector don Roque de Medina comisionado en Coaguila. Ano de 1774. |
08-31-1773 |
Medina, Roque de, Alderete, Vicente, Cos, Manuel de, and others |
correspondencia con el ayudante inspector don Roque de Medina comisionado en Coaguila. Ano de 1774. |
08-31-1773 |
Medina, Roque de, Alderete, Vicente, Cos, Manuel de, and others |
el comandante general calificandola de justa... |
00-00-1791 |
Quintin de Arizpe, Pedro Jose (Cura), Castro, Ramon de (Comandante General) |
Representaciones del senor comandante general de las Provincias Internas del oriente don Ramon de Castro sobre establecimiento de secretaria. |
09-10-1772 |
Castro, Ramon de (Comandante General), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), Ugalde, Juan (Brigadier), and others |
Documents concerning benefits, problems of 'recargo de armamentos.' |
10-23-1778 |
Merino, Manuel, Galves, Joseph de (Comandante General), Croix, Cavallero de (Comandante General), and others |
Croix grants 'gratificacion' to Mezieres to cover expenses incurred during military service, particularly due to efforts to pacify 'naciones del norte.' |
10-09-1779 |
Croix, Teodoro de (Comandante General), Merino, Manuel, Galbes, Joseph de (Comandante General) |
Documents concerning benefits, problems of 'recargo de armamentos.' |
10-23-1778 |
Merino, Manuel, Galves, Joseph de (Comandante General), Croix, Cavallero de (Comandante General), and others |
Correspondence among various military and political personnel concerning shortages, shipment and sale of arms. |
04-22-1785 |
Banfi, Juan, Corvalan, Christoval, Dias de Salcedo, Bruno (Real Contador), and others |
Correspondence among various officials concerning 'recargo' on weapons purchased by troops. |
02-07-1779 |
Dias de Salcedo, Bruno (Real Contador), Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Comandante General), Croix, Cavallero de, and others |
Correspondence among various officials concerning 'recargo' on weapons purchased by troops. |
02-07-1779 |
Dias de Salcedo, Bruno (Real Contador), Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Comandante General), Croix, Cavallero de, and others |
Letters to and from Cavallero de Croix concerning 'recargo de armamentos.' |
02-26-1774 |
Croix, Teodoro de (Comandante General), Escorza, Manuel Antonio de, Bustillo, Miguel, and others |
Correspondence concerning civil-military fiscal matters. |
00-00-1767 |
Diaz de Salcedo, Bruno, Mangino, Fernando Jose, Carrera, Domingo Antonio, and others |
Correspondence concerning civil-military fiscal matters. |
00-00-1767 |
Diaz de Salcedo, Bruno, Mangino, Fernando Jose, Carrera, Domingo Antonio, and others |
Diligencias' concerning auctions held at mission in Nuevo Santander. |
12-28-1793 |
Sierragorda, Conde de (Gobernador), Cavallero, Nicolas, Sanchez Cortina, Lorenzo, and others |
Indexes of correspondence and minutes that deal with primarily military personnel matters as well as various cases formed against those accused of military misconduct. |
02-11-1795 |
Conde de la Sierra Gorda, Nava, Pedro de, Diaz de Bustamante, Joseph Ramon, and others |
Letters from various officials dealing with the reconciliation of the paz y guerra account for Coahuila for the years 1787-1790, transmittal of the quadernos in which relevant information is included. |
08-04-1792 |
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de, Monterey, Pedro Maria de, Cabo Franco, Joseph del (Contador), and others |