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Title Date Author(s)
Candidates recommended to fill vacant posts of companias milicias de Nuevo Santander. 02-17-1807 Calle, Felix, Iturbe E Yraeta, Manuel de
Barrera describes investigation of administrator of tobaccos of Texas and requests reimbursement for expenses during this investigation. 05-09-1807 Calleja, Felix, Barrera, Francisco Bruno (Capitan)
Relaciones concerning promotions and retirement requests of individuals of milicias provinciales de Nuevo Santander. 01-02-1807 Calleja, Felix, Aguirre, Josef Ruiz de, Gonzalez, Jose (Teniente), and others
Individuals from companies of Leon, Linares, Cadereyra, and Lampazos recommended to fill vacant posts of teniente and Alferez. 02-02-1807 Herrera, Simon de, Calleja, Felix
Mazcorro requests retirement from milicias provinciales of Nuevo Santander. 09-26-1806 Iturbe E Yraeta, Manuel, Mazcorro, Jose Gregorio (Teniente), Calleja, Felix
Cuellar requests retirement from compania de milicias de Nuevo Santander and requests rights of fuero militar and use of uniform. 11-11-1806 Calleja, Felix, Cuellar, Jose Miguel de (Capitan)
Cuellar requests retirement from compania de milicias de Nuevo Santander and requests rights of fuero militar and use of uniform. 11-11-1806 Calleja, Felix, Cuellar, Jose Miguel de (Capitan)
Relaciones of premios and filicianes of soldiers and sub-officials assigned to the milicias of Nuevo Santander. 12-31-1803 Vidal de Lorca, Joaquin (Capitan), Diaz de Bustamente, Joseph Ramon, Castaneda, Juan de, and others
Relaciones of premios and filicianes of soldiers and sub-officials assigned to the milicias of Nuevo Santander. 12-31-1803 Vidal de Lorca, Joaquin (Capitan), Diaz de Bustamente, Joseph Ramon, Castaneda, Juan de, and others
Candidates recommended to occupy vacant official posts of 1a, 2a, and 3a companias Volantes de Nuevo Santander. 04-21-1806 Calleja, Felix, Iturbe E Yraeta, Manuel, Vidal de Lorca, Joaquin, and others
Barragan proposes candidates to fill vacant posts of 5a compania del cuerpo de caballeria de fronteras. 12-31-1805 Calleja, Felix, Barragan, Joseph Florencio
Morelos requests retirement with right of fuero militar. 05-05-1806 Calleja, Felix, Morelos, Ignacio de
Request for retirement by Flores and Garza. 03-08-1806 Calleja, Felix, Garza, Pedro de la, Flores, Ventura, and others
Service records, biographies, and status of invalids of soldiers and cavos of primera and segunda companias Volantes de Nueva Santander. 12-31-1805 Llanos, Juan Jose, Vidal de Lorca, Joaquin, Calleja, Felix, and others
Service records, biographies, and status of invalids of soldiers and cavos of primera and segunda companias Volantes de Nueva Santander. 12-31-1805 Llanos, Juan Jose, Vidal de Lorca, Joaquin, Calleja, Felix, and others
Request for military retirement by Casanova and Bautista Romero due to illness and old age. 06-13-1818 Gabriel, Francisco Xavier de, Casanova, Manuel Ramon de (Alferez), Narbona, Antonio (Capitan), and others
Service records, biographies, and honors of six individuals of the segunda compania Volante de Namiquipa. 08-31-1818 Moreno, Jose, Cordero, Antonio, Moreno, Jose, and others
Promotion granted to three individuals in compania Volante de Parras and three individuals of compania de caballeria de San Carlos. 10-08-1818 Arredonde, Joaquin, Castaneda, Juan de
Don Felix Rafael de Cevallos, captain of granaderos provinciales del ejercito de oriente, requests that he be promoted to lieutenant colonel. 08-24-1817 Arredondo, Joaquin de, Cevallos, Felix Rafael de (Capitan)
el snr. Briger. Dn. Anto. Cordero nombrado gobor. Intendte. de Durango. 08-20-1817 Cordero, Antonio (Gobernador Intendente), Ruiz de Apodaca, Juan (Virrey), Pinilla, Angel (Ministro Fiscal), and others
Razon de los matrimonios, bautismos, y entierros que hubo en las tres parroquias de la ciudad de Durango en todo el ano anterior de 1816. 01-30-1817 Bonavia, Bernardo (Comandante General), Campo, Marques de
diligencias practicadas sobre falta de respeto a la jurisdiccion real ordinaria por la tropa del quartel de San Antonio, la noche del dia 8 de enero de dicho ano. 01-10-1817 Roldan, Francisco del Pascual, Cano, Jose Maria (Alcalde), Lopez, Fabian (Alcalde de Barrio), and others
Letters, related documents from Bonavia to virrey Calleja concerning disabled soldiers. 06-09-1803 Bonavia, Bernardo de (Comandante General), Calleja, Felix (Virrey)
Concha informs of New Mexico's state of troops and enemies and effective means for the containment of these foes. 09-17-1788 Concha, Fernando de la, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo
Garza requested retirement with rights of fuero militar and use of uniform. 11-21-1812 Cordero, Antonio (Gobernador), Arredondo, Joaquin de (Comandante General), Garza, Jose Manuel de la (Capitan), Elizondo, Ygnacio
Instancia written by Castaneda mentioning unspecified agrabios of military career. Granting of retirement to Leon, capitan de naturales de opatas de Babispe. 02-08-1815 Castaneda, Juan de (Teniente), Bonavia, Bernardo
Uranga requests retirement from compania Volante de San Carlos. 08-04-1814 Campo, Pedro Simon del, Uranga, Jose Maria (Teniente), Garza, Jayme, and others
Candidates proposed by Vidal de Lorca to fill vacant post of segundo Alferez of compania Volante de Nuevo Santander. 06-01-1808 Vidal de Lorca, Joaquin (Coronel), Calleja, Felix, Garcia Rebollo, Ignacio
Espriella requests retirement from compania miliciana de Santa Barbara as a result of ill health. 02-08-1810 Calleja, Felix, Espriella, Jose Miguel (Capitan)
Expedientes about troops in Texas 11-28-1818 Arredondo, Joaquin, Martinez, Antonio, Casteneda, Juan de, and others
Expedientes about troops in Texas 11-28-1818 Arredondo, Joaquin, Martinez, Antonio, Casteneda, Juan de, and others
Documents concerning pacification of Indians surrounding Tucson area. 01-19-1821 Garcia Conde, Alexo (Mariscal), Cordero, Antonio (Brigadier), Narbona, Antonio
Series of documents concerning the interrogation of two anglo-americans caught in Texas. 12-21-1820 Trudeaux, Felix (Gobernador), Collantes, Juan Francisco, Villavaso, Nicolas Jose, and others
Documents concern series of petitions by missionaries at Zacatecas and Pachuca to return to Spain. 11-20-1789 Boullosa, Manuel de la Soledad (Fray), Carral, Joseph (Fray), Rada, Miguel Jesus de Maria (Fray), and others
Documents concerning prison overcrowding at Guadalaxara. 10-09-1795 Cambre, Fernando, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Comandante)
Documents concerning executors of Neve's will, inventories, auction and accounts of Neve's wealth. 01-29-1777 Medina, Roque de (Ayudante Inspector), Dongo, Joachin, Corbalan, Pedro (Gobernador Intendente), and others
Documents concerning executors of Neve's will, inventories, auction and accounts of Neve's wealth. 01-29-1777 Medina, Roque de (Ayudante Inspector), Dongo, Joachin, Corbalan, Pedro (Gobernador Intendente), and others
Series of documents regarding will of Neve and carrying out requests in will, liquidating assets, and inventories. 10-06-1774 Medina, Roque de (Teniente Coronel)(Ayudante Inspector), Corbalan, Pedro (Gobernador Intendente), Abad, Santiago, and others
Summary of preceeding 70-page document concerning missions of Nuevo Santander. 10-31-1762 Escandon, Joseph de (Coronel), Velarde, Croix,
Summary of preceeding 70-page document concerning missions of Nuevo Santander. 10-31-1762 Escandon, Joseph de (Coronel), Velarde, Croix,
Unrelated letters concerning military administration of Nuevo Santander. 02-26-1750 Castro Cid, Miguel de, Guerrero y Tagle, Augustin Francisco, Gorraez, Joseph de, and others
Concerning protection, settlement of land near Mier, Dolores, Revilla. 11-09-1767 Medina, Juan Mariano, Caravantes, Manuel de, Corinde, Diego, and others
Concerning protection, settlement of land near Mier, Dolores, Revilla. 11-09-1767 Medina, Juan Mariano, Caravantes, Manuel de, Corinde, Diego, and others
Concerning protection, settlement of land near Mier, Dolores, Revilla. 11-09-1767 Medina, Juan Mariano, Caravantes, Manuel de, Corinde, Diego, and others
breve apostolico de pio sexto, y estatutos generales 11-17-1769 Sexto, Pio (Papa), Cornejo, Joseph Antonio
Military recommendation letters from several capitanes for Escandon's son. 06-29-1765 Croix, Marques de (Virrey), Cruillas, Marques de (Virrey), noriega, Melchor de, and others
Military recommendation letters from several capitanes for Escandon's son. 06-29-1765 Croix, Marques de (Virrey), Cruillas, Marques de (Virrey), noriega, Melchor de, and others
Letter from Escandon to virrey complaining of the procedures he was subjected to in the expropriation of his land. 06-28-1769 Croix, Marques de (Virrey), Osorio y Llamas, Joseph (Licenciado), Cornide y Saavedra, Diego Antonio (Asesor), and others
Letter from Escandon to virrey complaining of the procedures he was subjected to in the expropriation of his land. 06-28-1769 Croix, Marques de (Virrey), Osorio y Llamas, Joseph (Licenciado), Cornide y Saavedra, Diego Antonio (Asesor), and others
Letter from Escandon to virrey complaining of the procedures he was subjected to in the expropriation of his land. 06-28-1769 Croix, Marques de (Virrey), Osorio y Llamas, Joseph (Licenciado), Cornide y Saavedra, Diego Antonio (Asesor), and others