Informe on Sonora by Bonilla and related correspondence of commandant inspector O'Conor and viceroy Bucareli |
01-01-1740 |
Bonilla, Antonio (Ayudante), Conor, Hugo, Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio |
Correspondence with virrey concerning routine administrative affairs in Nueva Andalucia. |
06-15-1761 |
Tienda de Cuervo, Joseph (Gobernador Interino), Gutierrez de Herrera, Juan Antonio, Barco, Domingo de, and others |
Correspondence with virrey concerning routine administrative affairs in Nueva Andalucia. |
06-15-1761 |
Tienda de Cuervo, Joseph (Gobernador Interino), Gutierrez de Herrera, Juan Antonio, Barco, Domingo de, and others |
Oconor to virrey on military visitas |
12-17-1774 |
Oconor, Hugo (Comandante), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio (Virrey), Crespo, Francisco Antonio, and others |
Series of documents relating to transfer of destacamento de Voluntarios de Cataluna to presidio of Mesa del Tonati. |
03-17-1773 |
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio (Virrey), Garavito, Diego (Sargento Mayor), Galindo, Francisco, and others |
Testimonios granting command of presidio of mesa del tonati to Gatuno. |
08-20-1760 |
Carlos III (Rey), Garraez Beaumont, Joseph, Balbuena, Joaquin de, and others |
Testimonios granting command of presidio of mesa del tonati to Gatuno. |
08-20-1760 |
Carlos III (Rey), Garraez Beaumont, Joseph, Balbuena, Joaquin de, and others |
Letters by Aragon, Linares, others to viceroy, with responses concerning administrative problems in Sonora and Sinaloa |
01-01-1769 |
Aragon, Pedro Gabriel, Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria, Linares, Benito, and others |
Correspondence of Urrea, Bucareli and others concerning administrative/military problems at altar |
01-01-1769 |
Urrea, Bernardo (Capitan), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria, Diaz, Juan (Padre), and others |
Letters from Sastre, Munoz, Bucareli and others, concerning military matters of Sonora |
08-13-1771 |
Sastre, Matteo, Munoz, Francisco, Bucareli, Antonio Maria, and others |
Letters from Sastre, Munoz, Bucareli and others, concerning military matters of Sonora |
08-13-1771 |
Sastre, Matteo, Munoz, Francisco, Bucareli, Antonio Maria, and others |
Letters from Trespalacios to viceroy and responses, concerning assumption of command at Buenavista |
02-29-1772 |
Trespalacios, Francisco Ygnacio, Bucareli, Antonio (Virrey) |
Letters from Azuela and Bellido to viceroys concerning the military struggle against Sonoran Indians (with responses) |
01-15-1771 |
Azuela, Manuel, Bellido, Francisco, Croix, Marques de, and others |
Letters by Messia to viceroys and responses on pay. |
08-08-1771 |
Mesia, Francisco, Croix, Marques de, Bucareli y Urusua, Antonio Maria (Fray) |
Correspondence related to the military expedition to Sonora. |
01-20-1771 |
Fueros, Pedro, Croix, Marques de, Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria, and others |
Correspondence related to the military expedition to Sonora. |
01-20-1771 |
Fueros, Pedro, Croix, Marques de, Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria, and others |
Letter to virrey concerning future gubernatorial visita to Cieneguilla; also, virrey's response. |
11-30-1773 |
Crespo, Francisco Antonio (Gobernador), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey) |
Letter to viceroy concerning augmentation of military detachment at Pitic; also, viceroy's response. |
11-30-1773 |
Crespo, Francisco (Gobernador), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey) |
Letter from Crespo concerning visita of reales de minas. |
11-30-1773 |
Crespo, Francisco (Gobernador), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey) |
Letter to viceroy concerning flooding, drought in Sonora. |
11-20-1773 |
Crespo, Francisco Antonio (Gobernador), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria de (Virrey) |
Documents concerning Anza expedition to Colorado and Gila rivers. |
09-17-1773 |
Bucareli, Antonio Maria de (Virrey), Crespo, Francisco (Gobernador) |
Discourse concerning reales de minas at la Cieneguilla, Sonora. |
01-20-1772 |
Fueros, Pedro, Bucareli, Antonio Maria (Virrey) |
Correspondencia con el gobernador de Sonora, don Matheo Sastre, y otros de la provincia que tratan de varios particulares. |
02-12-1772 |
Sastre, Matheo (Gobernador de Sonora), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey) |
Correspondence between Mayorga and Croix re: military service records, Alamos treasury and military recruitment and rights to produce armour. |
00-00-1730 |
Croix, Cavallero de, Virrey, Bonilla, Antonio |
Correspondence between Mayorga and Croix re: military service records, Alamos treasury and military recruitment and rights to produce armour. |
00-00-1730 |
Croix, Cavallero de, Virrey, Bonilla, Antonio |
Croix's correspondence re: discussion of request for gunsmith by governor of California and agreement of the need for one. |
07-00-1775 |
Croix, Cavallero de, Bucarely y Ursua, Antonio |
Correspondence between viceroy and Croix in reference to various issues within Provincias Internas. |
07-31-1777 |
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Fray)(Virrey), Croix, Teodoro Francisco de (Comandante) |
Correspondence regarding military and civil affairs within Provincias Internas. |
07-08-1777 |
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Fray)(Virrey) |
Various documents regarding military and civilian issues within Provincias Internas |
04-05-1777 |
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Fray)(Virrey) |
Administrative correspondence between viceroy and government officials. |
10-20-1779 |
Croix, Teodoro de, Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey), Mayorga, Martin and others. |
Correspondence between several government officials and the viceroy, concerning military administration. |
09-15-1779 |
Croix, Teodoro de, Bargazo, Manuel, Riperda, Baron de and others. |
Administrative correspondence between the viceroy and the commander of Provincias Internas, Teodoro de Croix. 1779 |
02-01-1779 |
Croix, Teodoro, Bonilla, Antonio, Galvez, Joseph and others |
Administrative correspondence between the viceroy and some government officials of p.i. 1779. |
01-06-1779 |
Croix, Teodoro de, Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria, Bonilla, Antonio |
Administrative correspondence between the viceroy and some government officials of p.i. 1779. |
01-06-1779 |
Croix, Teodoro de, Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria, Bonilla, Antonio |
Administrative correspondence between the viceroy and some government officials of p.i. 1779. |
01-06-1779 |
Croix, Teodoro de, Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria, Bonilla, Antonio |
Correspondence list. papel instructivo from the viceroy to Croix. |
03-00-1777 |
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey) |
Letters between Escorza and Bucareli y Urzua concerning fiscal management of presidios. |
03-29-1773 |
Escorza, Manuel Antonio de (Sargento), Bucareli y Urzua, Antonio (Virrey) |
Letters between Escorza and Bucareli y Urzua concerning fiscal management of presidios. |
08-12-1772 |
Escorza, Manuel Antonio de (Sargento), Bucareli y Urzua, Antonio (Virrey) |
O'conor submits recommendations for commanders of his expeditionary force in Chihuahua |
05-26-1772 |
O'conor, Hugo, Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio |
Acta de la junta de guerra y hacienda with related letter of introduction sent to O'conor. |
04-02-1772 |
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria, and others |
Letter to viceroy Bucareli on Indian depredations with related response |
02-28-1772 |
Fayni, Josef, Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria |
Letters of Queipo de Llano and others concerning military crisis at Chihuahua. |
02-29-1771 |
Queipo de Llano, Pedro Antonio, Fayni, Joseph (Comandante General)(Gobernador), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio |
Letters and notes passed between Fayni and Bucareli on Indian crisis |
02-03-1772 |
Fayni, Josef, Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio, Areches |
Letters and autos from various officials to Fayni and Bucareli concerning military crisis of Nueva Vizcaya |
10-31-1771 |
Barrandegui, Juan Joseph, Quipo de Llano, Antonio (Teniente, Capitan Caballeria), Fayni, Joseph, and others |
Documents relating to fate of Antonio Barrios (capitan de dragones) |
03-18-1786 |
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Brigadier)(Comandante General), Reyes, Joseph (Capitan), Barrios, Antonio (Capitan), and others |
Documents relating to fate of Antonio Barrios (capitan de dragones) |
03-18-1786 |
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Brigadier)(Comandante General), Reyes, Joseph (Capitan), Barrios, Antonio (Capitan), and others |
Collection of autos and testimonios related to economic crisis of Chihuahua City (directed to viceroy?) |
10-19-1739 |
Suarez, Manuel (Secretario Gobernador y Guerra), Belanzaran, Juan Bautista, and others |
Correspondence re: financing of expedicion de Sonora. |
05-01-1770 |
Bentura Belena, Eusebio (Subdelegado), Santo Ysla, Joseph del, Virrey(?) |
Correspondence re: establishment of Ramo de Salinas; need for and shipment of supplies including tabacco, naipes, azogue and paper to Pitic and Guaymas. |
05-21-1770 |
Bentura Belena, Eusebio (Subdelegado), Corbalan, Pedro (Subintendente), Virrey(?) |
Correspondence re: formation of secular commision to investigate handling of temporalidades of missions; Belena's transfer to Durango. |
09-03-1769 |
Galvez, Joseph de, Bentura Belena, Eusebio (Subdelegado) |