Serial Number
Sastre, Matheo (Gobernador de Sonora)
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey)
End date
Sonora, Mexico. February 12, 1772 to December 28, 1773. Informes. Autos. Signed. Duplicados.
Discourse between the governor of Sonora and the viceroy concerning various matters of provincial administration as to absent viceregal proclamations concerning issuance of new coinage, mail franchises, and announcement of birth of Infante Carlos Clemente (ff. 309-315). Concerning gubernatorial visita Colonel of provincial militias of Pardos y Blancos of several jurisdictions to Juan Antonio Caneda, Vecino of Rosario; brief letter, written at Mazatlan stating that, Sastre, as governor, will protect and give assistance to missionaries, destroy abuses committed against Indians... etc. Letters written at Culiacan and Alamos discuss order to send viceroy intendente Corbalan's financial account of military expedition of Sonora; response to viceroy's order that said intendente make visita of mines of province; formation of flying company under command of O'Conor to put down Indian unrest in Chihuahua (See below); governor's suggestion that if Indian named Calixto does not mend his rebellious ways, then prison sentence be considered (315-335). Letters written at Horcasitas discuss governor's order stating that copy of letters from presidial commanders be sent directly to viceroy (336,337). Sastre suffers stroke effecting right arm and leg (339,340). Notice of departure of Mule train under military escort from Cieneguilla bound for Mexico City, route taken, instructions for military escort, etc. (341,342; 345-349; 361,362). Concerning presidial armaments supplies (343,344). Concerning establishment of mission among Seris at Carrizal; includes copy of letter from Gil de Bernabe; Sastre's suggestions concerning the mission (350-356). Concerning formation of flying company in Chihuahua; Sastre warns presidial commanders of possible incursions of hostile Indians from neighboring province; states he has had no reply to letters sent to O'Conor (356-360; 362-364). Papagos present tally stick to commander of Altar and give notice of action taken against captive (See below) (365,366). Gives notice of visita to Cieneguilla, Altar, Pitic and Caborca (See below) (367). Concerning Garces' entradas to Gila and Colorado rivers; includes approximate Pima Indian population along Gila, notes Papagos, Pimas Altos and Gilenos all speak the same language; suggests establishing missions along these waterways, land route between San Diego, Monterrey and Pimeria Alta (See below) (371-375).copy of letter sent to Vildosola, commander of Terrenate, ordering him in conjunction with Anza to reconnoiter Chihuahuan-Sonoran border area near Janos to stop any Indians that may flee due to O'Connor's intended campaign against Apache (375-380). Concerning new method of spiritual and temporal administration of missions (381,382). Thanking viceroy for assistance in procuring rank of teniente Coronel (383). Concerning visita to Buenavista; exhorts Indians to live as good christians, reports that Indians are pleased with new missionary (387-389). Concerning trouble with Piatos and Pimas at el Puerto, return of Seris vagos to Pitic, Apache depredations (horse theft) at Tubac (391-395). Letter from viceroy giving Anza permission to accompany Garces on journey to assess feasibility of establishing land route to Californias and Pimeria Alta (412). Sastre takes possession of real at Rosario (413). Formation of militia of Pardos y Blancos at jurisdicciones of Maloya, Copala, centinelas, San Pedro Chametla, Mazatlan (420,421). Letter from viceroy stating Indian Calixto must reduce himself, or be given prison sentence, either in Sonora or Mexico City (423). Viceroy requests copy of intendente Corbalan's financial record of expedition of Sonora (425). List of letters from Sastre received by viceroy (426-435). Viceroy receives notice of departure of wagon train from Cieneguilla (428,432). Viceroy orders movement of troops from Horcasitas to fortify Pitic (429). Viceroy's response regarding Sastre's stroke (430). Sastre sends deserters of flying company of Terrenate back to presidio, having pardoned them upon determining that crime did not appear to be premeditated; orders restructuring of flying company, removal of Vildosola as commander of presidio due to insubordination (436-443). Viceroy acknowledges arrival of letter describing entry of Gil de Bernabe among Seris at Carrizal. Orders mission be established with suitable land and water for agriculture, and that Sastre deliver tools, seeds and other supplies to the new settlement (447-449). Letter from Sastre in response to dictamen ordering mission reform (449- 460). Viceregal dictamen and circular asking Opata auxiliaries be sent to Chihuahua to assist O'Conor in suppressing Apache attacks (460-462). Viceroy acknowledges arrival of news of Garces' entradas, and requests details on intended entrada planned by Anza and said fray (463,464). Viceroy acknowledges arrival of informe about completion of Canal into Pitic (465). Viceroy acknowledges arrival of Sastre's letter stating that latter had fulfilled order requesting auxiliaries be sent to Chihuahua (460). Viceroy acknowledges arrival of letter telling of Papago victory over Apaches; adds Sastre must work to assure these 2 Indian nations never form alliance against Spanish (467). Acknowledges arrival of Sastre's informe concerning latter's visita to Caborca and Pitic, and exhorts him to maintain peace with reduced Indians of provinces. (468). Sastre asks permission to withdraw troops from border with Chihuahua in light of O'Connor's inaction in dealing with Apaches (469,470). Viceroy asks Sastre to have gold nugget in his possession weighed, appraised, and delivered to intendente Corbalan (471,472). Sastre reports more than 100 horses stolen from Tubac, and 264 from Terrenate, and again asks viceroy if pickets on border with Chihuahua may be withdrawn (472,473). Sastre acknowledges receiving8 copies of document pertaining to arrival of flotilla from Spain (474). Gives notice of Sastre's poor health (475). Document pertaining to rebuilding of damaged church at Charay (476). Viceroy orders Vildosola to withdraw from Chihuahuan border to combat Apaches in Sonora; that movement of Pimas and Piatos in southern Sonora be restricted, and gives notice of appointment of O'Connor as comandante inspector de los presidios internos (477-479). Viceroy orders Sastre to implement new method of controlling Apache incursions into Sonora (479,480). Viceroy urges care in treatment of Indians at Buenavista in order that they not regress to Former lawless ways (481,482). Viceroy acknowledges formation of militia at Cieneguilla, requests that governor keep tabs on situation at mines, giving viceroy timely notice of happenings (482). Carpetas on viceregal letters dealing with new method of administration of presidios of Buenavista, Horcasitas, Terrenate, Tubac, Altar, and fronteras (483-486). Letter to Sastre telling of imminent arrival of O'Connor at Horcasitas (487). Viceroy requests information regarding crimes committed by Pima Joseph Domingo to determine fitting sentence (488). Viceroy urges Sastre to control despoblacion of newly colonized area (489). Viceroy approves of Pitic Canal project, repartimiento de Tierras to Seris (490). Letters concerning acts of insubordination committed by Jose Vildosola (490-505). (J. H. Ochs, sept.1987)
Sastre, Matheo (Gobernador)
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey)
Carlos Clemente (Hijo Primogenito)
Pineda, Juan Claudio de
Canedo, Juan Antonio (Vecino de Rosario)
Salazar, Esteban de (Fray)
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente Interino)
Oconor, Hugo (Teniente Coronel)
Gilde Bernabe, Juan Chrisostomo (Padre Presidente)
Azuela, Manuel de la (Teniente)
Cazoni, Ygnacio (Capitan General de los Seris)
Nanos, Hernando (Gobernador de Seris)
Pettumque (?) (Alcalde de Seris)
Pabacat (Teniente de Seris)
Pequas, Phelipe (Capitan de Guerra de Seris)
Cavames (Teniente de Seris)
Jontucase (Alferez de Seris)
Tumusaqui, Ygnacio (Indio)
Mason, Juan (Teniente de Justicia Mayor)
Peru, Juan de (Capitan de Janos)
Buena y Alcalde, Mariano Antonio (Padre Prefecto)
Garses, Francisco (Fray)
Vildosola, Gabriel Antonio (Comandante de Fronteras)
Ansa, Juan Baptista de (Capitan)
Diego (Capitan de Suaquis)
Maciso, Manuel (Fray)
Pluma Blanca (Indio)
Ygnacio (Cusu de Caborca)
Juan (Cocoinero)
Canedo, Juan Antonio (Teniente Coronel)
Aragon, Pedro Gabriel de (Cura de Alamos)
Oballe, Alphonso
Elias Gonsalez, Francisco
Faini, Josef
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo
Elias Gonsalez
Domingo (Indio Pima)
Josef (Indio Pima)
Dias del Carpio, Ygnacio (Teniente)
Elias, Miguel Geronimo de (Vacario)
Vildosola, Josef Antonio
Calixto (Indio)
Urrea, Bernardo
San Rosario (Pueblo)
Culiacan (Villa)
San Sevastian
Chametla, San Pedro (Jurisdiccion)
Mazatlan, San Juan de (Jurisdiccion)
Tubutama (Pueblo)
Pitic (Cuartel)
Nueba Vizcaia (Provincia)
Alamos (Villa)
Horcasitas, San Miguel de (Presidio)
Altar (Presidio)
Terrenate (Presidio)
Fronteras (Presidio)
Janos (Presidio)
Cieneguilla (Real de Minas)
Tiburon (Isla)
Guzguz (Cerro)
San Javier del Bac (Mision)
Tumacacori (Mision)
Tucson, San Agustin del (Mision)
Colorado (Rio)
Jila (Rio)
Nuebo Mexico (Provincia)
Buenavista (Presidio)
Caborca (Pueblo)
Juiquibabi (Pozo)
Saguaro (Bajio)
Joitic (Bajio)
Tobosos (Bajio)
Choyal (Bajio)
Puerto (Sitio)
Cocospera (Mision)
Chircagui (Sierra)
San Bernardino (Campo)
Charay (Pueblo)
Pesqueria de Perlas
Ethnic Groups
Pimas Altos
Military Groups
Milicias Provinciales de Blancos y Pardos
Compania Volante de Chihuahua
Cieneguilla, Compania de Milicianos del Real de La
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 081 ff. 309-505
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 081 ff. 309-505
Reference Number
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