Letters from Bonavia and junta superior to virrey de Nueva Espan concerning measures taken by Bonavia inorder to produce revenue for the Provincias Internas de occidente and the conflict that resulted with the capital in Mexico.
Serial Number
Bonavia, Bernardo (Comandante General)
End date
Durango, Mexico. March 13, 1815 - July 12, 1815. 34p. Letters. Copies, originals.
Concerns establishment of a mint that was desperately needed and near demise of this project because of a lack of silver, this was reason for the order stating that one third of all metals had to be turned in in exchange for coinage mentioned earlier in Vol. 227 ff. 0147-0159; said order was contested by a Series of institutions, reconvening of the junta de la real hacienda to investigate 4,000 Marcos de Plata missing from the treasury, prohibitions on enacting above were rescinded, also need regulation concerning minting of coinage in Nueva Vizcaya; Bonavia's plan to have the real hacienda sell tobacco at a markup have not produced the income he had expected, cites the epidemic of previous year, price, and black market in cigars as factors in low sales, convenes a junta provisional to discuss revenue producing measures, proposed instituting a 'patriotic loan' to be exacted from unidentified sources, paid for with taxes on mining activities (which include the one third provision mentioned earlier), Bonavia stresses the inability of the settlers of the area to provide any more revenue from contributions; letters mentioned in miscellaneous notes discuss in general terms revenue and costs in Provincias Internas de Occidente; letter from junta Superior requesting documents from the junta provisional convene by Bonavia, comments on mint establishment states that metals involved were to be remitted to the capital and that metals to be contributed to mint more than cover the shortage of revenue discussed, letter includes an excerpt from another letter that points to the exceedingly large troop strength as a cost that can be reduced, mentions the taxes imposed on some mining functions (mentioned earlier in Vol. 227 ff. 147-159) whose effects have been a duplication of taxes because Mexico City similarly taxes same items, mentions returning money collected in Durango, mentions a tax imposed on the shipment of livestock into other provinces imposed by Bonavia as being an unauthorized measure and letter recommends that virrey rescind said tax, letter mentions that fiscal's interpretation of patriotic loan is that he does not See the benefit of such measure given the way it will be paid back. (O. Velez, September 1989)
Bonavia, Bernardo (Comandante General)
Caballero, Zapata
Velasco Francisco (Escribano)
Santa Cruz
Espana, Nueva (Provincia)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 227 ff. 169-185
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 227 ff. 169-185
Ff. 0176-0177 has two letters on one page each taking up half of the column space of the pages
Reference Number
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