Indians (Resettlement)

Documents pertaining to visita of Josef de Galvez in alta California 1769. Sent to governor Neve by predecessor Barri at time of change of office.

Serial Number
Galvez, Josef de (Visitador)
Barri, Felipe (Gobernador)
End date
Loreto, Monterey, Santa ana, la paz. December 12, 1767 to October 29, 1774. 132p. Instrucciones. Reglamentos, index. Informe. Letters, original, signed. Copies. 10-28-1774 from berri to new governor neve outlining duties in change of command. Invites consultation and outlines accompanying documents which should be returned to archive in south (Loreto ?). Observations of civil-military-religious relations in province. 2) ff. 126-135 Galvez' instrucciones of 1769 to barri. Discusses duties of governor and importance of stern but just punishment of indians for economic independence from missions. Discussion of governor's administration of pearl fishing, with reference to leyes de indios, previous reales ordenes and cedulas to prohibit foreigners. Better fiscal management of mines and defense to establish more missions and presidios in province. Copy consists of 26 sections, dated 9-30-1774. 3) ff. 142-144 index of 19 documents Barri sends to neve of Galvez' visita to antigua California of 1769. Brief description of each document. Dated 9-30-1774. 4) full texts of Galvez' visita/expedition of 1769, copies from 1768 to 1770. Overall impression of carefully prepared, detailed planning for military-civil-religious coordination in province. Attention to fiscal-administrative matters to establish good relations between Spanish and indians (although typically condescending towards abilities of latter group) for economic-geographic expansion in Californias. Overall idea for governing broken families to Loreto, agricultural and religious training, artesan and pearl fishing industries, rights and inheritance regulations of lands after secularization (temporalidades) from missions, specifications for architectural plans of church, plaza and homes, wages and formations of indians into militias. Production from salinas, transportation of these by canoe sacramento and paquebot la concepcion, salaries, equipment and supply rations for all levels of workers and managers, diezmos (taxes) and royal fifth on production. Coordinated defenses by military and militia of missions, neighbors and presidios to continue outward expansion to new territories. Realtionship of provincial income/outflow to real hacienda in Guadalajara, including pricing, collecting of diezmo and quinto for ramos of playing cards, gunpowder, mercury, papel sellado, and tobacco and pearl fishing and mining industries. Of special note are great details in ff. 159-160 of maritime transportation of products to and from lower California from north and to continent, and ff. 161-162 of ordenances, supplies and rations to be in effect for each type of vessel used. (J. M. Johnson, April 1988)
Barri, Felipe (Gobernador)
Galvez, Josef de (Visitador)
Neve, Felipe (Sargento Mayor)
Carlos III (Rey)
Rivera y Moncada, Fernando de (Capitan)
Serra, Junipero (Fray) (Padre Presidente)
Faxes, Pedro (Comandante)
Mora, Vicente de (Padre Presidente)
Campo Viergol, Josef del (Comisario)
Lopez de Toledo, Antonio (Comisario)
Garcia Morales, Manuel
Arraez, Pedro (Regalado)
Peramar, Melchor de
Palou, Francisco (Fray)
Velasquez de Leon, Joaquin (Subdelegado)
Gutierrez, Juan
Trillo y Vermudes, Francisco (Comisario)
Viniegra, Juan Manuel de
Croix, Marques de (Virrey) (Gobernador) (Capitan General)
Felipe V (Soberano)
Romero, Felipe
Murguia, Jose (Fray)
Espinosa de los Monteros, Manuel (Teniente)
Azanza, Miguel Jose de
Moran, Juan (Fray)
Lasso, Jose Maria (Fray)
Moreno, Felipe
Regalado de Soto, Pedro
Trigo, Jose de
Armona, Mathias
Moz?, Bernardo
Arris, Ygnacio
Gonzaga, Luis
San Blas (Departamento)
Sonora (Provincia)
Californias (Peninsula)
San Diego
Loreto (Ensenada) (Mision) (Presidio) (Real)
Velicata, San Fernando
San Fernando (Colegio Apostolico)
Santa Anna del Sur (Comisaria)
San Juan (Rancho)
Mexico (Capital)
San Luis (Arroyo) (Mision)
Todos Santos (Mision)
la Paz (Puerto)
Cinaloa (Provincia)
Guaimas (Puerto)
Mazatlan (Puerto)
San Lucas (Cabo)
Fan?Sula (Puerto)
Nueva Galicia (Reyno)
Santiago (Pueblo) (Mision)
San Jose (Isla)
Pimeria Alta
Cavo, San Jose del (Mision)
Santa Ana (Real)
Santa Rosa
San Luis Gonzaga (Mision)
Carmen (Isla)
San Xavier (Mision)
Pasion (Mision)
Military Groups
Queretaro, Regimento Provincial (Antigua California) Cavalleria de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 166 ff. 123-188
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 166 ff. 123-188
Galvez documents not in chronological order. Some pages misnumbered but sequence kept. Some borders cut off. Four
Reference Number
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Diarios de comision and relacion de los ramos from Borica to Conde de Revilla Gigedo concerning religious visitas and fugitives first in this series begins with the phrase paso a manos...20 de abril.

Serial Number
Borica, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
Conde de Revilla Gigedo
End date
Chihuahua/namiquipa. April 30, 1791 - June 7, 1791. 12p. Approx Relaciones/diarios de comision. Originals/ copies.
A Series of travel diaries and relaciones de los reos that Indian Chorova as teniente general of Temosachy, population of Indians, asks that both Temosachy and Yepomera receive 25-30 families each in order to deter Apache attacks and to take advantage of fertile land, sum of money to be given towns from fondo de temporalidades account to be used for the purchase of livestock and agricultural tools, distributed evenly among family heads with amount for community purposes and to support new settlers mentioned above if they come to fruition, due to his health Borica sends Ochoa to conduct visitas of missions de la Sierra and Cienega de los Olibos with instructions, terminates servitude of weekly workers in San Pedro alcantaras, receives letter from Cordero in Santa Barbara telling of attack by Taraumaras, responds by sending out orders to all subdelegados to form Indian groups to search out perpetrators, further instructions to Cordero that in future occurrences of the same he send letter to jurisdictions towards which Indians were traveling; sends out notice to royal judges on wanted fugitives with instruction that if caught they are to be transported promptly to the jurisdiction where they are wanted, comments new zeal with which Indians are working; Series includes a document called relacion de los reos which lists fugitives of area with detailed info on physical characteristics, crimes wanted for, jurisdiction seeking them, names, and where they are suspected of being; acknowledgement of receipt of diarios de comision. (O. Velz, March 1989)
Borica, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
Chorova, Juan (Indio) (Teniente General)
Trujillo, Reyes (Sargento)
Cordero, Antonio (Teniente Coronel)
Temosachy (Mision)
Yepomera (Visita)
Cienega de los Olibos (Mision)
Sierra, de la (Mision)
San Pedro Alcantara (Pueblo)
Santa Barbera (Real)
Ojo Caliente
San Andres
Santa Ysabel
Ethnic Groups
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 162 ff. 183-190 (Approx) exp. 1
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 162 ff. 183-190 (Appro
Folios unnumbered. First in this series begins with the phrase found in title
Reference Number
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Diarios de comision and instructions for Ochoa on mission matters first in this series begins with paso a manos...desde el 8 del corriente.

Serial Number
Borica, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
End date
Temaychy, Mexico. April 13, 1791 - April 20, 1791. 14pp. Approximate. Diarios de comission, instrucciones. Originals, copies.
Diarios de comision and instructions on mission matters written jurisdiction of Cosiguriachy (29), report filed by Rascon on missions of Batopilas and Moris, visits visitas of los Alamos, pachua and Pichachiqui and hears their sentiment on the resettlement of Indian families into their area - amenable to idea, Indians seek payment from rejos for work done he declares himself insolvent, mentions orders of Croix in which he terminates of all servitude imposed Indians since their conquest or reduccion in connection with the same process executed by the subdelegado de Batopilas, visits Papigochy mission appoints Indian Basilio Dominguez as teniente general, appoints Indian Sanchez to teniente general for Bachiniba, commissioned Ochoa to visita of said Pueblo, sum of money owed to population of Bachiniba they want it paid in goods and equitably distributed among the heads of each family with some left aside for community use, sum is from the fondo de temporalidades, Ochoa arrives from Bachiniba reports 33 families, Pueblo could successfully hold 15-20 more families due to opportunities provided by fertile land and abundant water, appoints Indian Lorenzo as teniente general of Pueblo Matachic and adjoining pueblos tejelocachic and Cocomorachic, appoints as general of all pueblos of Cosiguriachy the Indian Lagarda; instructions to be followed by Ochoa in mission under his security measures during visitas, census taking, proper arming of mission Indians, exemptions, edicts on travel, change of domicile, surplus seed sales, work without pay, punishment of Indians, postal service, religious and occupational application of Indians, elderly of Pueblo, servitude, rule of two days of community work for Indians of misiones Guadalupanas, hearing complaints, Indian appointments, reporting of Apache incidents, Indian fugitives from missions and livestock stolen. (O. Velez, March 1989)
Borica, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de
Rouset, Fransisco (R.P. Vice-Custodio)
Rascon, Jose (Comisario)
Rojo, Manuel (Administrador)
Croix, Cavallero de
Dominguez, Basilio (Indio)(Teniente General)
Sanchez, Josef (Indio) (Teniente General)
Ochoa, Josef (Teniente)
Lorenzo, Juan (Indio)(Teniente General)
Lagarda, Geronimo (Indio)(General)
Batopilas (Mision)
Moris (Mision)
Los Alamos (Pueblo)
Temaychy (Cavezera de los Alamoso
Nueva Vizcaya
Tomas, Santo
Tejolocachy (Pueblo)
Cocmorachi (Pueblo)
Ethnic Groups
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 162 ff. 175-182 (Approx) exp. 6
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 162 ff. 175-182 (Appro
Folios unnumbered; first in this series begins with the phrase found above in title also diarios de comision for April 8-19 interrupted by the instrucciones to ochoa
Reference Number
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Letters and diarios de comision from Borica de Diego concerning military visitas in Nuevo Vizcaya first in this series begins with febrero 14 de 1791.

Serial Number
Borica, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de
End date
Durango, Mexico, estancia de rio florido, rancho de talamantes. March 22, 1791 -April 6, 1792. 32pp. Approximate letters, diarios de comision. Originals, copies. Reyes trujillo returning after expedition against manta prieta with indian aid ojos Colorados, an indian attack against San Juan bauptista, group of six Apaches being followed by group of indians from Conchos, Apache indian attack in which two men were killed, primera compania Volante kills one Apache and recaptures livestock stolen, troops that escorted Ugarte y Loyola, communication from subdelegado de cosiguariachy advising Borica that in that jurisdiction forcing indians to work in the mines would be prohibited, gets a request from governors of satevo, yoquivo, and guapdaynas that they have their own religious administration because current system of using priests of Batopilas is unsatisfactory due to distances involved, Borica responds by sending letter stating he will look into the matter when he visits these areas and also sends copies of decrees on matters relating to the treatment of indians in missions; letter concerning the matter of indians working as servants in homes of hacendados without pay and prohibitions and circumstances that have led to these developments; letter discussing the points made by Lopez muato on mission and civil authority over indians in missions, what permission indians need in order to leave the pueblos, what kinds of punishments are to be applied to indians who miss mass purposely, policy on alcoholism and delinquency mentioned during religious service, regulations on travel restrictions on indians; travel diary from 2-27-1791 thru 3-13-1791; indian called tomas his history of escape and recapture, last instance of capture was at hands of indians of piedras bolas; travel diary from 3-14-1791 thru 3-28-1791, apprehension of prisoners banda, palacios, Castaneda, gertrudi. Case against them was not proven and key witnesses roman and Acosta did not arrive for judicial proceeding, robberies committed by Juan Joseph conde; punishment of vizcarra for being lazy; meets with rouset de Jesus discussed indian complaints from missions, refers to recommendations made, Tapia requesting indian escorts and his disatisfaction with service provided, ochoa, Jose manuel takes statements from tecoricy and tonachic after their apprehension, visit to pueblo of satebo discontinues practice of cura using weekly workers, semneros in mission without pay; named teniente general for satevo, joya, and baponoyaba; in the latter, wives of prisoners seeking their release and it becomes apparent that without their husbands they have no way of surviving except for charity of the people in their pueblos; meets with anna maria, widow of indian Miguel Mariano, who seeks return of livestock confiscated from husband at time of arrest, he died in jail with daughter. (O. Velez, March 1989)
Borica, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
Trujillo, Reyes (Sargento)
Ojos Colorados (Indio)
Santa Maria, Diego
Ochoa, (Teniente)
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Mariscal)
Medina, Joseph Ignacio
Lopez Muato, Antonio (Fray)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de
Palacios, Jose Maria
Simental, Juaquin
Castaneda, Melchor
Gerudio, Jose
Ramon, Joseph
Acosta, Felipe
Conde, Juan Joseph
Tizonaro, Rafael Perfecto del
Saaenz, Joseph
Vizcarra, Estevan (Indio)
Rouset de Jesus, Fransisco (Vice Presidente de las Misiones Guadalupanes)
Cruz, Manuel de la (Teniente General)
Tapia, Narciso (Teniente Retirado)
Ochoa, Manuel de la (Teniente)
Tonachic, Tomas de (Indio)
Basilio, Joseph Fransisco
Chaparro, Antonio
Mateo, Julian Juanico
Lorenzo y Cristobal
Banda, Alexo
Manta Prieta
San Juan Bauptista
Santa Cruz
Satevo (Pueblo)
Yosquivo (Pueblo)
Guapalaynas (Pueblo)
Batopilas (Real)
Sonora (Governacion)
San Bartolome (Valle)
San Gregario (Hacienda)
Guadalupe (Pueblo)
Concepcion (Pueblo)
Ethnic Groups
Military Groups
Nuevo Vizcaya, Primera Compania Volante
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 162 ff. 148-164 (Approx) exp. 6
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 162 ff. 148-164 (Appro
Folios unnumbered; first in this series begins with the phrase found above in title
Reference Number
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Letters and diarios de comision from Borica and others to Conde de Revilla Gigedo first in this series begins with the phrase paso a manos de v.e. el diario de lo ocurrido en mis comissiones desde el 5 del corriente hasta del ayer inclusive.

Serial Number
Borica, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
Lasso de la Vega, Miguel Maria
Rouset de Jesus, Fransisco (Fray)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de
End date
Estancia de florido, Mexico, vallesillo, cosiguriachy. January 20, 1791 - March 27, 1791. 18pp. Approximate. Letters, diarios de comision. Originals, copies. Attack by taraumara's in which 2 men and 1 women were left nude; suspects that attack was committed by escaped indians from mission of oro; requests information on arrests made by subdelegado of mapini of thieves; indians from Moris mission complain of mistreatment which led many to escape the mission; found irregularities in the delays of confession to indians; says that during visitas he has made, all social classes mistreat indians but none eager to protect them. Based on nature of indian attack described above and the fact that cattle were stolen, Borica concludes that attacks were perpetrated by Apaches despite witnesses contention that they were Taraumares. Has not heard any news on expedition of 30 men with indian scout ojos Colorados sent to attack rancheria mantas prietas; letter from lasso de la Vega concerning measures to be implemented in missions and care with which relevant personnel are to proceed so as to avert rebellions by indians; Guadalupanos are exempt from these measures; indians of the Moris mission voice complaints about cruel treatment from padre guardian of mission who with stones and kicks gets them out of bed to work. The mission is prone to attacks and if he is killed in one of them they want to make sure that the crime is not attributed to them. Indians of Batopilas mission as well as governors of the area complain that padre of mission does not confess or marry indians and that he does not follow authority of teniente in the area for which reason they seek to be resettled to Zacatecas and padre Aguilar. Rascon told to exert his authority over religious personnel that have overreached theirs and to make sure that the only people authorized to punish indians are judges and justiciales reales. Information on treatment of indians and conduct of religious personnel is to be fowarded to Cavallero de Croix. Leaves on his third outing with 60 men taken from the first and third companies. (O. Velez, March 1989)
Cordero, Antonio (Teniente Coronel)
Rascon, Antonio Fransisco (Subdelegado)
Sanchez, Fransisco (Ranchero)
Lasso de la Vega, Miguel Maria
Aguilar, Juan de (Padre)
Croix, Cavallero de
Trevino (General)
Rouset de Jesus, Fransisco (Fray)
Nasas, Rio de
Oro (Jurisdiccion)
Mapini (Jurisdiccion)
Moris (Mision)
Cosiguriachy (Jurisdiccion)
Escobar (Rancho)
Mantas Prietas (Rancheria)
Batopilas (Mision)
Xicamorachi (Pueblo)
Rio Florido (Estancia)
Ethnic Groups
Military Groups
Nueva Vizcaya, Primera Compania de
Nueva Vizcaya, Tercera Compania
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 162 ff. 138-147 (Approx) exp. 6
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 162 ff. 138-147 (Appro
Folios unnumbered; first in this series begins with the phrase found above in title
Reference Number
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Diarios de comision from Borica to Conde de Revilla Gigedo first in this series begins with the phrase paso a manos de v.e. el diario de lo ocurrido en mis comisiones desde 15 del corriente.

Serial Number
Borica, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de
End date
Mexico, Geronimo, San (pueblo). January 19, 1791 - March 7, 1791. 14pp. Approximate letters, diarios de comision. Originals.
Travel diaries written by Borica while conducting a military thru 1-18-1791; sends message to subdelegado ordering him to conduct visitas in his jurisdiction; population in Cienaga primarily Indian; condition of Bernardino and Cruz pueblos better than most he has visited; suspends visit to Ysabel due to cold Weather and snow; requests that Lagardo be present in Andres or Bachiniba because he wants to make use of his expertise on Indians; dispatches Garcia as teniente general to Cruz and Bernardino pueblos in order to conduct visitas; sends 4 men to Chihuahua with the visita records for a number of jurisdictions; visited Pueblo de Andres where he named the Indian Domingo Valles teniente general; due to cold Weather horses were not able to continue and had to request new horses and 20 men from Cordero in order to continue in March or April; due to delay relays message to subdelegados in Cosiguriachy prohibiting the suspension of services for the Indians so they won't be affected by his delay; includes in this last order missions run by Franciscans and secular ministers but not those running the missions in Guadalupanos who operate different orders; prohibited as well the pursuit of Indians escaped from missions; visits Pueblo of Nombre de Dios where he meets Cordero and Apache Indian captain Ojos Colorados and Turegoslan discussed the plan to attack the Rancheria of Manta Prieta put sargento Reyes in command of 30 men Charged with the attack; Pueblo of Nombre de Dios made up of two Indian groups Taraumares and ?; named Indian Espinosa teniente general of San Geronimo and gave him guidelines by which to govern; named Juan de Lamas (Indian) as teniente Coronel; letter introducing the diarios de comision from 1-19-1791 thru 2-4-1791; explains that depending on the severity of the cold Weather and the condition of the animals he may have to suspend temporarily the continuation of the visitas; he personally is suffering the effects of the cold Weather; had two Indians from Nombre de Dios and Cuebas pueblos resettled to their towns found on the hacienda de Dolores; gave permission to Indian Juan Nicolas and his family to remain settled in Tulimes despite an absence of twenty years; named teniente Coronel the Indian Andres Conchos de Santa Cruz put him in charge of Tulimes, San Pablo, and San Pedro, found Indian Joseph Cervantes with woman sent her away, found another Indian from Chubica named Antonio, notes how Indians were forced to work the lands of Bustamante instead of their own with the result that they experienced food shortages, also used Indians as cooks, water carriers, and sweepers in weekly rotations without pay and giving them only meals, Borica prohibits this from occurring again, names Berroteran as teniente general, notes abundance of corn in jurisdiction of Chihuahua, receives information from subdelegado of Batopilas on naming of Indian Jose Julian as teniente general de Navagame. (O. Velez, March 1989)
Borica, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de
Lagard, Geronimo (General)
Garcia, Fransisco (Teniente General)
Valles, Domingo (Indio, Teniente General)
Espinosa, Andres (Indio)(Teniente General)
Nicolas, Juan (Indio)
Conchos, Andres (Indio)(Teniente Coronel)
Cervantes, Joseph (Indio)
Loya, Joseph de (Subdelegado)
Diaz Bustamante, Juan
Berroteran, Pedro
San Lorenzo (Pueblo)
Santa Rosalia (Pueblo)
Cuebas (Pueblo)
Cienaga (Jurisdiccion)
Santa Ysabel (Pueblo)
Santa Cruz (Pueblo)
San Bernardino (Pueblo)
San Andres (Pueblo)
Bachiniba (Pueblo)
Oro, Real de (Jurisdiccion)
Guanacevi (Jurisdiccion)
Santiago (Jurisdiccion)
San Juan del Rio
Guadaquilla (Jurisdiccion)
Valle (Jurisdiccion)
Parral (Jurisdiccion)
Santa Barbara (Jurisdiccion)
Nombre de Dios (Pueblo)
Manta Prieta (Rancheria)
San Diego (Rancho)
Tulimes (Pueblo)
Loreto (Hacienda)
Bartolome, San (Hacienda)
San Pedro (Pueblo)
San Lucas (Hacienda)
Zanja (Hacienda)
San Geronimo (Pueblo)
Dolores (Hacienda)
Ethnic Groups
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 162 ff. 131-138 (Approx) exp. 6
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 162 ff. 131-138 (Appro
Folios unnumbered; first in this series begins with the phrase found above in title
Reference Number
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General Subjects

sobre medios para extraer los indios gentiles que havitan en las barrancas de la Sierra Madre

Serial Number
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo
Borica, Diego de
Rouset de Jesus, Francisco
Nava, Pedro de
End date
Chihuahua, tecorichi, Mexico, monteverde. November 17, 1791 - October 29, 1792. 34p. Approximate. Letters, noticias de misiones. Originals, copies.
Concerns the attempt at reduction of Indians that inhabit the Sierra Madre and to then be under the tutelage of Gallardo and the establishment of missions for this purpose. The reduction of the same Indians mentioned above with the aid of Carin and Rouset de Jesus into the Pueblo of Tecorichi, but after the disturbances in this Pueblo, due to the introduction of this new group, they were transported to San Carlos where they remained for a year and cultivated the land. Retired to their mountains when not given control over Tecorichic. Visit made to the Pueblo of Tecorichic where only two Indians of the group mentioned earlier remained. Spoke with them via interpretors and they agreed to try to convince the others to incorporate themselves into the town. This matter will also involve Rouset de Jesus but with the understanding that no new missions or pueblos are to be established, Indians are to incorporate themselves into existing institutions. Ochoa is the source of census information on Indians in question. Use of listel and Corral stone in enticing the Indians to cooperate at the cost of 500 or 600 pesos. Schedule listing missions and number of Indians baptized there as well as decision that best way to enact the reductions and the conversions would be to send priest into the rancherias and not through the use of force. The money that will be needed to enact the reductions and the conversions have been approved in a plan with specifications provided by Nava. Approval of some involved by resolution of the junta Superior of the real hacienda signed by the fiscales involved. Nava's acknowledgement of orders to proceed with the above plans. (O. Velez, February 1990)
Gallardo, Joseph (Padre Fray)
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo
Merino, Manual
Borica, Diego de
Carin, Justo
Rouset de Jesus, Francisco (Fray)
Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General Brigadier)
Labal, Ignacio Maria (Fray)
Tubares, San Miguel de (Doctrinas)
San Andre (Pueblo)
Ana, San (Pueblo)
San Pablo
Carlos, San
San Andres
Navogame (Mision)
Baquiriachi (Mision)
Miguel de Tubares, San (Mision)
Norogachi (Mision)
Tonachi (Mision)
Guaycabo (Mision)
Siroquichi y Carichic (Mision)
Babozoco (Mision)
Bartolome, San (Valle)
Baborigame (Mision)
Ethnic Groups
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 162 ff. 063-080 (Approx)
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 162 ff. 063-080 (Appro
Folios unnumbered first in this series begins with the phrase found above in title
Reference Number
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Letter from Ugalde to Flores regarding lipiyan capitan, Picax-ande and incidents leading to the capture of mescaleros in Santa Rosa.

Serial Number
Ugalde, Juan de
Santa Rosa. April 20, 1789. 124p. Informe. Signed.
Presents conditions under which Ugalde sought out Picax-Ande for assistance with campaign against Mescaleros. Ugalde attempted many times to discover picax-andes's true motives. Sent him out accompanied by troops which he did not readily accept. Describes picax-ande's position and territory - was gente general de Apacheria del oriente, an area determined by a line drawn along the Concho River and the mountains of Sibolo, Movano and Guadalupe. Valdes' reports indicate that Picax-Ande committed many infractions and encouraged other tribes to engage in raids against Spanish. Learned that Picax-Ande had offered to steal horses from military and meet with other tribes in Moras to distribute them. Ugalde suggests that with such evidence, granting peace to Lipiyanes is an error because, while they provide protection from Comanches, they conduct their own raids. Discusses need for serious military punishment for Indians in all areas who abuse good faith of Spanish. says it is necessary to deprive Lipiyanes of corrupt leader because they follow him blindly. Includes Valdez' diary as proof of Picax's infractions. Contains conversations with, observations and daily events of Indians. Ugalde proves that Lipiyanes and Mescaleros are related and describes activities attended by both. says Picax's wife is Alegre's Sister and Alegre's wife is Picax's Sister. Finally gives proof of horses and property stolen during supposed peace. Diary contains description of daily events, conversations with and observations of Indians. (M. Dannemiller, December 1988)
Ugalde, Juan de
Florez, Manuel Antonio (Virrey)
Picax-Ande Ins-Tinsle de Ugalde, Manuel
Valdes, Casimiro (Alferez)
Dabeq-Silsete (Indio)
Quifie-Gurya (Indio)
El-Lite (Indio)
Alegre (Indio)
Natax-Tinde (Indio)
Riberz (Indio)
Santa Rosa
San Fernando
Conchos (Rio)
Sibolo (Sierra)
Movano (Sierra)
Guadalupe (Sierra)
Puerco (Rio)
San Rodrigo
San Antonio
Ethnic Groups
Military Groups
Aguaverde, Compania de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 159 ff. 266-318
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 159 ff. 266-318
Folio 273 repeated
Reference Number
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Antonio informe by Ugalde for virrey concerning incident in Santa Rosa in which 66 mescaleros captured.

Serial Number
Ugalde, Juan de
Florez, Manuel Antonio
Santa Rosa. March 24, 1789. 40p. Informe. Signed.
Ugalde kills 2 Mescaleros, captures 66 that were under the pretense of peace. Brings in troops from other areas. Gives complete description of soldiers and assignments during ambush. All were to meet in Zaguan. White handkerchief to be sign sent Arendano to Rancheria to capture or murder anyone there. Long description of speech he made. Capture of Indians and number of heads brought of Indians who hadn't attended. Suggests promotions for officials involved. Assisted by Gutierrez who knew language and customs because he had been kidnapped for 6 years. Ugalde expected Picax-Ande to direct campaign in search of enemy but due to scheduled Lipan buffalo slaughter, Picax-Ande will be delayed 2 months. He promises to capture or kill all Mescaleros in area. Mescalero captain sends messenger with request for peace, to which Ugalde responds that he is willing to negotiate new agreement but demands such as arms training are not sensible. Contains and residents. After hours of discussion and an expedition in area, Ugalde learns from Picax-Ande that Mescaleros did not actually expect peace and had plotted revenge that resulted in several raids that included murder and theft of horses. Ugalde demands an explanation from guifie-gurya which is given in detail. Quifie-Gusya says he will return with all who had accepted peace to be placed in location selected by Ugalde. Most arrive a week later, Yacolk-su choosing to take command of nearby Apache tribe. Ugalde sends Gutierrez to Rancheria to observe activities and informs him that Apaches are restless, well armed and surely planning to murder Ugalde. Captains in town repeatedly offer to take him to See rancherias finally with all present. He offers peace, says all must attend and sends detachment to watch Rancheria. Includes list of Indians murdered and captured by sex and tribe. Virrey approves of action and recommends his promotion to brigadier to king. (M. Dannemiller, December 1988)
Ugalde, Juan de
Florez, Manuel Antonio (Virrey)
Pixas-Ande Ins-Tinsle de Ugalde (Capitan Lipiyan)
Valdes, Casimiro
Quifie-Gusya (Indio)
Daxle Ilchi (Patule)
El-Lite (Indio)
Yacolk-Su (Indio)
Datufindane (Guernado)
Gutierrez, Joaquin
Serna, Jose Antonio de la
Cortes, Juan (Teniente)
Cosio, Nicolas de (Teniente)
Murguiz, Josef Antonio
Murguiz, Miguel Francisco (Alferez)
Zozaya, Josef Francisco de (Alferez)
Rina, Jose Maria de la (Alferez)
Garza, Jose Manuel de la (Alferez)
Pena, Francisco Ignacio de la
Arendano, Nicolas de
Cadena, Jose
Puerto (Rio)
San Fernando
Sauana Grande
Espina-Cuerno Verde
Rio Grande
Penitas, Paso de
Longoria, Paso de
Ethnic Groups
Military Groups
Aguaverde, Compania de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 159 ff. 235-265
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 159 ff. 235-265
Folios 237 & 255 repeated
Reference Number
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General Subjects

Letters concerning conditions in Provincias Internas and proposal of plan for defense requiring cooperation of troops from all provinces.

Serial Number
Ugalde, Juan de
Florez, Manuel Antonio
Santa Rosa. August 1788-April 1789. 36p. Letters. Signed.
Concerns plan for better defense of Provincias Internas. explains motives for plan. Promises results if troop movement is less restricted. Presents ideas to virrey concerning Indian relocation, need for increased defense and most efficient methods to capture and punish enemy. Suggests number of men to post in each area. Presents virrey with plan for major military experiment. Although unaware of conditions in other provincias, Ugalde thinks broad plan covering all areas most effective. Based on idea that Indians fleeing from one provincia's troops will run into hands of another. Includes copy of proposal sent to Ugarte, his response to plan and Series of correspondence in which both comandantes unable to meet and discuss execution of plan. Virrey admonishes both for delaying meeting, campaigns and punishment of Indians in area. Virrey cannot comment on plan until he receives oficios of both after meeting. Virrey has received word that Mescalero capitan has requested peace. (M. Dannemiller, December 1988)
Ugalde, Juan de
Florez, Manuel Antonio (Virrey)
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacovo
San Carlos
San Elceario
Rio Grande
Savinas (Rio)
San Xacome
San Bartolome
Ethnic Groups
Military Groups
Vizcaya, Tercera Division de Presidios de
Guaxuquilla, Primera Compania Volante de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 159 ff. 215-233
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 159 ff. 215-233
Folio 233
Reference Number
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General Subjects