Diarios de comision and instructions for Ochoa on mission matters first in this series begins with paso a manos...desde el 8 del corriente.
Serial Number
Borica, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
End date
Temaychy, Mexico. April 13, 1791 - April 20, 1791. 14pp. Approximate. Diarios de comission, instrucciones. Originals, copies.
Diarios de comision and instructions on mission matters written jurisdiction of Cosiguriachy (29), report filed by Rascon on missions of Batopilas and Moris, visits visitas of los Alamos, pachua and Pichachiqui and hears their sentiment on the resettlement of Indian families into their area - amenable to idea, Indians seek payment from rejos for work done he declares himself insolvent, mentions orders of Croix in which he terminates of all servitude imposed Indians since their conquest or reduccion in connection with the same process executed by the subdelegado de Batopilas, visits Papigochy mission appoints Indian Basilio Dominguez as teniente general, appoints Indian Sanchez to teniente general for Bachiniba, commissioned Ochoa to visita of said Pueblo, sum of money owed to population of Bachiniba they want it paid in goods and equitably distributed among the heads of each family with some left aside for community use, sum is from the fondo de temporalidades, Ochoa arrives from Bachiniba reports 33 families, Pueblo could successfully hold 15-20 more families due to opportunities provided by fertile land and abundant water, appoints Indian Lorenzo as teniente general of Pueblo Matachic and adjoining pueblos tejelocachic and Cocomorachic, appoints as general of all pueblos of Cosiguriachy the Indian Lagarda; instructions to be followed by Ochoa in mission under his security measures during visitas, census taking, proper arming of mission Indians, exemptions, edicts on travel, change of domicile, surplus seed sales, work without pay, punishment of Indians, postal service, religious and occupational application of Indians, elderly of Pueblo, servitude, rule of two days of community work for Indians of misiones Guadalupanas, hearing complaints, Indian appointments, reporting of Apache incidents, Indian fugitives from missions and livestock stolen. (O. Velez, March 1989)
Borica, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de
Rouset, Fransisco (R.P. Vice-Custodio)
Rascon, Jose (Comisario)
Rojo, Manuel (Administrador)
Croix, Cavallero de
Dominguez, Basilio (Indio)(Teniente General)
Sanchez, Josef (Indio) (Teniente General)
Ochoa, Josef (Teniente)
Lorenzo, Juan (Indio)(Teniente General)
Lagarda, Geronimo (Indio)(General)
Batopilas (Mision)
Moris (Mision)
Los Alamos (Pueblo)
Temaychy (Cavezera de los Alamoso
Nueva Vizcaya
Tomas, Santo
Tejolocachy (Pueblo)
Cocmorachi (Pueblo)
Ethnic Groups
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 162 ff. 175-182 (Approx) exp. 6
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 162 ff. 175-182 (Appro
Folios unnumbered; first in this series begins with the phrase found above in title also diarios de comision for April 8-19 interrupted by the instrucciones to ochoa
Reference Number
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