Gifts (Gratificaciones)

Letters from Ugalde and others concerning the approval of annual gratificacion sum of 6.000 pesos in order to pacify the lipanes, mescaleros and lipiyanes.

Serial Number
Flores, Manuel Antonio
Margino, Fernando Jose
Ugalde, Juan de (Coronel, Governador)
End date
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Santa Rosa. October 10, 1787 - February 23, 1789. 26p. Letters. Copies.
Flores agreeing with Ugalde on matters concerning commerce with Comanches (discussed in previous folios) and trade in the form of gratificaciones with the Lipanes and Mescaleros which add up to 6.000 pesos annually; Antonio Flores approving the sum stated above in a letter to Mangino. Money to be taken out of the caja real of San Luis Potosi; Mangino's letter describing the arrangements so that these orders are carried out; letter from junta Superior de real hacienda approving the amount mentioned; mention made of another gratificacion of 6.000 for the Comanches given by the caja de Chihuahua with an appeal made that it be suspended, mobilization of the compania de la bahia under the command of Cortes to safe guard the area near the Valle de Santa Rosa and part of the 6.000 will be used to pay Indian auxiliaries, mentions the fact that the distribution and administrative costs associated with the 6.000 pesos have forced him to employ two scribes and one assistant towards these efforts all of which have been paid by him. (O. Velez, October 1989)
Flores, Manuel Antonio
Margino, Fernando Jose
Ugalde, Juan de (Governador)
Fermo, Francisco (Asentista)
Sanchez Pareja, Cusebio
Posada Cavallero, Ramon de
Frebuento, Joaquin (Contador)
Sales Corrillo, Francisco de (Contador General)
Cortes, Juan (Teniente)
Rosa, Santa (Valle)
San Luis Potosi
San Fernando (Villa)
Ethnic Groups
Apache Lipanes
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 228 ff. 107-119
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 228 ff. 107-119
This series of documents is included in expediente 3 in the indice del ramo de Provincias Internas
Reference Number
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General Subjects

Letter from Ugalde to virrey Conde de Galvez concerning eight provisions included in peace treaty that governor of Texas has proposed with comanches and the doubts, questions, and problems that Ugalde has with the provisions.

Serial Number
Ugalde, Juan de (Coronel)
Santa Rosa/Mexico. February 23, 1786. 36p. Letters. Copies.
Letter speaks of a peace plan with Comanches, the first part a meeting of three Comanche captains with governor of Texas governor of Luisiana would like to know the particulars of this meeting and what and how much was given to the Comanches in the form of bribes or keepsakes, Ugalde wants to highlight the contradictions in this effort, mentions that they are the only remaining cannibalistic tribe, and cites information found in correspondence of governor of Texas to underline the violent nature of the Comanches and their history of being the most obstinate of the enemies of the Spanish, sees little hope in a peace plan with them, contrasts the character of the Comanches with that of the Apache Lipanes, group that most involves itself with the church, have fought against the Apache Mescaleros and thereby pleased the Spanish, Ugalde expresses concerns that peace with Comanches under very favorable terms will incite the jealousy of other tribes as well as a reexamination of their status, cites the lack of a mechanism to enforce compliance from Comanches as a drawback to proposed peace (Spanish have never entered Comanche territory to punish past hostilities for example). Feels that free transit of Comanches would be used to their benefit in further hostilities, thinks that verification of captives being held by Comanches should be part of the plan, accuses the makers of the plan of using trade provisions to enhance their own commerce and feels that a black market will be the result, questions the ability of enforcing compliance to a treaty provision that will have the Comanches establish their intertribal relations on the Basis of the ones followed by the Spanish, sees little motivation to expect the Comanches to declare themselves enemies of Apaches as treaty provides. Treaty will allow them to have their internal taxes, would like more intelligence of when Indian groups enter area near San Pedro for carneadas so Spanish can be prepared for unexpected occurrences, thinks that the alliance that would ensue between Lipanes and Mescaleros would create a force that would offset the untenable peace that will have been established with the Comanches, Ugalde mentions the progress he is making in the reduction of Mescaleros precisely because they are not Allied. In regard to provision that states that as long as Comanches are Allied with Spanish they will receive gratificaciones Ugalde argues that in the past those periods of greatest hostility with Comanches were usually preceeded by periods in which this transfer of goods was high. Mentions arms in this matter. In summing up Ugalde mentions law that forbids people to show Indians their trade and also forbids them to live in their houses with the penalty being 100 pesos or upon the discretion of virrey exile. Has questions about how to determine what faction of Comanches in the future will be committing the hostilities because of the size of the group and the varied interests that each group has. (O. Velez, October 1989)
Ugalde, Juan de (Coronel)
Cavello, Domingo (Coronel)(Governador)
Vial, Pedro
Chavez, Francisco Xavier de
Oconor, Hugo (Comandante Inspector)
Croix, Cavallero de (Comandante General)
Parrilla, (Brigadier)
San Antonio Besar
Vizcaya (Presidio)
Santa Rosa
Ethnic Groups
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 228 ff. 089-106
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 228 ff. 089-106
This series is included in expediente 3 of the indice del ramo de Provincias Internas
Reference Number
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General Subjects

Sigue el inventa=rio de libros de=haziendas y caxa

Serial Number
Basarte, Joseph (Juiz Comisionado)(Superintendente de Real Aduana)
Armesto, Juan de (Sj)(Procurador de Misiones de Californias)
Garcia Thorivio (Sj)
and others
End date
Mexico. November 13, 1767. 40p. (Approximate, folios unnumbered. Autos, declaraciones, inventory, censos. Original. Copies. Witnessed and signed.
Continuation of inventory of contents found in security boxes relating to missions and hacienda of Arroyo Zarco. Main contents and careful detail of individual types of documents including correspondence, paid and outstanding debts, credits, wills and dowries of grants to individuals and missions, hacienda finances, colegio establishment and finances, lawsuits and depositions against individuals, land grants and inheritance, state of missions by the procurador general de missions, pending lawsuits at time of document writing. (J. M. Johnson, April 1990)
Bejar, Exma Duquesa de
Lizasoain Ignacio de (Padre Procurador General de Provincia)
Torre, Antonio de la (Escribano Real)
Miranda, Maria Rosa de (Viuda de Nicolas Peinado)
Peinado, Nicolas
Martinez del Campo, Joseph Antonio (Escribano Real)
Rivera Buitron, Joseph de (Escribano Real)
Rotea, Vizente Joseph (Padre Procurador de Colegio)
Saldana, Joseph Antonio (Escribano Real y Publico)
Gandara, Salvador de la (Rector de Colegio)
Sol de Villa, Joseph Mariano (Padre Procurador de Colegio)
Garcia, Thorivio (Padre Procurador de Colegio)
Perez Bello, Maria Josepha
Zerralvo, Marquesa de
Iriarti Castellano, Joseph
Martinez de Soria Juan
Herrera Joseph Matheo
Perez, Joseph
Altamirano, Pedro Ignacio (Padre)
Gabiria, Joseph
Pazuengo, Bernardo (Padre)
Armesto, Juan del (Padre)
Elizalde, Joseph de (Doctor)
Montalvan, Miguel de (Escribano Real)
Pena, Francisco de la
Rueda, Josepha de
Pena, Gertrudis de la
Oliva, Agustin de
Arroyo, Juan Antonio de (Escribano Real)
Munoz de Castro, Phelipe
Gil Guerrero, Pedro
Villavisenzio, Juan de (Bachiller)
Diaz de Rivera, Diego (Escribano Real)
Marchena, Juan (Escribano Real)
Gonzales, Nicolas
Iturbide, Juan de
Villa Puerto, Marques
Serralvo, Marquesa de
Espinoza Zervantes, Francisco de
Iraeta, Juan Joseph de
Veruben, Bernardina
Valiente, Pedro (Administrador de Hacienda)
Lopez, Alonso (Teniente Capitan)
Xara, Ignacio de
Mora, Francisco de (Capitan)
Arechavala, Balthazar de
Zisneros, Pasqual (Vaquero)
Vejar y Gansia, Exma Duquesa de
Caballero, Juan (Presbitero de Arzobispado)
Torres de Rada, Marquesa de las
Rivera y Moncada, Francisco Dd
Miranda, Joseph Antonio (Arrendatario)
Ramirez, Joseph (Caporal de Vacas)
Herrera, Matheo de
Perez Cancio, Gregorio Joseph
Llantada, Manuel de
Argandonte, Juan del
Rada, Marques de
Basarte, Joseph de
Barrachina, Salvador Vizente
Croix, Marques de (Virrey) Iriarte Castellano de Cavite, Jorge
Gonzales de Junco, Nicolas
Arroyo Arco (Hacienda)
Loreto, Nuestra Senora del (Presidio)
Californias (Procuraduria)
Nueva Espana (Provincia)
San Ildefonso de Puebla (Colegio)
Puebla de los Angeles (Ciudad)
San Pedro y San Pablo de Mexico (Colegio)
San Gregorio de Mexico (Colegio)
Queretaro (Colegio)
Belen (Molino)
Madrid (Procuraduria)
Regina (Convento)(Barrio)
Guadalupe (Mision)
Ibarra, San Pedro de (Hacienda)
Bethlen (Molino)
Matanchel (Puerto)
Santo Domingo de Oyos
San Luis Potosi
San Ygnacio de Puebla (Colegio)
Borja, San Francisco de (Mision)
Guasteca (Hacienda)
Nuevo Reino de Leon
Monte de Pelillos (Agostadero Guasteca)
Guapango (Sitio)
Military Groups
Sur, Escuadra del
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 213 ff. 366-385 (Approx)
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 213 ff. 366-385 (Appro
Locate entry by title found 6 lines from top in large letters and decorative frame. Arbitary division made; for complete document consult drsw Vol. 213, ff. 231-342 and 365. Legal sections have numbering of some kind in margins. Some frames water stained. Listed as expediente #17 in indice del ramo.
Reference Number
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General Subjects

capitan don Antonio Pedraza es inyutil. Otra caxa de oja de lata = cuio rotulo dice agosta=deros guastecos del mon=te del capitan Acuna.

Serial Number
Basarte, Joseph (Juiz Comisionado)(Superintendente de Real Aduana)
Armesto, Juan de (Procurador de Misiones de California)(Sj)
Garcia, Thorivio (Sj)
and others
End date
Mexico. November 13, 1767. 54p (Approx) Inventario y bibliografia del contenido de los cuadernos. Signed. Witnessed.
Entry consists of list of contents of documents found in box. These cuadernos are numbered, dated, physically described and summarized. Topics are principally of judicial and legal nature donations and use of lands; donations to missions and colegios; demandas; taxes (Alcabala); debts; legal disputes. Documents date from 1613 to 1763. (J. M. Johnson, October 1989)
Anda, Basilio de (Hermano)
Alvarez, Fernando
Azinas, Alonso de
Arroyo, Juan Antonio de (Escribano Real)
Beles de Guevarra, Juan (Alcalde Mayor)
Barrera, Domingo de la (Alcalde Mayor)
Barva, Joseph (Rector)(Sj)
Bravo de Luna, Juan
Benturin, Francisco
Basarte, Joseph (Juiz Comisionado)(Superintendente de Real Aduana)
Castro, Lucas de
Cavallero, Juan
Carvajal, Ursula
Cequeira Evelar, Luis de (Capitan)
Claveria Villarreales, Juan Antonio (Contador de Alcabala)
Contreras, Miguel de (Escribano Real)
Espinosa Montero, Pedro
Escovar, Christoval de
Echeverria, Joseph de (Sj)(Procurador de California)
Echavarri, Juan Manuel (Alcalde Mayor)
Estrada, Francisco Xavier de (Teniente)
Echaburo, Andres de
Fernandez del Acuna, Manuel (Capitan)
Gonzales de Hanteaga, Pedro
Guerrero, Francisco
Gomez de Paradela, Jocovo (Escribano Real y Publico)
Guevara, Joseph Maria (Padre)(Rector)
Guadalcazar, Marques de (Marques)
Garcia, Thorivio (Sj)
Gutierrez Hernandez, Francisco
Gutierrez, Simon
Gutierrez de Medina, Juan (Virrey)
Gutierrez, Gonzalo
Juarez de Herrera, Macario (Alcalde Mayor)
Landeta, Francisco Joseph de (Alferez Real)
Hernandez Piedrabuena, Pasqual
Hernandez, Domingo
Hernandez de Tavora, Antonio
Hernandez de Ordonez, Alonso
Hernandez Prieto, Domingo
Hidalgo, Alonso
Maqueda, Miguel (Padre)
Martin, Domingo
Munoz de Castro, Phelipe (Escribano Real)
Monte del Portugues, Tulillo
Marton, Bartholome (Escribano Real)
Mexia, Maria (Mujer de Pedro Gonzales de Hanteaga)
Medina y Corona, Maria de
Nunez Gomez, Pedro
Navarro, Sevastian
Olmo, Juan del
Pedraza, Antonio (Capitan)
Puente, Francisco Antonio de la
Paz, Juan Joseph de
Perez de Anda, Clemente (Escribano Real)
Ruiz de Zespedes, Juan
Reyes Acuna, Gaspar de los
Rea, Bentura de la (Capitan)(Alcalde Mayor)
Rodriguez, Isidro (Apoderado)
Ruiz Aragonez, Diego (Escribano Real)
Rivera Guzman, Antonio de (Licenciado)(Juiz Subdelegado)
Rivera Buitron, Joseph de (Escribano Real)
Romero, Francisco
Rincon, Francisco del
Santa Cruz, Diego de (Escribano Real)
Suarez de Figueroa, Felis (Licenciado)
Salinas, Pedro
San Vicente, Pedro de
Salinas, Marques de (Virrey)(Marques)
Salas, Juan de (Bachiller)
Gutierrez del Villar, Francisco
Gonzales Folgado, Diego (Escribano Real)
Gil Guerrero, Pedro (Escribano Real)
Villa Puente, Marques de (Marques)
Ximenez de Monrroy, Carlos
Urguiza, Domingo de (Escribano Real)
Urguiza, Diego de (Escribano Publico)
Hernandez, Alvaro
Zerna, Pedro de la
Zuniga, Juan de (Capitan)
Armesto, Juan de (Procurador de California) (Sj)
Acuna (Capitan)
Perez Maldonado, Domingo
Aboites, Martin de
Arroyo, Juan Antonio de (Escribano Real)
Apresa, Domingo de (Doctor)
Robledo, Pedro de (Escribano Real)
Torres, Alonso de
Ramirez de Alarcon (Licenciado)
Rangel, Christoval
Barvarena, Miguel de (Alcalde Mayor)
Robles Lorenzana, Augustin de
Roxo, Manuel
Torres, Joseph de (Doctor)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Excelentisimo)(Conde)
San Francisco (Hacienda)
Agua del Toro (Sitio)
Guadalcazar, San Pedro de (Real)(Minas)
Ibarra (Hacienda)
Valladolid (Ciudad) (Cabildo)
Saucillo (Sitio)
San Gregorio de Mexico (Seminario)(Colegio)
Grande Valle (Cerro)
Guadalupe (Hacienda)
Oculma (Jurisdiccion)
Albarcones, San Miguel los (Hacienda de Agosteros)
Amoles, San Augustin de los (Hacienda)
Juan de Dios (Puerto)
Queretaro (Pueblo)
Tancha (Habra)
Pacaque (Sitio)
Valles (Vila)
Guasteca (Hacienda)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 213 ff. 305-342 (Approx)
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 213 ff. 305-342 (Appro
Locate entry by title (division is arbitrary due to unnumbered folios). Stands out as bold and boxed by design. For complete contents of expedientes see, drsw summary Vol. 213. Ff. 0231-0304 and 0343-0385. Some frames blank or repeated.
Reference Number
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en cumplimiento de orden de 5 de diciembre

Serial Number
Nava, Pedro de (Brigadier)
Castro, Ramon de
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de
End date
Santander, valle de Santa Rosa. December 6, 1790 - August 28, 1793. 38p. Informes, letters, blueprints. Originals.
Castro comments on Nava's proposals for presidio, asking that cost study be done before he makes decision. Nava gives info on construction materials, details of design of proposed presidio. Suggests that prison labor be used, that funds could be taken from primera volante's fondo de gratificacion; estimates that with those measure total cost for presidio would be 9-10,000 pesos. Includes sketch of proposed presidio with explanation of use of various buildings shown in drawing. Castro adds suggestions to Nava's plan, but judges that presidio would be ineffective due to geography and inability of soldiers to patrol all the area that Indians use; also states that Indians (Tamaulipos) are too fierce to be contained by reduccion. Budget for plan included. Castro chides Nava for stating that northern Villas had no urgent problems with Indians without first visiting area or consulting topographic map. (O. Velez, February 1990)
Lasaga, Diego de (Coronel)
Gil y Barbo, Antonio
Calleja, Felix (Theniente Coronel)
Nava, Pedro de (Brigadier)
Castro, Ramon de
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Mariscal de Campo)
Vidal de Lorca, Melchor (Governador)
Nava, Pedro de (Brigadier)
Castro Ramon de
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de
Texas (Provincia)
Nagcodoches (Pueblo)
Leon (Reino)
Tamaulipa Oriental
Presas del Rey (Pueblo)
Santillana (Pueblo)
Padilla (Pueblo)
Croix (Mision)
Ethnic Groups
Military Groups
Nuevo Santander, Primera Compania Volante de la Colonia de
Nuevo Santander, Segunda Compania Volante de la Colonia de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 209 ff. 046-064 (Approx)
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 209 ff. 046-064 (Appro
Folios unnumbered, these documents begin with phrase in title. Includes architectural blueprint.
Reference Number
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General Subjects

Accounts and receipts of food rations to the Indians in New Mexico.

Serial Number
Concha, Fernando de la (Gobernador)
Vial, Pedro (Sastre)
Gondra, Francisco Xavier de
and others
End date
Santa Fe. January 28, 1791-October 27, 1798. 179p. Relaciones. Receipts. Originals. Signed.
Financial Cuentas de Paz y guerra in New Mexico from governor de la Concha for the year 1791. The expenses are broken down into months for payments to tailors for clothing for the Indians, for food and cigarettes, rations. Totals for 1791 are on ff. 341. The itemized and signed receipts appear on ff. 341-416. The activity accounts of Indians seeking food and clothing from cumancha, Navajo, Apaches Jicarilla and Apaches de Gila, Mimbres and Sierra Blanca. (E. Wilson, November 1989)
Concha, Fernando de la (Gobernador)
Vial, Pedro
Delgado, Manuel (Capitan)
Equeracapa (General)
Pineda, Rafael (Sastre)
Rayado (Capitan Comanche)
Rendon, Manuel (Sastre)
Sul (Capitan Jicarilla)
Taschelnate (Capitan Apache)
Campanita (Capitan Gileno)
Mexico (Capitan Jicarilla)
Sambo (Capitan Jicarilla)
Carlos (Capitan Retirado Navajo)
Ysampampi (Capitan Yuta)
Moara (Capitan Yuta)
Tecolote (Capitan Apache Gileno)
Coyote (Capitan Yuta)
Quenarucaro (Capitan Cumanche)
Quecare (Capitan Cumanche)
Guanacoruco (Capitan Cumanche)
Posatoy (Capitan Cumanche)
Pajarito (Capitan Jicarilla)
Junamita (Apache)
Tamacueya (Capitan Cumanche)
Paris, Francisco
Flores, Manuel Antonio (Virrey)
Gondra, Francisco Xavier
Nuevo Mexico
Santa Fe
Sierra Blanca
Arrieta (Rancheria)
Ethnic Groups
Yampariacas (Cumanches)
Orientales (Cumanches)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 204 ff. 335-419
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 204 ff. 335-419
Ff. 376, 399 are duplicated, ff. 378 is used twice.
Reference Number
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