Fiscal Affairs

Letters from various people in Provincias Internas concerning Ugalde and the sums set aside for pacifying the Indians, payment of contracted help, and other matters.

Serial Number
Flores, Manuel Antonio (Virrey)
Bonilla, Antonio (Asesor)
Salcedo, Bruno Dias de (Intendente)
and others
End date
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, valle de Santa Rosa. April 22, 1789 - September 11, 1789. 28p. Letters. Copies.
A Series of letters addressing the situation of the 6.000 pesos approved by real hacienda to be given to the Asentista of the presidio of Coahuila, problem arises in this regard because Fermo refuses to take charge of the comission given to him by Ugalde; the solution to this problem is that the 6.000 will be handed over to the avilitado of the presidio San Antonio Bucareli de la Bahia who will use it for the same purposes originally intended, the pacification of the Indian groups mentioned; in a later letter it becomes evident that the real hacienda is going to suspend the 6.000 pesos because Ugalde has not submitted the necessary paperwork for the year 1787 as requested by the junta Superior in 1788 on the spending of sums in previous years; next letter in Series sees Ugalde asking that personnel funds that he spent in the employment of Pena during 1788 be reimbursed to him in 1789 budget; letter mentions relacion sent by Ugalde of employment of Dependiente and two cadetes during 1787-1788 and that the Dependiente disputes the salary proposal of 1.000 pesos a year as too little because of the extent of his work in the Provincias Internas, asked for 1.200 pesos a year, document also shows the salaries of the cadetes mentioned; Ugalde states that the sums not spent in 1788 on pacification cannot cover the costs of the Dependiente and the two cadetes; letter from signatories of the junta Superior of the real hacienda telling Ugalde that his salary of 6.000 pesos is enough to cover the costs of the employees mentioned. (O. Velez, October 1989)
Bonilla, Antonio (Asesor)
Fermo, Francisco (Asentista)
Cavello, Domingo (Governador)
Flores, Manuel Antonio (Virrey)
Ugalde, Juan de (Comandante General)
Mangino, Fernando Jose (Superintendente Subdelegado de Real Hacienda)
Salcedo, Bruno Dias (Intendente)
Lozaya, Jose Francisco (Avilitado)
Cortes, Juan (Teniente)
Pena, Francisco Ignacio de la (Dependiente)
Yermo, Francisco
Sandoval, Felix
Bahia, San Antonio Bucareli de la (Presidio)
Texas (Provincia)
Ethnic Groups
Apaches Lipanes
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 228 ff. 120-134
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 228 ff. 120-134
This series of documents make up part of expediente 3 in the indice del ramo de Provincias Internas for this Volume
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El senor comandante general de Provincias Internas sobre haber dispuesto la traslacion a estas cajas de 78449 pesos 2 reales 6 granos en 20 libranzas, cuyo caudal existia en la tesoreria de Durango.

Serial Number
Sabcedos, Nesmesco
and others
Chihuahua/Mexico. September 10, 1989. 10p. Letters. Originals.
Index of letters that appear in this sequence; concerns bills of exchange in Durango's treasury that will be transferred to treasury of Chihuahua, same with Saltillo and Arispe, sums mentioned will eventually be transferred to real Caja general via the ministro de real hacienda in Chihuahua; said money was drawn by Yarto contra Olloqui without his knowledge, sum was returned to treasury of Chihuagua; letter from virrey acknowledging awareness of this matter. (O. Velez, October 1989)
Sabcedos, Nesmesco
Yturrigaray, Jose (Virrey)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 228 ff. 075-079
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 228 ff. 075-079
This series of documents appears as expediente 1 in the indice del ramo de Provincias Internas
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Letters from various authors discussing the orders emanating from the junta provincial held to discuss problem of epidemic.

Serial Number
Calleja, Felix
Duran, Onesimo Antonio (Intendente Interino)
Yrart, Francisco
and others
End date
Monterrey/san Luis Potosi/san Carlos. January 7, 1803 - March 8, 1803. 22p. Letters. Originals/copies.
Letter listing those people who made up the junta provincial that dealt with the fever, need information from governors on the status of the epidemic in their respective areas; a Series of letters aknowledging the orders to communicate information on epidemic; letter that discusses possible funding (aside from public) that can be used for the epidemic; invoices for medical supplies are in San Carlos; letter informing that epidemic has abated in Santander. (O. Velez, October 1989)
Duran, Onesimo Antonio (Intendente Interino)
Corvalan, Cristoval (Tesorero)
Caballero Basabe, Jose (Contador)
Garces, Jose (Promoter Fiscal)
Gordoa, Francisco Geronimo (Licenciado)
Mascarena, Jose (Medico)
Dias de Corvero, Antonio (Medico)
Maynes, Francisco (Fray)
Calleja, Felix (Comandante Militar)
Alami, Jose (Facultativo)
Suares, Silvestre (Escrivano)
Campos, Juan Ysidoro
Gomez de Castro, Joseph Maria
Yturrigaray, Jose de
Yrart, Francisco
Herrera, Pedro (Capitan)
San Luis Potosi
Nuevo Santander
Nuevo Leon
San Carlos
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 228 ff. 034-044
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 228 ff. 034-044
Ff. 42 and ff. 44 are photographed on top of ff. 43 and ff. 45 respectively, this series of documents are included in expediente number 1 in the indice del ramo de Provincias Internas
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Sobre epidemias de calenturas malignas en las provincias del Nuevo Reyno de Leon y colombia del Nuevo Santander.

Serial Number
Alanis, Francisco (Cirujano)
Calleja, Felix (Virrey)
End date
San Luis Potosi, Mexico. December 21, 1802 - April 4, 1803. 36p. Letters. Originals.
Concerns the outbreak of an epidemic of malignant fevers that was expected to subside once winter started, in some towns the sickness has killed off one fourth of the population; mentions report submitted by Calleja that deals with the political economic aspect of this problem, advises junta provisional be established for purpose of enacting measures which would allow funding to be made available for medicines, this letter signed by members of the real tribunal y audencia de la contaduria maior de Cuentas; letter requests information on the state of the illness in terms of the number of people currently suffering and at what stage is the sickness, public funds are made available for the fight against the epidemic; expressing concern that the cost of fighting epidemic not be borne soley by public funds; mention of junta provisional which will set out the ways the public funds will be spent on this problem; information that will be acquired by Calleja, type of illness, its origen, method of cure, aid that would be helpful; mentions the reluctance of some people to take medicines that they are familiar with; specific example of 3 people who would not take the medicine, would only take liquid forms that they were familiar with and which were narcotic, attributes this fanaticism with exotic medicines to the Europeans living in the area. (O. Velez, October 1989)
Nolan (American Adventurer)
Berenguer de Marquina, Felix (Virrey)
Calleja, Felix (Subinspector)
Duran, Honesino (Intendente)
Yturrigaray, Jose de (Virrey)
Alanis, Francisco (Cirujano)
Santander, Nuevo (Colonia)
Leon, Nuevo (Reyno de)
Lamparos, (Punta de)
San Carlos
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 228 ff. 001-018
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 228 ff. 001-018
Reference Number
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General Subjects

Sobre senalar lugar de prision a los indios Apaches que se conducen por disposicion del sor. Comandante de las provincias de occidente y proporcionandoles alimentos.

Serial Number
Ruiz de Bustamante, Juan Jose (Teniente)
Ruiz de Aguirre, Josef (Licenciado)
Dominguez, Juan Jose
and others
End date
San Luis Potosi, Nueva Vizcaya, Mexico. September 11, 1816 - December 23, 1816. 36p. Letters, other documents. Originals, copies.
Concerns the transporting of Apaches (35) from Bocas*)
Ruiz de Bustamante, Juan Jose (Teniente)
Ruiz de Aguirre, Josef (Licenciado)
Pastor, Vicente Maria (Regidor Alguacil Mayor)
Dominguez, Juan Jose
Rodriguez, Juan de Dios
Sucudero, Ignacio de
Acevedo, Manuel de
Ruiz de Apodaca, Juan (Virrey)
Torres, Manuel Maria de
Calleja, Felix Maria (Virrey)
Perez Gallardo, Ricardo (Licenciado)
Nueva Vizcaya
San Luis Potosi
Bocas (Hacienda)
Altamira (Puerto)
Veracruz (Puerto)
La Habana
Ethnic Groups
Military Groups
Nueva Vizcaya, Tercera Compania del Cuerpo Volante
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 227 ff. 232-249
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 227 ff. 232-249
This sequence of letters listed as expediente 13 in indice del ramo de Provincias Internas
Reference Number
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General Subjects

Printed letter and tax lists that concern the shipment of goods to and from Spain during the revolution.

Serial Number
Calleja, Felix Maria (Virrey)
Carrion de Velasco, Nicolas (Contador)
Rodriguez, Jose
Mexico. July 15, 1816. 11p. Letters, tax lists. Originals, copies.
Calleja points out that because of the war the european powers have let fall the practice of trading with their colonies only and therefore America sees increase in foreign trade that is prohibited in, for example, Panama, and in addition the loss of gold and silver reserves in America, Calleja lists the points that have been agreed upon by various institutions to remedy this problem (the page copied is split by separation of folios and full sentences are not decipherable); instructions for the charging of duty fees on expeditions from Jamaica to Panama that continue on to either Acapulco, San Blas, or other southern port that involve both Spanish and foreign goods, documents inventorying the contents of shipments and their prices, tax lists for goods going to Spain, tax lists for goods being exported out of Spain, tax lists for goods entering the ports of America, tax lists for war funding, admiral's dues and others. (O. Velez, September 1989)
Calleja, Felix Maria (Virrey)
Carrion de Velasco, Nicolas (Contador)
Yucutan (Provincia)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 227 ff. 220-225
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 227 ff. 220-225
Some of the documents in this sequence are in printed form not written by hand. This sequence is listed in the indice del ramo de Provincias Internas as expediente number 11
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General Subjects

sre. Que a quantos cargamentos lleguen a los puntos de la costa de Sonora se cobren los mismos duros que en el de San Blas segun el reglamento provisional formado en Guadalaxara.

Serial Number
Bonavia, Bernardo (Comandante General)
Cruz, Jose de la and others
End date
Durango/Mexico September 16, 1815 - April 18, 1815. 36p. Letters. Copies/originals.
Index of letters that are included in this Series; Bonavia establishes duty on goods entering the port of Sonora, models it on San Blas duty at meeting of junta provisional de real hacienda; letter from virrey acknowledging receipt of above letter; intendent of Guadalaxara receives information on meeting of junta provisional; long letter furnishing information on the regulations, rights, and other details of the process by which duties are Charged in San Blas, letter divided into 28 capitulos which in general discuss; the distinction between duties and taxes and the related question of jurisdiction, economic motivation for their imposition and effect on commerce and prices, importation of cotton from Panama and foreign producers and a complete list of the duties Charged on this merchandise. Cites the increased costs being suffered because of the revolution in the context of seeking additional revenue, cites the benefits to the port of San Blas because of the increase in commerce, mention made of the taxes and duties Charged on goods that are foreign but have gone through Spain before coming into the Americas, more specifically there are different rates on foreign goods that have been espanolizado depending on which american port they enter, San Blas has a privileged status in this regard; second half of letter titled derecho de entreda, duros de internacion , up until capitulo 12 has a description of duty Fee percentages, the prestamo patriotico is reduced by 1/2 percent for those who pay duties, comparison of these rates with those in Lima - compare favorably, virrey has stated that the charging of these duties should be arranged so as to most resemble reglamento Al comercio Libre del Ano de 1778, lists the taxes that will be paid on foreign goods that first are espanolizados and pass through Guatemala, Santa Fe, and Peru before passing through the port of San Blas, analysis in the change of these taxes with those that had been inuse before, lists the commodities that will be Charged duties, last part of letter goes into the context of the situation as justification for these new taxes and lastly cites all the names of those who were part of the junta general and were witness to these new changes. (O. Velez, September 1989)
Bonavia, Benardo (Comandante General)
Batres, Salvador
Cruz, Josef de la
Galicia, Nueva (Reyno)
Sousa, Juan Jose de (Oidor)
Lopez Andres, Miguel (Fiscal)
Andrade, Alonso (Asesor Comisionado)
Gonzales de Velasco, Jose Francisco (Licenciado)
Benites, Bernardo
Vallejo, Manuel
Escoto, Manuel (Doctor0
Reynoso, Anastacio Jose (Licenciado)
Cavallero, Juan Manuel (Regidor)
Velez, Pedro (Procurador General)
Chavariso, Rafael (Doctor)
Sanchez Lenero, Gabriel (Doctor)
Cumplido, Jose Domingo
Venacio del Valle, Francisco (Comisionado)
Cambero, Juan Jose
Sanchez, Jose Domingo
Panama (Provincia)
San Blas (Puerto)
Peru (Reyno)
Santa Fe (Virreynato)
Chile (Reyno)
Acapulco (Puerto)
Veracruz (Puerto)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 227 ff. 201-219
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 227 ff. 201-219
This sequence is listed in the indice del ramo de Provincias Internas as expediente number 10
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General Subjects

Letters commenting on the provisions adopted by Bonavia and the junta provisional by the real tribunal general de mineria with recommendations that the provisions of the former body be rescinded.

Serial Number
End date
Mexico. July 29, 1815 - August 20, 1815. 30p. Letters. Originals.
Order allows exception for Bonavia in that he is allowed to ship metals out of southern ports if and when he makes sure that shipments reach Spain directly; letter advising the virrey the deleterious effect that some of Bonavia's measures are having on the fiscal condition of the real hacienda, real tribunal de Mineria, and miners in the Provincias Internas de Occidente, petition that virrey order Bonavia to terminate measures described, measures in question have been discussed in detail in the preceeding folios of this volume starting with ff.147 and in general terms include donations of metals to mint, allowing unlimited entry to metals into the area from other areas and the related trade in contraband, allowing of gold and silver to come into ports in Provincias Internas de Occidente from Peru, Guatemala etc. Instead of being shipped directly to Spain, charging of duties on metals going to Mexico City instead of the duty being Charged there; sagaxruxieta advises virrey on how to proceed with petition of the administrative bodies cited above I terms of transmittal of communications; a summary of the provisions adopted by the junta provisional, the provisions adopted by the real tribunal general de Mineria in response as well as those by the real hacienda; letter from virrey making decision to decide in favor of the request of the real tribunal general de Mineria to terminate the contributions of metals to the mint established in Durango. (O. Velez, September 1989)
Bonavia y Zapata, Bernardo (Comandante General)
Perez Gallardo, Ricardo (Licenciado)
Beltran, Jose Maria (Contador Mayor)
Aperechexo, Fermin Antonio de
Santa Cruz
Santa Fe
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 227 ff. 186-201
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 227 ff. 186-201
This sequence is included as part of expediente 9 Vol. 227 according to the indice del ramo de Provincias Internas
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General Subjects

Letters from Bonavia and junta superior to virrey de Nueva Espan concerning measures taken by Bonavia inorder to produce revenue for the Provincias Internas de occidente and the conflict that resulted with the capital in Mexico.

Serial Number
Bonavia, Bernardo (Comandante General)
End date
Durango, Mexico. March 13, 1815 - July 12, 1815. 34p. Letters. Copies, originals.
Concerns establishment of a mint that was desperately needed and near demise of this project because of a lack of silver, this was reason for the order stating that one third of all metals had to be turned in in exchange for coinage mentioned earlier in Vol. 227 ff. 0147-0159; said order was contested by a Series of institutions, reconvening of the junta de la real hacienda to investigate 4,000 Marcos de Plata missing from the treasury, prohibitions on enacting above were rescinded, also need regulation concerning minting of coinage in Nueva Vizcaya; Bonavia's plan to have the real hacienda sell tobacco at a markup have not produced the income he had expected, cites the epidemic of previous year, price, and black market in cigars as factors in low sales, convenes a junta provisional to discuss revenue producing measures, proposed instituting a 'patriotic loan' to be exacted from unidentified sources, paid for with taxes on mining activities (which include the one third provision mentioned earlier), Bonavia stresses the inability of the settlers of the area to provide any more revenue from contributions; letters mentioned in miscellaneous notes discuss in general terms revenue and costs in Provincias Internas de Occidente; letter from junta Superior requesting documents from the junta provisional convene by Bonavia, comments on mint establishment states that metals involved were to be remitted to the capital and that metals to be contributed to mint more than cover the shortage of revenue discussed, letter includes an excerpt from another letter that points to the exceedingly large troop strength as a cost that can be reduced, mentions the taxes imposed on some mining functions (mentioned earlier in Vol. 227 ff. 147-159) whose effects have been a duplication of taxes because Mexico City similarly taxes same items, mentions returning money collected in Durango, mentions a tax imposed on the shipment of livestock into other provinces imposed by Bonavia as being an unauthorized measure and letter recommends that virrey rescind said tax, letter mentions that fiscal's interpretation of patriotic loan is that he does not See the benefit of such measure given the way it will be paid back. (O. Velez, September 1989)
Bonavia, Bernardo (Comandante General)
Caballero, Zapata
Velasco Francisco (Escribano)
Santa Cruz
Espana, Nueva (Provincia)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 227 ff. 169-185
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 227 ff. 169-185
Ff. 0176-0177 has two letters on one page each taking up half of the column space of the pages
Reference Number
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General Subjects

el senor comandante general de Provincias Yternas de occidente ordena arbitrios que se ha visto en la necesidad de establecer en ellas y ordena que se le remiten tabacos, y otros articulos estancados.

Serial Number
Bonavia, Bernardo (Comandante General)
Durango. November 28, 1814. 18p. Letter. Copy.
Index of letters that are in this Series which list the taxes an measures taken by comandante general; comandante general calls U 3 juntas de real hacienda to discuss subject of funds, or lack thereof, cites the revolution with increasing costs and decreasing income, little help from Mexico, have come to the conclusion that a loan of 160,000 pesos would be enough to cover the cost of the most urgent needs, plan for this includes encumbering a certain percentage of the income of properties (both rural and Urban) for a year and using this as a type of collateral for a one year loan, another source of funding would be donations as was given by marques de Bustamante, employees of the real hacienda are the only ones who currently are paying a certain percentage of their salaries to finance the provincias yntrnas, Bonavia states that next year salaries, pensiones, and rents paid out by the real hacienda will have a certain percentage encumbered except the salaries of soldiers, calls for more effecient administration of the tobacco tax now that no one can claim ignorance of the law, results of the latest meetings o the junta Superior are the charging of duties on the right of transport, mining, refining of metals, separation and refinement and consumption of metals, the funds to be borrowed are to be sought by the ayuntamientos and the diputaciones consulares D las poblaciones, Urban and rural farms will be have incomes taxed at rates of 4 and 5 percent respectively for a period of two years, 1 percent on all the goods passing through customs, arrangements to have these orders published and communicated to all the gobernadores intendentes. (O. Velez, September 1989)
Bonavia, Bernardo (Comandante General)
Cavallero, Zapato
Garcia Conde, Alexo (Gobernador Intendente)
Herrera, Mariano (Auditor de Guerra)
Truxillo, Francisco Xavier (Ministro de Tesoreria Principal)
Pacheco, Manuel Jose (Ministro de Tesoreria Principal)
Ortuno, Ignacio de (Gefe de la Renta)
Hernandez, Casimiro (Gefe de la Renta)
Navarro, Juan (Jefe de la Renta)
Ramos, Felipe (Abogado Defensor)
Bustamante, Marques de
Velasco, Francisco (Escribano)
Alcalde, Antonio (Escribano)
Santa Cruz
Nuevo Mexico (Provincia)
Nueva Viscaya (Provincia)
Sonora (Provincia)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 227 ff. 160-168
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 227 ff. 160-168
Indice del ramo lists this letter as being part of expediente 9.
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General Subjects