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Article title Sort descending Date Journal Title
Writer, sportsman, Arizona's first ambassadore...Zane Grey February 1969 Phoenix
Wupatki, the tall house May 1933 Plateau
Xeromorphic leaf adaptations in Arizona milkweeds Fall 1966 Plateau
Yarnell's Shrine of St. Joseph November 1971 Phoenix
Yavapai-Apache family organization in a reservation context Winter 1972 Plateau
Yavapai-Apache family organization in a reservation context Winter 1972 Plateau
Yavapai-Apache family organization in a reservation context Winter 1972 Plateau
Yavapai-Apache family organization in a reservation context Winter 1972 Plateau
Yellow Cab's fifty years in Phoenix July 1973 Phoenix
Yes, Wendy, there is a Christmas December 1959 Point West
Yes, Wendy, there is a Christmas December 1959 Point West
Yesterday's over his shoulder September 1989 Phoenix
You can't have a valley without a few mountains March 1974 Phoenix
You can't keep a good bridge down June 1972 Pipeliner
Young achiever December 1974 Phoenix
Young man with plans October 1969 Phoenix
Young presidents August 1967 Phoenix
Young presidents August 1967 Phoenix
Youth bridges the barriers November 1960 Point West
Yucca serves the Indian February 1964 Point West
Yuccas and their users March-April 1964 Pacific Discovery
Yuma, Fortune's playground December 1927 Prog Ariz
Yuma, sons of the river December 1929 Prog Ariz
Yuma, the "queen city on the Colorado." December 1925 Prog Ariz
Yuma: winter lemon capital December 1968 Pipeliner
[untitled] February 1963 Point West
[untitled] Pioneer cattlemen of Arizona
[untitled] Pioneer Cattlemen of Arizona
[untitled] Pioneer cattlemen of Arizona
[untitled] Pioneer cattlemen of Arizona
[untitled] Pioneer cattlemen of Arizona
[untitled] Pioneer Cattlemen of Arizona
[untitled] Pioneer Cattlemen of Arizona
[untitled] Pioneer cattlemen of Arizona
[untitled] Pioneer cattlemen of Arizona
[untitled] Pioneer cattlemen of Arizona
[untitled] Pioneer cattlemen of Arizona
[untitled] Pioneer cattlemen of Arizona
[untitled] Pioneer cattlemen of Arizona
[untitled] Pioneer cattlemen of Arizona
[untitled] Pioneer cattlemen of Arizona
[untitled] Pioneer cattlemen of Arizona
[untitled] Pioneer cattlemen of Arizona
[untitled] Pioneer cattlemen of Arizona
[untitled] Pioneer cattlemen of Arizona
[untitled] Pioneer Cattlemen of Arizona
[untitled] Pioneer cattlemen of Arizona
[untitled] Pioneer cattlemen of Arizona
[untitled] Pioneer cattlemen of Arizona
[untitled] Pioneer cattlemen of Arizona
[untitled] Pioneer cattlemen of Arizona
[untitled] Pioneer cattlemen of Arizona
[untitled] Pioneer cattlemen of Arizona
[untitled] Pioneer cattlemen of Arizona
[untitled] Pioneer cattlemen of Arizona