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Article title Sort descending Date Journal Title
Walnut Canyon: an example of relationships between birds and plant communities Spring 1969 Plateau
Walt Ditzen February 1969 Phoenix
Walt Emory, sculpture for the common man January 1968 Phoenix
Walter L. Vail, pioneer builder of the West Pioneer western empire builders
Walter L. Vail, pioneer builder of the West Pioneer western empire builders
Water quality perspective in recreation management Spring 1974 Plateau
Water quality perspectives in recreation management Spring 1974 Plateau
We shall overcome June 1965 Phoenix Point West
We wish to nominate January 1960 Point West
Weaving nylon threads among the old July 6, 1969 Phoenix
Wee Willie Winkie September 1965 Phoenix Point West
Welcome newcomers March 1969 Phoenix
Welcome newcomers March 1969 Phoenix
Welcome newcomers March 1969 Phoenix
Welcome newcomers September 1974 Phoenix
Welcome Texans! October 1973 Phoenix
Wellton mesa and the Mohawk Valley January 1926 Prog Ariz
Western and territorial research opportunities in Trans-Mississippi federal records centers November 1971 Pacific Hist Rev
Western and territorial research opportunities in Trans-Mississippi federal records centers November 1971 Pacific Hist Rev
Western art and the masculine mystique October 1975 Phoenix
Western point of view 1976 Persimmon Hill
Western points of view 1976 Persimmon Hill
What are Jack and Vera up to these days? June 1976 Phoenix
What can we do about lac? January 1943 Plateau
What do potsherds tell us? (wares, types and rules of priority) June 1935 Plateau
What do you know about Casa Grande ruins? November 1929 Prog Ariz
What ever happened to the Phoenix A-1 Queens? December 1968 Phoenix
What I've learned about ranches February 1928 Prog Ariz
What is a kachina? January 1947 Plateau
What it's like to be a multimillionaire February 1964 Point West
What makes Johnny run August 1967 Phoenix
what makes Phoenix grow? January 1966 Phoenix Point West
What more could be expected? May 1930 Prog Ariz
What price beauty August 1926 Prog Ariz
What the archaeologist can learn from the biologist January 1944 Plateau
What the archaeologists can learn from the biologist January 1944 Plateau
What to do with the kids --- April 1977 Phoenix
What to do with the kids --- April 1977 Phoenix
What we learned about lumber August 1925 Prog Ariz
What you see is what you get September 1972 Planning, the ASPO magazine
What's being done to curb VD in Arizona? February 1972 Phoenix
What's Gus Lampe really like? March 1968 Phoenix
What's in a name? May 1974 Phoenix
What's new in banking? June 1976 Phoenix
What's wrong with Phoenix? September 1971 Phoenix
What's wrong with Phoenix? September 1971 Phoenix
Wheeler dealer May 1975 Phoenix
When Bisbee was young January 1927 Prog Ariz
When mining is not a gamble March 1926 Prog Ariz
Whence the Havasupai? July-August 1959 Pacific Discovery
Where a man's a man September 1931 Prog Ariz
Where ancient and modern meet, Tanque Verde Ranch September 1928 Prog Ariz
Where ancient and modern meet, Tanque Verde Ranch September 1928 Prog Ariz
Where healing waters flow January 1926 Prog Ariz
Where Indians are trained for citizenship September 1926 Prog Ariz