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Ft. Lowell ruins, the sotry of the fabled military fort of territorial days and Apache raids February 1952 Mag Tuc
Gardens on the window glass December 1948 Mag Tuc
Garryowen November-December 1951 Masterkey
General Crook on Indian artifacts April-June 1973 Masterkey
Geologic verification of a Papago legend September 1935 Masterkey
George Farley (Boots) Grantham:Mohave baseball superstar August-September 1975 Mohave (Mohave Co. Miner)
Gerald Nailor September-October 1952 Masterkey
Giving unto others June-July 1975 Mohave (Mohave County Miner)
Gold is where you find it May 1952 Mag Tuc
Golden heritage February 1949 Mag Tuc
Good luck for Gray Head January-February 1958 Masterkey
Good luck for Gray Head January-February 1958 Masterkey
Governor Franklin reports: A tour of Mohave County in 1880's August-September 1975 Mohave (Mohave Co. Miner)
Governor Franklin reports: A tour of Mohave County in 1880's August-September 1975 Mohave (Mohave Co. Miner)
Grand Canyon or bust in that merry chuggmobile June 1952 Mag Tuc
Gravestones for Ganado Mucho July-September 1975 Masterkey
Growinf planyts without soil January 1977 Mohave (Mohave County Miner)
Growing dates and citrus on the desert February 1949 Mag Tuc
Growing dates and citrus on the desert February 1949 Mag Tuc
H. S. "Hi" Corbett grandaddy of baseball in Tucson. May 1952 Mag Tuc
H. S. "Hi" Corbett, granddaddy of baseball in Tucson May 1952 Mag Tuc
Hall of Flame June-July 1975 Mohave (Mohve County Miner)
Hall of Flame June-July 1975 Mohave (Mohave County Miner)
Ham every Sunday September 1952 Mag Tuc
Ham every Sunday October 1952 Mag Tuc
Ham every Sunday November 1952 Mag Tuc
Ham every Sunday December 1952 Mag Tuc
Ham every Sunday January 1953 Mag Tuc
Happy holidays, easy livin' on the Colorado December 6, 1973 Mohave (Mohave County Miner)
Happy holidays, easy livin' on the Colorado December 6, 1973 Mohave (Mohave County Miner)
Happy second birthday to the London Bridge! October 4, 1973 Mohave (Mohave County Miner)
Hardyville's cemetery December 6, 1973 Mohave (Mohave County Miner)
Hardyville's cemetery December 6, 1973 Mohave (Mohave County Miner)
Harold Steinfeld, a profile of Tucson's No. 1 citizen and a history of the famous store that bears his name October 1950 Mag Tuc
Hats off to a Mohave good guy February 1973 Mohave
Hats off to a Mohave good guy October 1974 Mohave
Havasu dollar a popular souvenir April-May 1977 Mohave (Mohave County Miner)
Havasu National Wildlife Refuge: a winter home for migratory fowl December 1975-January 1976 Mohave (Mohave County Miner)
Havasu National Wildlife Refuge: a winter home for migratory fowl December 1975-January 1976 Mohave (Mohave County Miner)
Havasu National Wildlife Refuge: a winter home for migratory fowl December 1975-January 1976 Mohave (Mohave County Miner)
He knows his Indians May 1949 Mag Tuc
He knows his Indians; the story of clay locket who specializes in buying and selling the arts and crafts of American Indians. May 1949 Mag Tuc
He makes saddles for his supper, but he paints for his soul! May 1950 Mag Tuc
He makes strings sing again; John E. Bagos can tell you things about violins that might surprise you October 1952 Mag Tuc
He marches to a different drum October 4, 1973 Mohave (Mohave County Miner)
He paints pictures that win prizes May 1951 Mag Tuc
HELP organization a life saver April-May 1977 Mohave (Mohave County Miner)
Hi-ho Sisson; Win and Lois Sisson run the Picture Rock Ranch October 1949 Mag Tuc
High on a hilltop; the rich rewards of knowing what they wanted are exemplified in this home built by the Stanley Freborge January 1952 Mag Tuc
High, wide and handsome June 1949 Mag Tuc
High, wide and handsome, Rancho Grande Hotel ... June 1949 Mag Tuc
His life in racing cars and contracting January 1951 Mag Tuc
Historical notes on the Pima September 1949 Masterkey
Historical Society organized June-July 1976 Mohave (Mohave County Miner)
History, culture, reflected in Mohave County place names October 4, 1973 Mohave (Mohave County Miner)