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Big city treatment comes to Mohave! August 2, 1973 Mohave (Mohave County Miner)
Birthday observed June-July 1976 Mohave (Mohave County Miner)
BLM fights brush fires in northwestern Arizona June 7, 1973 Mohave (Mohave County Miner)
Blue jets of the desert September 1952 Mag Tuc
Blue jets of the desert September 1952 Mag Tuc
Blue print for a Tucson Indian festival June 1948 Mag Tuc
Bonelli house in kingman June-July 1976 Mohave (Mohave County Miner)
Boomerangs January-February 1952 Masterkey
Border shopping with a Spanish accent May 1949 Mag Tuc
Buck Jones is the cowbow's friend. March 1950 Mag Tuc
Buck Jones is the cowboy's friend; an ex-cowboy himself, Buck caters to the tastes and needs of westerners. March 1950 Mag Tuc
Building an organ in his spare time December 1975-January 1976 Mohave (Mohave County Miner)
Bureau of Mines Beginning June 1913 monthly issues of Arizona
Burial on Boothill January 1953 Mag Tuc
Burial on Boothill January 1953 Mag Tuc
Cactus queen April 1948 Mag Tuc
Captain of the chamber December 1949 Mag Tuc
Captain of the varsity April 1949 Mag Tuc
Casa Grande's new canopy March 1933 Masterkey
Cash is on the tourist trade November 1950 Mag Tuc
Cellini of the Southwest January 1949 Mag Tuc
Cellini of the Southwest; the story of Frank Patania and his high-flying Thunderbird January 1949 Mag Tuc
Certificate of award March 1952 Mag Tuc
Chain gangs in Mohave County April-May 1977 Mohave (Mohave County Miner)
Charles Avery Amsden May 1941 Masterkey
Chicken comes home to roost February 1953 Mag Tuc
Child with a problem October 1953 Mag Tuc
Children's haven in Old Pueblo September 1948 Mag Tuc
Chiricahua Apache costume in the 1880's January-March 1962 Masterkey
Christmas at home in southern Arizona December 1949 Mag Tuc
Chuck Abbott the cowboy photographer January 1949 Mag Tuc
Civic salesman April 1948 Mag Tuc
Classics and cowlicks; the Tucson Boy's choir March 1948 Mag Tuc
Climbing through the window June 1952 Mag Tuc
Colorado River tribes stage annual Thanksgiving dinner December 1975-January 1976 Mohave (Mohave County Miner)
Concerning witches November-December 1950 Masterkey
Concrete path across the country August-September 1976 Mohave (Mohave County Miner)
Concrete path across the country August-September 1976 Mohave (Mohave County Miner)
Construction of Davis Dam triggered countywide growth April 6, 1972 Mohave (Mohave County Miner)
Construction of Davis Dam triggered countywide growth April 6, 1972 Mohave (Mohave County Miner)
Coral among early Southwestern Indians May 1943 Masterkey
County Manager George Anast looks into Mohave's crystal ball December 6, 1973 Mohave (Mohave County Miner)
County Manger George Anast looks into Mohave's crystal ball December 6, 1973 Mohave (Mohave County Miner)
County's first permanent type school cost $6000 and it is still going strong! February 1973 Mohave
Crime buster September 1952 Mag Tuc
Dale Vs. Dillinger June 1948 Mag Tuc
Dale vs. Dillinger June 1948 Mag Tuc
Darrow Thompson and his squaw boots. January 1950 Mag Tuc
Davis-Monthan has its lighter moments September 1950 Mag Tuc
De Grazia, painter and potter October 1948 Mag Tuc
Deep in the heart of Arizona; the romantic history of Colossal Cave February 1950 Mag Tuc
Deliverance December 6, 1973 Mohave (Mohave County Miner)
Desert association - the ironwood January 1934 Masterkey
Desert associations - the catsclaw May 1934 Masterkey
Desert associations - the mesquite July 1934 Masterkey