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Article title Sort descending Date Journal Title
The linguistic map of Arizona November 1946 Kiva
The Mohave Indians in Hispanic times October 1966 Kiva
The Mowry mine: 1585-1958 February 1958 Kiva
The Naco mammoth November-December 1952 Kiva
The Naco mammoth 1952 Kiva
The Navajo screen November 1945 Kiva
The old presidio of Tucson December 1954-February 1955 Kiva
The origin of the Pai tribes February 1961 Kiva
The Papago Indians March 1941 Kiva
The PC Ruin Spring 1975 Kiva
The Portrero Creek site: activity structure Fall 1971 Kiva
The pottery of Kinishba October 1937 Kiva
The pottery of kinishba October 1937 Kiva
The present and the future April-May 1942 Kiva
The problem of erecting the main dome and roof vaults of the church of San Xavier del Bac Spring 1972 Kiva
The road to Hawikuh: trade and trade routes to Cibola-Suni during late prehistoric and early historic times Winter 1975 Kiva
The road to Hawikuh: trade and trade routes to Cibola-Zuni during late prehistoric and early historic times Winter 1975 Kiva
The Seri Indian missions February 1960 Kiva
The Seri Indian missions February 1960 Kiva
The social meaning of Navaho psychopathology and psychotherapy Kiev, Ari
The southern Athapascans November 1938 Kiva
The southern Athapascans November 1938 Kiva
The Spanish missions of northwestern New Spain, Franciscan period, 1768-1836 January 1941 Kiva
The Spanish missions of northwestern New Spain, Jesuit period, 1687-1767 November 1939 Kiva
The Spanish missions of the Santa Cruz Valley May 1936 Kiva
The story of the first lie March 1947 Kiva
The Tonto labyrinth October 1961 Kiva
The Tonto Labyrinth October 1961 Kiva
The Tumacacori census of 1796 Fall 1953 Kiva
The Tumacacori census of 1796 Fall 1953 Kiva
The Tumamoc Hill site near Tucson, Arizona Winter 1972 Kiva
The Tumamoc Hill site near Tucson, Arizona Winter 1972 Kiva
The upper Tonto ruins February 1941 Kiva
The use of turquoise among the Navajo December 1938 Kiva
The use of turquoise among the Navajo December 1938 Kiva
The Virgin Anasazi and the Pan-Southwestern trade system, A.D. 900-1550 1990 Kiva
The west Mexico tradition and the Southwestern United States Winter 1975 Kiva
The Wetherills of Kayenta November 1945 Kiva
The woman whose nose was cut off twelve times, or the woman who controls the weather January 1947 Kiva
The Yaqui Indians of Arizona March 1940 Kiva
The Zanardelli site December 1950 Kiva
Three Pima fables October 1958 Kiva
Tree ring dating of Pindi Pueblo, New Mexico 1989 Kiva
Tree-ring dating of Pindi Pueblo, New Mexico 1989 Kiva
Tree-rings continue to tell their story January 1944 Kiva
Turquoise and the Zuni Indian May 1947 Kiva
Two Clovis fluted points from southern Arizona February 1970 Kiva
Two fragmented human bone assemblages from Yellow Jacket, southwestern Colorado 1989 Kiva
Two fragmented human bone assemblages from Yellow Jacket, southwestern Colorado 1989 Kiva
Two more wickiups on the San Carlos Indian Reservation, Arizona December 1960 Kiva
Two prehistoric shell caches from Southern Arizona December 1961 Kiva
Two wickiups on the San Carlos Indian Reservation, Arizona February 1958 Kiva
University ruin April 1936 Kiva
Upper Largo Navaho, 1700-1775 January 1947 Kiva
Use-wear analysis of White Mountain redwares at Grasshopper Pueblo, Arizona 1989 Kiva