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Growth rings in woody shrubs as potential aids in archaeological interpretation December 1959 Kiva
Habitation and field houses near Winona and Angell, Arizona February 1969 Kiva
Highway salvage archaeology by the Arizona State Museum, 1956-1957 December 1957 Kiva
Highway salvage archaeology by the Museum of Northern Arizona, 1956-57 December 1957 Kiva
Highway salvage archaeology in Arizona December 1957 Kiva
Highway salvage archaeology in the Forrestdale Valley, Arizona February 1969 Kiva
Highway salvage excavations in the upper Tonto Basin, Arizona February 1969 Kiva
History April-May 1942 Kiva
History, huki, and warfare - some random data on the lower Pima April 1961 Kiva
Hohokam etched shell April 1959 Kiva
Hohokam petroglyphs of the Sierra Pinacate, Sonora and the Hohokam shell expeditions Winter 1972 Kiva
Hohokam petroglyphs of the Sierra Pinacate, Sonora and the Hohokam shell expeditions Winter 1972 Kiva
Hohokam teched shell April 1959 Kiva
Human skeletal remains from the DoBell site Fall 1973 Kiva
Human skeletal remains from the DoBell site Fall 1973 Kiva
Impressions of a foot effigy: a reorientation to ceremonial objects Winter 1976 Kiva
Indian housing for Indians Spring 1972 Kiva
Indian housing for Indians Spring 1972 Kiva
Indian housing for Indians Spring 1972 Kiva
Indian music of the Southwest December 1941 Kiva
Indian tribes of Arizona March 1938 Kiva
Inspiration I March 1945 Kiva
Inventory of prehistoric southwestern copper bells April 1963 Kiva
Inventory of prehistoric southwestern copper bells: additions and corrections October 1964 Kiva
Inventory of prehistoric southwestern copper bells: additions and corrections October 1964 Kiva
Inventory of prhistoric southwestern copper bells April 1963 Kiva
Isotopic reconstruction of Mesa Verde diet from Basketmaker III to Pueblo III 1989 Kiva
Jackrabbit ruin December 1939 Kiva
Johnny Ward's ranch: a study in historic archaeology October-December 1962 Kiva
Johnny Ward's ranch: a study in historic archeology October-December 1962 Kiva
Jose Zu November 1956 Kiva
Jose Zuniga November 1956 Kiva
Juan de la Asuncion, 1538: first Spanish explorer of Arizona? Winter 1972 Kiva
Juan de la Asuncion, 1538: first Spanish explorer of Arizona? Winter 1972 Kiva
Juan de la Asuncion, 1538: first Spanish explorer of Arizona? Winter 1972 Kiva
Kinishba, prehistoric pueblo of the great pueblo period October 1940 Kiva
Kinishba, the brown house October 1938 Kiva
Kino's route across Baja California April 1961 Kiva
Kivas of the San Juan drainage April-May 1938 Kiva
La Lomita Pequena: relationships between plant resource variability and settlement patterns in the Phoenix basin 1989 Kiva
La Lomita Pequena: relationships between plant resource variability and settlement patterns in the Phoenix basin 1989 Kiva
Laboratory analysis of hair from hunting net A-22415 in the Collections of the Arizona State Museum Spring 1971 Kiva
Large hunting nets in collections of the Arizona State Museum November 1956 Kiva
Late prehistoric villages southeast of Tucson, Arizona and the archaeology of the Tanque Verde phase February 1966 Kiva
Law-talk, mobilization procedures, and dispute management in Yaqui society 1989 Kiva
Legislation for the protection and preservation of archaeological remains in Arizona Summer 1975 Kiva
Lessons from the Southwest for extension educators abroad September-October 1952 Kiva
Lessons from the Southwest for extension educators abroad September-October 1952 Kiva
Lessons from the Southwest for extension educators abroad September-October 1952 Kiva
Letter from Ft. Bowie, 1867 February 1964 Kiva
Letter from Ft. Bowie, 1867 February 1965 Kiva
Letter of Father Middendorf, S. J., dated from Tucson, 3 March 1757 June 1957 Kiva
Life forms in prehistoric pottery of the Southwest May 1943 Kiva
Lizard Man Village: a small site perspective on Northern Sinagua social organization 1990 Kiva
Lizard Man Village: a small site perspective on Northern Sinagua social organization 1990 Kiva