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Article title Sort descending Date Journal Title
The /-K/, /-M/ problem in Yavapai syntax January 1975 Int J Amer Ling
The /-K/, /-M/ problem in Yavapai syntax January 1975 Int J Amer Ling
The American Indian Studies Program, University of Arizona Spring-Summer 1972 Indian Programs
The Apache medicine ceremonies performed over the daughter of C 30 1904 Indiana Academy of Science, Proceedings, 1904
The Apache medicine game 1904 Indiana Academy of Science, Proceedings, 1904
The Apache medicine game 1904 Indiana Academy of Science, Proceedings, 1904
The Apache stick game 1903 Indiana Academy of Science, Proceedings, 1903
The Apachoan verb October 1945 Int J Amer Ling
The Apachoan verb June 1946 Int J Amer Ling
The Apachoan verb April 1946 Int J Amer Ling
The Apachoan verb October 1948 Int J Amer Ling
The Apachoan verb January 1949 Int J Amer Ling
The Arizona Bureau of Mines Winter 1970 Indian Programs
The bicultural legal education project at Ramah, New Mexico Fall 1972 Indian Historian
The bicultural legal education project at Ramah, New Mexico Fall 1972 Indian Historian
The bureaucratic game and proposed Indian ploy Fall 1975 Indian Historian
The conquest of the American West: history as eulogy Winter 1977 Indian Historian
The Dine, Apache de Navajo, their centennial year Spring 1968 Indian Historian
The Dodges Indians of today
The Dodges Indians of today
The Indian slave trade in New Mexico, 1846-1861 Fall 1973 Indian Historian
The jojoba: It may offer a multi-million dollar Indian industry and an opportunity for Indian self-realization Fall 1975 Indian Programs
The jojoba: It may offer a multi-million dollar Indian industry and an opportunity for Indian self-realization Fall 1975 Indian Programs
The little priest who knows August 1959 Indian Life
The moccasin game 1904 Indiana Academy of Science, Proceedings, 1904
The National Study of American Indian Education Fall 1969 Indian Programs
The Navajo Environmental Protection Commission Fall 1976 Indian Historian
The Navajo Indian irrigation project: muddied past, clouded future Winter 1976 Indian Historian
The Navajo relative clause July 1974 Int J Amer Ling
The Papagos are at Sherman March 1, 1958 Indian Educ
The Phoenix-Arizona survey December 1, 1940 Indian Educ
The Phoenix-Arizona survey December 1, 1940 Indian Educ
The Phoenix-Arizona survey December 1, 1940 Indian Educ
The Phoenix-Arizona survey December 1, 1940 Indian Educ
The scorpions of Arizona October 1940 Iowa State College Journal of Science
The sun or gunelpiya medicine disk 1903 Indiana Academy of Science, Proceedings, 1903
The supposed Spanish loanword in Hopi for 'jaybird' April 1956 Int J Amer Ling
The Tobriner decision Fall 1973 Indian Historian
The Tobriner decision Fall 1973 Indian Historian
The true and the false August 1959 Indian Life
The United States and the betrayal of Indian water rights Summer 1974 Indian Historian
The United States and the betrayal of Indian water rights Summer 1974 Indian Historian
The United States and the betrayal of Indian water rights Summer 1974 Indian Historian
The White Mountain Apaches take a second look at their schools Fall 1969 Indian Programs
These are the Navajo April 1, 1954 Indian Educ
Thomas H. Dodge Indians of today
Thomas Segundo Indians of today
Traces of the native tongue Winter 1976 Indian Historian
Trachoma among the Navajo February 15, 1937 Indian Educ
Trends in public school education February 1, 1946 Indian Educ
Understanding March 1, 1950 Indian Educ
Understanding March 1, 1958 Indian Educ
Understanding promotes learning February 1, 1952 Indian Educ
Victor Manuel Indians of today. 2nd ed
Victor Manuel (Man with Two Bows) Indians of today. 3rd ed