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Article title Sort descending Date Journal Title
Linguistic diversity among the Navaho Indians July 1945 Int J Amer Ling
Linguistic factors in the terminology of Hopi architecture April 1953 Int J Amer Ling
Linguistic factors in the terminology of Hopi architecture April 1953 Int J Amer Ling
Lloyd H. New (Lloyd Kiva) Indians of today
Meanwhile, back at the rancheria . . . Winter 1975 Indian Historian
Meanwhile, back at the rancheria... Winter 1975 Indian Historian
Meanwhile, back at the rancheria... Winter 1975 Indian Historian
Moencopi variations from Whorf's second mesa Hopi April 1955 Int J Amer Ling
Money for the Papago - and others November 15, 1941 Indian Educ
Museums and medicine bundles Fall 1975 Indian Historian
My life on the reservation April 15, 1952 Indian Educ
My teaching experiences with the Navajo April 15, 1953 Indian Educ
National School Lunch Program and Indian school children Winter 1974 Indian Historian
Nationalism, tribalism, and self-determination: Yuman-Mexican relations, 1821-1848 Spring 1973 Indian Historian
Navaho phonology and Hoijer's analysis October 1945 Int J Amer Ling
Navajo children get additional school facilities October 1, 1954 Indian Educ
Navajo cradle song August 1959 Indian Life
Navajo cradle song August 1959 Indian Life
Navajo election ballot and achievement April 15, 1951 Indian Educ
Navajo experiences limited January 15, 1952 Indian Educ
Navajo silver August 1959 Indian Life
Navajo vision of earth and man Winter 1973 Indian Historian
Navajo vision of earth and man Winter 1973 Indian Historian
Navajo weaving October 1, 1939 Indian Educ
New directions in Indian education Winter 1975 Indian Historian
Off reservation Navajo program expands September 15, 1948 Indian Educ
Papago child training May 1, 1944 Indians Educ
Papago child training May 1, 1944 Indian Educ
Paul Jones Indians of today
Permanent placement of Navahos off the reservation May 1, 1949 Indian Educ
Peter Homer, Sr Indians of today
Problems Indian students face Summer 1972 Indian Historian
Psychiatry and Indian curing Fall 1973 Indian Programs
Red men and blue stone August 1959 Indian Life
Relative clause formation and topicalization in Yavapai April 1974 Internat'l J Amer Linguistics
Reorganization, consolidation, and the expropriation of the Chiricahua Apache Reservation Spring 1977 Indian Historian
Rubber bearing shrub coupled with Indian acceptance of modern technology may offer economic opportunity for some Southwestern Indian tribes Summer 1976 Indian Programs
Russell Moore Indians of today
San Carlos Indian - University of Arizona cooperative program of cattle improvement Spring-Summer 1970 Indian Programs
San Carlos Indians - University of Arizona cooperative program of cattle improvement Spring-Summer 1970 Indian Programs
Savage anthropologists and unvanishing Indians of America Southwest Winter 1973 Indian Historian
Sherman Institute contributes to Navaho Education March 1, 1947 Indian Educ
Significance of aspiration on Navaho January 1948 Int J Amer Ling
Some fossils from the lower Aubrey and upper red wall limestones in the vicinity of Fort Apache, Arizona 1903 Indiana Academy of Science, Proceedings
Some observation of the Papago political system Spring-Summer 1972 Indian Programs
Spanish loanwords in Hopi; a preliminary checklist April 1955 Int J Amer Ling
Spanish loanwords in Hopi; a preliminary chocklist April 1955 Int J Amer Ling
Special Navaho program September 15, 1947 Indian Educ
Special Navajo graduates find jobs May 1, 1951 Indian Educ
Structure of Arizona Tewa words, spoken and sung October 1958 Int J Amer Ling
Suggestions for the further study of Hopi April 1946 Int J Amer Ling
Taxation and the American Indian Spring 1973 Indian Historian
Taxation and the American Indian Spring 1973 Indian Historian
Testing intelligibility among Yuman languages April 1957 Int J Amer Ling
The /-K/, /-M/ problem in Yavapai ayntax January 1975 Int J Amer Ling