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Article title Sort descending Date Journal Title
Crossing the Little Colorado August 1959 Des
Crownpoint auction Winter 1989 Desert Peoples
Crystal field at Quartzsite September 1953 Des
Crystals at Indian Summit December 1976 Des
Crystals in the shadow of the Superstitions March 1941 Des
Crystals in the shadow of the Superstitions March 1941 Des
Curse of the thunder gods April 1945 Des
D.A.T.E. Development Authority for Tucson's Economy May 1975 Des Sil Tuc Mag
Dam in Glen Canyon April 1957 Des
Das spent in Blue Canyon June 1960 Des
Datura, a deadly killer weed shows off its rare beauty in desert home garden April 1960 Des
Daughter of the snake clan August 1941 Des
Daughter of the snake clan August 1941 Des
Dawn cactus of Green River May 1945 Des
Days spent in Blue Canyon June 1960 Des
Dazzling tulips of the desert ranges January 1949 Des
Deep in the heart of Arizona January 1974 Des
Deep sea diver on the desert January 1952 Des
Deramers of the Mojave November 1956 Des
Desert "roses" that never fade June 1938 Des
Desert Acrobat October 1974 Des
Desert acrobat October 1974 Des
Desert ash trees June 1948 Des
Desert bighorn February 1971 Desert
Desert botanist of Tucson April 1951 Des
Desert botanist of Tucson April 1951 Des
Desert butcher May 1944 Des
Desert Christmas Tree December 1945 Des
Desert circle to Alamo! (Arizona) November 1974 Des
Desert color July 1943 Des
Desert cousins of candytuft and cauliflower July 1953 Des
Desert dinner, Apache style February 1941 Des
Desert dinner, Apache style February 1941 Des
Desert dude wrangler January 1949 Des
Desert dweller from the sea July 1969 Desert
Desert falcon June 1974 Des
Desert falcon September 1976 Des
Desert garden in Navajo land November 1943 Des
Desert garden in Navajo land November 1943 Des
Desert hot blood June 1970 Desert
Desert Imp: the ground squirrel September 1959 Des
Desert jester May 1972 Desert
Desert Jester May 1972 Desert
Desert living in the city May 1958 Des
Desert living in the city May 1958 Des
Desert midget and jungle giant June 1945 Des
Desert original: the squaw dress March 1956 Des
Desert plant life May 1975 Des
Desert plant life November 1975 Des
Desert plant life August 1975 Desert
Desert plant life July 1975 Desert
Desert plant life June 1975 Desert
Desert plant life June 1975 Desert
Desert plant life February 1976 Des
Desert Plant Life: Creosote bush March 1976 Desert