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He learned about scorpions May 1941 Des
He lived alone on a mountain July 1948 Des
He lived with the Zunis September 1948 Des
He lived with the Zunis September 1948 Des
He lives alone on a mountain July 1948 Des
He painted the Apaches May 1941 Des
He painted the Apaches May 1941 Des
He painted the Yaquis April 1939 Des
He planned to change the desert climate June 1949 Des
He rode the wilderness trail March 1946 Des
He rode with Buffalo Bill November 1954 Des
He sailed into the unknown Rio Colorado February 1959 Des
He sailed into the unknown Rio Colorado February 1959 Des
He saved the life of a savage April 1947 Des
He saw only the desert July 1955 Des
He wanted to do honest painting July 1940 Des
He was a good man September 1958 Des
He was a good man September 1958 Des
He works all day on hotcakes 'n chia April 1958 Des
Healing ceremony in Monument Valley March 1950 Des
Heart of copper May 1975 Des Sil Tuc Mag
Henry Chee Dodge, Navajo July 1938 Des
Henry Chee Dodge, Navajo July 1938 Des
Hens that lay wooden eggs September 1955 Des
Here are the rules for the five-acre tracts August 1940 Des
Herman Ehrenberg, seeker of high adventure December 1938 Des
Hill climbers of the desert July 1940 Des
His art is lusty and bold October 1943 Des
His compass was a burro's tail September 1947 Des
His hiss is just a bluff March 1947 Des
His own horse to ride in the happy hunting grounds November 1953 Des
His own horse to ride in the happy hunting grounds November 1953 Des
His protection, speed and color April 1947 Des
Hite September 1976 Des
Hobbyist of Salome June 1939 Des
Hogan marriage August 1952 Des
Hohokam's Snaketown October 1976 Des
Hoke Denetsosie, Navajo artist July 1952 Des
Holiday bouquet: desert holly, mistletoe December 1961 Desert
Home in the cactus forest July 1949 Des
Home in the cactus forest July 1949 Des
Hon-dah, friend! May 1967 Desert
Hopi girl May 1952 Des
Hopi gods in masquerade February 1940 Des
Hopi trek to the land of "big water" June 1946 Des
Hopi trek to the land of "big water" June 1946 Des
Hopi trek to the land of "big water." June 1946 Des
Horned owls March 1944 Des
Hoskaninni July 1941 Des
Hot air balloons over Monument Valley May 1977 Des
House of 'dobe September 1938 Des
House of three turkeys May 1965 Desert
House of three turkeys May 1965 Desert
Hovering over Nummel's gold April 1965 Desert
Hovering over Nummel's gold April 40 1965 Des