Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Retracing the old Butterfield stage route Winsted 1975
Review of OSHA: impact and needed changes Werther 1973
Ride 'em rough' cowboy makes way for the dudes Willson 1957
Ripe for learning Washburn 1969
Ripoff! Wyckoff 1974
Riposte Wilks 1967
Robbers scatter silver pesos Willson 1975
Robbery of the G. & C. store Walters
Robert Lee ("Bud") Odle, 1872- Willson 1957
Rocks by the roadside Weight 1949
Rodeo reminiscences Walters 1935
Rohwer's lost gold Weight 1974
Roscoe is bamboozled at masquerade party Willson 1960
Roscoe recalls the rough and tough days and ways of early mining life Willson 1958
Rose-colored glasses tinted Arizona's early gold wealth Willson 1962
Roses - the desert's vivid envoy Wilson 1960
Ruinous promotions Willson 1976
Ruins of Camp Reno Willson 1965
Rustler foils ranger Willson 1974
Sabino Otero, 1846-1914 Willson 1957
Safford Watkins 1940
Saga of Oracle, mountain cow town Wilson 1964
Saga of Oracle, mountain cow town Wilson 1964
Saga of Oracle, mountain cow town Wilson 1964
Saga of Oracle, mountain cow town Wilson 1964
Saga of Oracle, mountain cow town Wilson 1964
Saga of Oracle, mountain cow town Wilson 1965
Saga of Oracle, mountain cow town Wilson 1965
Saga of Oracle, mountain cow town Wilson 1965
Saga of Oracle, mountain cow town Wilson 1965
Saga of Oracle, mountain cow town Wilson 1965
Sailing in the saguaros, yachting through the yucca Watson 1965
Saint/scoundrel; a profile of Emmet McLoughlin Wiley 1962
Salt River Valley, Arizona, "the gold spot of America" Watkins 1928
Saltcedar (Tamarix chinensis) seed production, seedling establishment, and response to inundation Warren 1930
Salvage excavation in the Buttes Dam Site, Southern Arizona Wasley, Benham 1968
Salvage excavation in the Buttes Dam Site, Southern Arizona Wasley, Benham 1968
Sam Goddard, Arizona's new governor Winsor 1965
Sam spadefoot digs the desert Wright 1965
Samuel A. Haught, 1857-1945 Willson 1956
Samuel Crozier, 1840-1901 Willson 1957
Sand storms in the dunes were an early-day hazard Willson 1960
Saved by a burro's nose Willson 1967
Saved by California Column Willson 1967
Saved by smoke signals Willson 1969
Saved by the cavalry Willson 1977
Scene of Bisbee Massacre was at Goldwater's store Willson 1964
Scottsdale vs. business Walling 1976
Scottsdale's new Center for the Arts Welch 1975
Search for Cibola Willson 1976
Secret service men foil border smuggling racket Willson 1957
Secret service men foil border smuggling racket Willson 1957
Secret Tong blamed for Kingman murder of Chinese Willson 1964
Secrets of the desert Willson 1964
Seeing the old and the new at Coolidge Wilkie 1930