Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Pioneer cattlemen of Arizona Willson 1951
Pioneer cattlemen of Arizona Willson
Pioneer cattlemen of Arizona Willson
Pioneer cattlemen of Arizona Willson
Pioneer days in the National Forest Service Willson 1962
Pioneer Jews in California and Arizona, 1849-1875 Wilson 1967
Pioneer recalls wagon train days Willson 1955
Pioneer survived Indians, bandits Willson 1967
Pioneer woman of Bradshaw writes history of early days Willson 1962
Pioneer woman of Bradshaw writes history of early days Willson 1962
Pioneer woman of Bradshaw writes history of early days Willson 1962
Pioneer woman of Bradshaw writes history of early days Willson 1962
Pioneer woman of Bradshaw writes of the early days Willson 1962
Pioneer woman tells of Woodruff's early days Willson 1965
Pioneers Wallace 1954
Pioneers "Chopped" their hay Willson 1966
Pioneers' "good old days" were filled with peril Willson 1960
Pioneers' reunion recalls "world fair" at Payson Willson 1954
Pistoleer Werley 1952
Planned Parenthood in Phoenix Walling 1966
Pleasant Valley deserves its name Willson 1953
Please don't call it a lousy road Waters 1975
Please don't eat the popcorn Welch 1970
Please don't eat the popcorn Welch 1970
PLT, looking forward to the second fifty years Welch 1971
Pluto Weaver 1930
Pluto; a brief story of the planet X as told the writer by Dr. E. C. Slipher, Astronomer, Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona Weaver 1930
Poisoning the Navajos with oil; too much wealth destroys the Indians as effectually as abject poverty Woehlke 1923
Post of yesterday's West, Badger Clark White 1969
Post offices vanished as old mines vanished Willson 1961
Post Offices vanished as old mines vanished Willson 1961
Pot scrapers and drills from southern Utah Wylie 1975
Pothole spelunking Willson 1965
Pottery of the Yumas Worthington 1940
Poverty of plenty on our grasslands Wilson 1946
Poverty or plenty on our grasslands Wilson 1946
Powell's canyon run Willson 1975
Powell's canyon run Willson 1975
Powell's canyon run Willson 1975
Power from paradise Weight 1947
Preacher in Helldorado Walker 1974
Prehistoric "hillbillies" Willson 1966
Prehistoric agriculture in east-central Arizona Woodbury 1961
Premier artist of Grand Canyon Widdison 1968
Premier artist of Grand Canyon Widdison 1968
Pre-railroad transportation in the Trans-Mississippi Walker 1976
Prescott celebrates its 74th Frontier Days Willson 1961
Prescott College Weisman 1990
Prescott's Frontier Days as reported in 1926 Willson 1960
Prescribed burning, a few of the pros and cons Wagle 1958
Preserve the Welton-Mohawk! Woodhouse 1977
Preserve the Welton-Mohawks! Woodhouse 1977
Pricing electricity Wenders 1975
Pricing electricity Wenders 1975
Primitive warfare in the Prescott area Willson 1970