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Article Title Author Last Name Year
Is Arizona curing its hospital needs Van Doron 1962
It's cool in the Whites Vroman 1955
Its nose is a shovel Vergas 1947
K-9 patriots Vaughn 1956
Last powow of the Navajo Van Valkenburgh 1946
Lizard with a voice Vargas 1947
Long walk of very slim man Van Valkenburgh 1946
Long walk of very slim man Van Valkenburgh 1946
Medical Oncology Program Project Vanselow 1975
Mission to Ch'ool'i'i Van Valkenburgh 1942
Mission to Ch'ool'i'i Van Valkenburgh 1942
Mt. Lemmon, an all-year resort Vickers 1926
Mulitple Sclerosis Clinical Center Vanselow 1976
My experiences on the desert Van Dyke 1931
Navajo common law Van Valkenburgh 1936
Navajo common law Van Valkenburgh 1937
Navajo common law Van Valkenburgh 1938
Navajo Indian Reservation fishing Vann 1963
Navajo Indian Reservation fishing Vann 1963
Navajo Naat'aani Van Valkenburgh 1948
New look at Apacheland Valderrama 1976
New look at Apacheland Valderrama 1976
New Y.W.C.A. building for city Vanderpool 1930
Off the rocks at Canyon Lake Van Luchene 1969
Office of Medical Education Vanselow 1975
Old place names in the Navaho country Van Valkenburgh, Walker 1945
On Kino's trail to Pozo Verde Van Valkenburgh 1948
Oraibi marriage customs Voth 1900
Origin of the Indian police Virgines 1972
Origin of the Indian police Virgines 1972
Origin of the Indian police Virgines 1972
Origin of the Indian police Virgines 1972
Out Wickenburg way Voelkel 1962
Out Wickenburg way Voelkel 1962
Permanent sandpaintings Villasenor 1967
Phoenix begins 1961 water bond expansion program Vondrick 1962
Power outage Van de Voorde 1989
Preparation for clinical medicine at the Univeristy of Arizona College of Medicine Vanselow 1975
Preparation for clinical medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine Vanselow 1975
Prince of the Aztecs Von Metre 1975
Prince of the Aztecs Von Metre 1975
Private force Vonier 1990
Q: Dear, what's an 11-letter word meaning higher taxes? A: Arlo Woolery! Vonier 1973
Ranch home is U-shaped Vaughn 1954
Red Mountain: another reminder of the days when fire possessed the earth Van Campen 1966
Reflections of a young man dying Vonier 1975
Remember when kids believed in ghosts Van Luchene 1969
Report of Inspectionof Camp Willow Springs, April 1868 Edmonds, Vivian 1968
Return teaching to the schoolteachers Veatch 1975
Return teaching to the schoolteachers Veatch 1975
Sacred ram of the Navajo Van Valkenburgh 1945
Saddle mountain - collector's paradise Vargas 1955
Saddle mountain - collector's paradise Vargas 1955
Saddlebag Vote 1968
Saddlebag Vote 1974