Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Corporate bankruptcy in Arizona Verrill 1976
Crime, economics and public policy Vanagunas 1977
Cud-chewing supper club rates high with patrons Vaughn 1956
Destination: back country Van Campen 1969
Diary of a desert trail Vail 1970
Diary of a desert trail Vail 1970
Diary of a desert trail Vail 1970
Diary of a desert trail Vail 1970
Do Southwestern quail require water? Vorhies 1929
Don't knock on a hogan door Van Valkenburgh 1947
Ed Schieffelin's last strike Vincent 1952
Education extraordinary Vaughn 1949
Enrollment projections Vanselow 1975
Ernie Garcia: nice (smart) guys can finish first Vonier 1986
Excavations at Brazaletes Pueblo, 1971 Valerach, Valerach 1971
Excavations at Brazaletes Pueblo, 1971 Valerach, Valerach 1971
Excavations at Brazaletes Pueblo, 1971 Valehrach 1971
Extension Division State University meeting with great success and filling a place much needed Vosskuehler 1922
Farm workers union needs protection under NLRB Vargas 1973
Farm workers union needs protection under NLRB Vargas 1973
Father Kino, the light of a savage world Vassar 1963
FBI bust jars movement: stakes get higher for radial environmentalists Vanderpool 1989
FBI bust jars movement: stakes get higher for radical environmentalists Vanderpool 1989
Feeding of Micrurus Euryxanthus, the Sonoran coral snake Vorhies 1929
Flint Singer returns to the underworld Van Valkenburgh 1947
Flint Singer returns to the underworld Van Valkenburgh 1947
For a Hollywood stunt man, weekend fun Van Buskirk 1966
For a Hollywood stunt man, weekend fun Van Buskirk 1966
Four season along beautiful Oak Creek VanCampen 1970
Game birds in the university collection Vorhies 1943
Greed acres Van de Voorde 1990
Greenlee County Van Campen 1967
Guide to the photographic archives of the Bisbee Mining & Historical Museum Vaughan 1989
Harvest camp in the Navajo forest Van Valkenburgh 1939
Haunted silver Van Valkenburgh 1948
Haunted silver Van Valkenburgh 1948
Haunted silver VanValkenburgh 1948
Heat and radiation in cancer therapy and diagnosis Vanselow 1975
Heloderma suspectum, automobile tourists and animal distribution Vorhies 1929
Hidden canyon of the Aravaipa Van Campen 1965
Highway salvage archaeology near Hunt, Arizona Vivian 1967
His compass was a burro's tail Van Valkenburgh 1947
Hopi domains, a lexical approach to the problem of selection Voegelin 1957
I never feel safe. Vance 1974
I saw the red ant chant Van Valkenburgh 1943
I watched the gods dance Van Valkenburgh 1944
In almost every town Vance 1969
Indian jewelry --- the real and the ripoffs Vonier 1975
Indian jewelry --- the real and the ripoffs Vonier 1975
Indian water rights and the National Water Commission Veeder 1973
Indian water rights and the National Water Commission Veeder 1973
Inscription at Hwoye Spring Van Valkenburgh 1941
Inspiration I Vickery 1945
Interpreter to the Navajo Van Valkenburgh 1945
Interpreter to the Navajo Van Valkenburgh 1945