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Article Title Author Last Name Year
Linguistic diversity among the Navaho Indians Reichard 1945
Little leaguers 'play ball' Ridge 1958
Living Christmas trees for the desert home Reynolds 1956
Living Christmas trees for the desert home Reynolds 1956
Living history at Lee's Ferry Rusho 1968
Local sports fans: are they "pro" enough for professional sports? Rinehart 1966
Lonely landmark Ridgway 1962
Look to destiny Riddick 1975
Lose the lottery, save a buck Rushton 1990
Lost ledge Rodriguez 1973
Lost mine of Coconino Richardson 1950
Lost races of Arizona Robinson 1893
Lost races of Arizona Robinson 1893
Lost treasure of the Irish cavalier Rasmussen 1951
Lovely lady and a ghostless ghost town Ridgway 1955
Lovely lady and a ghostless ghost town Ridgway 1955
Lure for wildlife Riddell 1949
Mail order burros Robinson 1955
Mammoth manhunt Ridgway 1963
Mangas Coloradas: King Philip of the Apache nation Raymond, Stewart, Brandes
Mankoweap Valley in the Grand Canyon Resser 1930
Manzanite, the Jekyll and Hyde of the Arizona hills Ready 1963
Marble Canyon damsite Reed 1951
Marble Canyon damsite Reed 1951
Marketing the citrus crop Rockwell 1912
Markets to the south: a look at some socio-economic aspects of Sonora Rivera 1963
Mary Page Handy and the lawyer who dared to defend her Roberts 1989
Mary Page Handy and the lawyer who dared to defend her Roberts 1989
Meet the Sidney Smiths Rosling 1931
Mesoamerican Indians in the early Southwest Riley 1974
Meteor Crater Russell 1931
Minority-group poverty in Phoenix; a socioeconomic survey Roberts 1973
Minority-group poverty in Phoenix; a socioeconomic survey Roberts 1973
Miss Petite International Ropp 1974
Mission Guevavi: excavations in the convento Robinson 1976
Mission Guevavi: excavations in the convento Robinson 1976
Mission in the valley Reed 1956
Mission in the valley Reed 1956
Model customers get free food and lodging Ridge 1958
Model customers get free food and lodging Ridge 1958
Modern residence patterns among the Navajo Richards 1963
Mogollon field trip Ransom 1959
Mohave County lawmakers Rober
Money for growth Rosefsky 1969
Moo and the Hell's Hole Tom Reed 1953
Moo and the Hell's Hole Tom Reed 1953
More lives than a cat Ridgeway 1961
Mother Earth Richardson 1968
Mother Earth Richardson 1968
Mums in desert garden Reynolds 1956
My father likes to laugh Ridgway 1963
My father likes to laugh Ridgeway 1963
My pupils were the people of Navajoland Renslow 1957
My teaching experiences with the Navajo Rawls 1953
Mystery Cave cursed by evil spirits Richardson 1967