Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Strip-mine regulation and reclamation: an attitude survey Reddy 1974
Suckers Ring 1989
Summer garden zinnias, marigolds Reynolds 1956
Summer in Tucson Rogers 1933
Survey of life insurance buyers in metropolitan Tucson Roos 1958
Survey of the population and economy of Arizona Robinson 1959
Swank hostelry of 1900's makes way for clubhouse Ridgeway 1953
Swank hostelry of the 1900s makes way for clubhouse Ridgway 1953
Swansea, an Arizona ghost town Riddle 1975
Symbols in sand Ring 1972
Symbols in sand Ring 1972
TAA making long-range planning work Riddick 1976
TAA making long-range planning work. Riddick 1976
Tagged for delivery - but to where? Rigby 1967
Tale of the Lost Dutchman Mine of Yavapai County Remen 1975
Tamarisk in the back yard Reynolds 1955
Teacher with a talent Rorke 1961
Teachers take a Birching Robinson 1962
Teahouse on Oak Creek Rigby 1961
Teen-age editor of the Patagonia Provoker Ready 1965
Teen-age editor of the Patagonia Provoker Ready 1965
Tempe: the aches and pains of a growing college town Rice 1957
Ten acres in the Salt River Valley Reaves 1911
Terraces and abandoned channels of the Little Colorado River between Lamp and Cameron Rice 1974
The "Gunsmoke" of channel 8 Ropp 1974
The "Gunsmoke" of channel 8 Ropp 1974
The 1958 election in Arizona Rice 1959
The 1966 election in Arizona Rice 1967
The abondonment of the Sna Juan region Reed 1944
The amazing adventures of a good woman Rochlin 1973
The amazing adventures of a good woman Rochlin 1973
The Americanization of Satsay Rubin
The Apache Kid Raine
The Apache medicine ceremonies performed over the daughter of C 30 Reagan 1904
The Apache medicine game Reagan 1904
The Apache medicine game Reagan 1904
The Apache stick game Reagan 1903
The Apache Trail Reed 1952
The Arizona cattle ranch Reed 1963
The Arizona cattle ranch Reed 1963
The Arizona Federation of Women's Clubs, a brief sketch of its birth, progress an activities with a forecast of its future usefulness Ross 1916
The Arizona wheelchair games Ropp 1975
The beast who came to feast Ryan 1976
The big snow of 1967 Rider 1976
The big walled walk Rockwell 1971
The board meeting Rineheart 1967
The Bucket of Blood and other stories Remen 1975
The Carefree caper Rinehart 1967
The Casa Grande calendar holes Reaves 1969
The Casa Grande calendar holes Reaves 1969
The Casa Grande valley Rathbun 1927
The case of medical hypnotherapy Ropp 1974
The Chiricahuas of Cochise Rice 1930
The city school Rose 1928
The community investment in new industry Ringstrom 1952