Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Scouting with Colonel Shafter in 1882 Mazzanovich 1932
Sedona plans open house for Halloween spook Megargee 1958
Seeking the lost Adam Matthews 1899
Seeking the lost Adam Matthews 1899
Self-liquidating shipyard MacMullen 1944
Selling Arizona Products in foreign markets Morgan 1965
Separation marks; notes on "The Worst Rapid" in the Grand Canyon Marston 1976
Separation marks; notes on "The Worst Rapid" in the Grand Canyon Marston 1976
Separation marks; notes on "The Worst Rapid" in the Grand Canyon Marston 1976
Serenity reigns inside Moyer 1954
Seri bands Moser 1963
Seri blue Moser 1964
Seri Indian figurines Manson 1961
Serpent worship among the Navajos Matthews 1898
Set 'em up in the other alley! Mahoney 1965
Shall America be developed? The truth about the Colorado River pact Maxwell 1922
She has no time to become bored Megargee 1958
She sews a fine seam Megargee 1958
She tamed the prickly pear Mogargee 1960
Sheep Crossing formation: a new late Cenozoic epiclastic formation in east-central Arizona Merrill, Pewe 1971
Shepherd's lost bonanza Mitchell 1955
Shoot-down at Sun Devil gym Moyer 1966
Shooting it up in Mayer, Arizona Moore 1959
Short Creek story Maloney 1974
Shortcut to Rainbow Bridge McClary 1939
Shorty's sorrow Marquise 1965
Shorty's sorrow Marquiss 1965
Should we fire our game technicians? Morgan 1951
Should we fire our game technicians? Morgan 1951
Should we know all the facts about civil defense McDonald 1962
Show and tell in Guaymas McClain 1977
Show low and win Molthan 1971
Showers of gold Moore 1961
Shrine of the three babies Muench 1943
Shrine of the three babies Muench 1943
Shrub without a fault Moore 1960
Sick, sick saguaro Moore 1962
Side road from Black Canyon Moore 1961
sighting six in '76 Meyer 1976
Signs to point the way Moore 1961
Silk screening is an easy hobby Megargee 1955
Silver mine of the old Opata Indians Mitchell 1950
Sixteen days in Apache Pass Mulligan 1958
Sixteen days in Apache Pass Mulligan 1958
Sixteen days in Apache Pass Mulligan 1958
Sky Harbor, a real jet-age port! Mulvehill 1962
Slate mountain volcano-laccolith Mintz 1942
Slavery in the West Murdock 1972
Slavery in the West Murdock 1972
Snakes alive, look at this! Moore 1955
Snakes are show biz in Prescott Megargee 1960
Snow carnival Mutchinson 1961
Snow trip prerun: Santa Catalina snow go Munday 1965
Snow trip prerun: Santa Catalina snow go Munday 1965
Snow trip prerun: Santa Catalina snow go Munday 1965