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Article Title Author Last Name Year
Observations on Coccidioides immitis found growing naturally in soil. Madde 1965
Obsolete already McCarthy 1973
Old Bill's belfry bats Myers 1956
Old books bring a gleam to his eye Megargee 1958
old bricks Moore 1959
Old crime revisited McLain 1953
Old crime revisited McLain 1953
Old Crown King Morgan 1974
Old Crown King Morgan 1975
Old depot at Skull Valley gets new life Morris 1974
Old depot at Skull Valley gets new life Morris 1974
Old Fort Bowie Muench 1958
Old Fort Lowell in 1881 Mazzanovich 1930
Old Roman relics? Scientists are still puzzled by archaeological discovery of 1924 Mahoney 1956
Old time Arizona sheriffs M'Kem 1976
Old World' students tour Arizona's 'oldest world.' Metzong 1958
Oleander, the beloved villain Moore 1960
Olive culture Munger 1913
Olive profits Munger 1913
On Apache trails through southern Arizona McClintock 1918
On Apache trails through southern Arizona McClintock 1918
On location with an Indian basketweaver Morris 1975
On the desert's dusty face Moore 1962
On the estimation of the sizes of local groups in a hunting-gathering environment Martin 1973
On the estimation of the sizes of local groups in a hunting-gathering environment Martin 1973
On the trail to Keetsell Muench 1942
Once it was a town Merwin 1966
One Navajo's view of Navajo tribal government Martinez 1970
Onyx Marble in northern Arizona McKee 1946
Open House at Heard Museum Mahoney 1958
Open-air education in Arizona Mez 1926
Operation Bootstrap achieves success through teamwork Megargee 1957
Operation cleanup Moore 1958
Original colors preserved in fossil seashells McKee 1947
Ornithological aspects of Merriam's 1889 studies as viewed 75 years later Monson 1964
Ornithological aspects of Merriam's 1889 studies as viewed 75 years later Monson 1964
Ornithological vocabulary of the Moki Indians Mearns 1896
Our Chinese-American heritage Mahoney 1956
Our Chinese-American heritage Mahoney 1956
Our Chinese-American heritage Mahoney 1956
Our depressed children Mayhew 1975
Our Italian-American heritage Mahoney 1957
Our Italian-American heritage Mahoney 1957
Our Italian-American heritage Mahoney 1957
Our man in Ghana Mahoney 1963
Our vanishing miniature monsters Moore 1958
Our varied spiritual horizon Moore 1959
Our varied spiritual horizon Moore 1959
Out there with the paranormal Malone 1971
Out where the Copy begins Martin 1968
Over the Verde Rim Moore 1963
Pageant of the future MacRae 1927
Painted dolls of the Hopi tribesmen Mattmueller 1957
Painter of the West Maxwell 1937
Paired cities on the Arizona-Sonora border: comparative land use in Agua Prieta-Douglas and Ambos Nogales McCleneghan 1965